New event needs to be in game

I don’t know, I had 0 disconnects while grinding my 40 levels.

Tuning happens, and none of the rest have anything to do with polish, but you do you. In my opinion, Plunderstorm was very polished on release, and I’ll be happy if Pandamonium is equally well polished.


“Long grind” bro i got renown 40 in like three nights of playing


People were literally asking for it to be over within an hour.

People do this and then come to the forums to complain about no content.


It’s fine to enjoy it but no lifing it for three days straight doesn’t mean it’s fun, universally enjoyable, or not a grind.

We are aware that people completed it within three days. Those people are free to act like they just casually got it done, but they didn’t, and it’s obvious.


“I had 0 disconnects, so it didn’t happen” anecdotal evidence is not evidence of anything. Polished games do not need to change how the whole leveling system works, or not even save your camera settings, or mogs. Also, the fact that PvPing in the first 2–3 minutes basically guarantees that you will lose due to being behind in levels and abilities, sure does sound like a polished game to me.

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My biggest concern is that it doesn’t matter what blizzard does anymore, they could release the same asinine game modes and people will spit shine their shoes with a “thank you, sir”.

We see it now with plunderstorm, it’s gotten terrible feedback and all the people posting about it say the same thing; I hate it… But I played it just like blizzard wanted me to because I like dress up".

Well, you are free to continue having that opinion…and I am free to disagree. So again, I hope that Pandamonium is as well polished as Plunderstorm on release.


You can enjoy it all you want. But, that doesn’t mean there aren’t valid criticisms about how this event was executed. You’re not the majority, we’ll see what the majority think in 3-4 weeks when people are done with their renown grind, which is the reason a lot of people even slog through this sad excuse for a BR.


I never said I enjoyed it. I said it was well-polished. If you read my post history you would find that I have been highly critical of the event, but that doesn’t mean I won’t praise what I consider to be the good parts…which in this case was it’s polish on release.


Now I’m curious, what do you consider polished? Because I consider this far from polished due to exploitative gameplay, bugs, lag, imbalance, spells not picking up half the time and having to click them 3-4 times for it to actually work, or the fact that 1/5th of the lobby runs into the storm or dies immediately after doing their captain’s orders. I’m not even being sarcastic, I actually want to know what you think makes this game polished.


I love this lololololol.



Yeah, I’m going to keep using it.


Players running into the fog to avoid PVP has nothing to do with polish. That’s all about efficiency and avoiding PVP.

I never had any issues with bugs or lags, but since you claim to also have had disconnects (which I didn’t have)…it may have been your internet.

Your definition of “exploitive gameplay” is clearly different than mine

Tuning happens all the time in every game, so that doesn’t change my opinion of polish

And I figured out how to quickly pick abilities by my second game, I’m not sure why you had lasting issues

So again, in my opinion, it was well polished on release.


Exploitative? Like what?

For an entire game mode that was completely internally tested, this is probably one of the most bug-free updates Blizzard has ever released.

Played dozens upon dozens of games, never experienced any lag.

Blizzard has never been known for being good at balancing, but compared to everything else, the game mode is extremely well balanced.

A bit annoying, you just have to get close enough.

And that’s their fault, not Blizzard’s.


Yeah, just like raiding and M+ and PvP… right?


From a does it work perspective, Plunderstorm is very polished. The devs should be proud of releasing a completely untested game that mostly worked. The people at Blizz that told everyone it was a DF patch should feel bad for lying, but the people that created it did an excellent job. It was probably the smoothest game launch Blizz has ever had.


Even spamming F which is the default pickup hotkey doesn’t work half the time. Being that completely unbalanced on release(and even now) is something I consider unpolished, because they couldn’t have tested this stuff to polish it. Oceanic doesn’t even have servers, so they lag constantly and teleport around half the time, which means you can’t even hit them. There’s countless bugs like your barrel breaking even when you’re not near enemies or walls. Again, the fact that PVPing in the first 2-3 minutes actually screws both parties in a battle royal shows how unpolished it is. If you’re trying to win and you have to PvP in the first 30 seconds, you’ve already lose whether you win that fight or not. That is not polish

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I mean, I think it’s pretty fair to assume that a patch -for- WoW would involve a game mode within actual WoW.


LOL i love all of these people with the clear hyperbole posting on alts.

Its just trolling at this point.

M+ and PvP are actually inside WoW, the game we pay for. This is a completely separate and different game, so your whataboutism doesn’t exactly work, now does it?