New Email Mentions the Soul of Azeroth

I’m sorry to just link a Wowhead article, but this just came out.

It looks like Azeroth’s soul will be involved in this expansion after all, and the Jailer will go after it, like Herald Dalora’s dialogue implied. Maybe the Jailer boss fight will involve him trying to consume the world soul.


If they do some such nonsense like “Sargeras’s sword was actually a Mourneblade and it’s Azeroth’s soul fragment that is powering Zereth Mortis under Zovaal’s control which is why Azeroth was in pain and having nightmares thereby weak against Old God attacks”



It too obvious. Which means that’s what they’re likely going with :wolf:

Sargeras did turn from Green to Reddish Orange and his Sword’s Red-Colored Fel does resemble Revendreth Death Magic so…

Also this isn’t GD!

You can just link wowhead articles about new lore info, ain’t nobody gonna report you

Or links otherwise


Ardenweald story sets up the Mawsworm consuming the souls of Loa to become empowered. If you consume the soul of a God you gain thier strength and memories etc.

Zorvaal want to consume Azeroth’s Soul. Even the Titans knew she was special, she’s the “most powerful and unique Titan” acckrding to them, whuch means she may not even be a Titan at all but a First One.

The 3D printing room is interesting because the same thing but on a smaller scale was seem in Uldir to 3D print Old Gods. The Titans may have been trying to replicate how to re-originate the Universe.


I just said I was sorry cause it’s low-effort, hehe.


This is the Story Forum we can sink waaaay lower.


I understand the concern about low effort posts, because they can come off as an advertisement or spam. But wowhead is a bit different.

Wowhead is independent of Blizzard, but they are pretty tight. It is a decent collection of relevant information to the franchise. And Blizzard even suggests going to that site for further information. It is almost universally recognized by the Player base and Devs as a legitimate site for WoW related things. Such as new information.

That is why linking it isn’t thought of badly. I think Blizzard directly links to them in some parts of the website.

On the other hand, I personally object when people just post a link to a Streamer’s video in some low effort advertisement spam. I rarely flag other posts for content, but I do flag for Spam/Advertisement when I see those. For what little good it does. I think it is great that Blizzard has “Flag for Advertisement” as an option, because that is the only reason I consider using the Flag system.


Honestly wowhead, mmo-champion (when it is news related) and wowpedia are okay to straight up link. These are sites that the community and blizzard themselves are mostly fine with. Mainly wowhead and wowpedia. And most of the time, WoWhead / MMO-champion get to the point in their news articles. Unlike say most streamers that like to pad out their videos.


Given everything that’s happened in-universe, and the increasing likelihood of Sylvanas becoming the new Arbiter :face_vomiting:, I wouldn’t be surprised.

Nah, Sylvanas will reforge the Helm of Domination and become the Banshee-Lich-Quaine. But due to budget cuts there won’t be a fullscale cinematic. Instead, it will just be a snippet of the Shadowlands cinematic played in reverse showing the sky mending and her pushing the helmet back together with her brute strength.

Then a poorly lip synced Bolvar will say “She really did set us all free.”

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How is it increasingly likely that she’ll become the next Arbiter?

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That was a theory being kicked around in Patch 9.0; one I also considered likely (though hoped it didn’t happen). Then, in Patch 9.1 we have the Primus talking about needing something to replace the Arbiter’s sigil, and we know how much the Shadowlands relies on anima. And now the reveals we’ve gotten about Patch 9.2 show Sylvanas travelling around with us, state that Uther’s going to try and help her and that there’s a new afterlife being made in the forge on Zereth Mortis.

Maybe I’m grasping, but together those points and more add up; remember, Sylvanas becoming Arbiter is something I absolutely do not want to happen.

Sylvanas becoming the Arbiter sounds like a combination of Kerrigan becoming a Xel’naga in Starcraft and Illidan getting to stay at the Seat of the Pantheon as Sargeras’ jailer.

Does anyone know if you need to do the Chains of Domination story to be able to do the new zone?

Just curious because I really haven’t touched them, been mostly grinding the Callings to get to Renown 80 :wolf:

I don’t know. I think you may have to do certain chapters. Perhaps they’ll actually remove some quests from it.

By the way, has anyone actually gotten this email? How do you get this stuff?


I have it, I don’t know how though, I think I might up have signed up for news from Blizzard along time ago? Heck, they have been sending me emails about Hearthstone, Ow and Diablo.

The story timegating is with the renown. If you stay caught up with renown you should be fine.

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Thanks hun. I’m at renown 68 at the moment, but I hadn’t actually done the stories you know? So I was a little worried. Because I do want to see how 9.2 plays out. CoD just didnt interest me like the covenant stories did

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All the covenant dailies now awarded catch up renown. 70 you get a new mount. It’s an easy catch up. I’m like 2 weeks behind. You are only one week behind me. We can both get caught up before 9.2