Hey, everyone!
Not a bite, but this could be one of the best things of two decades, even if you will add them in Midnight.
Hey, everyone!
Not a bite, but this could be one of the best things of two decades, even if you will add them in Midnight.
New race for Midnight hopefully. Finally a new race that’s actually interest and not just another version of an existing race or ugly lizards.
I’m 100% down for Ethereals.
Wow rude…
The politically correct term is “flat lizard”…
I’ve wanted them since vanilla
The way they move is so cool
Busy comforting the poor lady Dracthyr…I think? Some of em might be dudes
Supposedly their big boss is a fella named Phase Thief Azir, curious if the same person who hired the nexus princess will desire something from Gallywix.
Is that the Nightborne model?
Oooo those look awesome
While i’ll always want Ogres first, i’d def play an Ethereal IF they were playable
$20 says they are vendor and transmog models for undermine. We’ll never get playable ethereals.
why would anyone want to play this garbage toilet paper person
Several months back didn’t they data mine Goblin and Etheral raid stuff?
We’re getting the Goblins stuff in 11.1, and I think the story is going to lead into Etherals for 11.2
I don’t think playable race, but possible dungeon/raid assets.
Asks the void elf.
I can’t help but notice that one of the biggest issues with races people keep asking for is ironically that most of them barring Naga, centaurs, etc… tend to not have FEMALES.
Ogres? All males. Ethereals? All male at least visually, some have feminine voices but no real difference otherwise, Saberon? Again, no females.
You’re a void elf. You’re basically a Blood Elf who grew up with Etheral posters in their bedroom.
This model update gives them 2 different body types, so that issue is not there anymore.