New endgame content

Hear me out. Hour+ jumping puzzles where if you make a mistake you have to start all over again :joy:

Do you mean mythic raiding specifically?
As flex raiding currently allows normal and heroic raiding for groups as small as 10 people.

It’s only esports to me past +15, that’s the max ilvl cap of gear that you can get and that’s all I care for to reach in DF. Anybody who goes tryhard mode beyond that is their own deal. I’m not gonna play leaderboard just for a score.

They do these every expansion, most of the people ask for it never do it.


Considering that a lot of people don’t like jumping puzzles and find them frustrating, it’s perplexing that they’ve decided to increase the emphasis on those in world content.

I guess that too, but I feel that 10-man raiding isn’t “optimal” or whatever.

I have rarely ever seen 10-man raid groups over the years. I feel that a larger number is better for these flex groups.

I just miss 10-man static raids, is all.

Karazhan (original) and Ulduar 10, ICC 10 Hardmode, etc.

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It’s possibly not optimal, but then again it never really was. At least now smaller number raids aren’t punished in both quality of rewards as well as quantity.

Larger groups definitely allow you to pick up more group buffs easily, but I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of the larger raids these days are simply just because flex raiding allows that flexibility of just adding extra members that are interested if available.
It significantly reduces the organisation and commitment required on a group of players.

Original Kara is still one of my favourite raids. Loved that back in the day.

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whats this I didnt hear about anything like this being added

Yes. Normal raiding gear. Horrors! A player who does enough world content by the end of the season should have a full set of normal raiding quality gear.

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No? Because this isn’t some platformer game lol. Why should we have to change every concept of the game because people don’t want to play what the game has to offer? What use would having platformer gear do?

Yes, you’re exactly right! While we’re to it, why don’t we have roleplayers and lfrers have mythic raiding gear all for logging in?

They did add jumping puzzles at one point in WoD and it did not go over well.

I mean, WoW has the most end game activities of any mmo other than raid or pvp. FYI, Vanilla all the way for many expansions was ONLY raid or pvp. Blizzard has added things in expansions like Mage Tower, Warfronts, IEs, Scenarios, Torghast, those Visions in BfA, etc.

I don’t get how jumping puzzles would even be considered end game stuff since you could do them at any level and with flight they are pointless.

IMO they give plenty of end game stuff currently. This is what pretty much all mmos do. Maybe mmos aren’t for you if you don’t like 90% of the end game because any mmo you go to will have even less than WoW has to offer.

Sorry, I think you may have missed the sarcasm implied by the “crying with laughter” emote.

I was having a laugh at the equivalence of a “competitive” jumping puzzle compared to a M+ dungeon. As obviously an hour+ long jumping puzzle is a ridiculous notion, like it would literally have to span an entire WoW zone and probably then some.

Or just raise the m+ timers to 2- 3 hours .

Depends on the jumping Puzzle. Some Jumping puzzles can be very hard and annoying and loooooongggg to a point if you fail you start over.

Why would you care? How would that negatively impact you?


How come no one ever mentions something like Suramar in Legion. It was endgame questing/story content you could progress thru and unlock new areas and abilities tied to the zone. This to me would scratch that solo endgame itch many people have. That in turn would facilitate a gear progression that goes beyond the pitiful world quest ilvl’s.
Furthermore it would be something even raiders i believe would enjoy doing when not doing raids. Lets face it raiding only takes a few hours each week to do, and being someone who has done both raiding and solo stuff this would give more interest to play.

I agree with you but I’ve learned that people did not like Suramar in the slightest, which is baffling because I think Suramar is one of the best-crafted zones and stories they’ve ever done.

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I hated Suramar about as much as everybody hates the maw…until they added flying and I could skip everything. That made it better.

While this question kind of puts an exclamation on how much should be handed out for something like jumping puzzles, gear is kind of thrown at players anyways. What would it hurt if the gear was good enough to allow entry into LFR? Perhaps 1 weekly quest or 2 semi weekly quests?

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In addition to the elemental invasions that we’re getting with prepatch (which I think are continuing into Dragonflight proper? I’m not 100% sure on that) they also recently showed off Community Feasts, described as “one of the many new open-world activities”

Although the details on them are still unknown, if they do reward gear that sounds exactly like what people like OP want…just not gear on par with raiding and M+. That’s an absurd ask. Give people gear strong enough to get into that content, but on par with it? Absolutely not

Open-world gear is good enough to allow entry into LFR. In SLs it has been within 5 ilvls of normal raid gear (with the exception of season 4)