New Email Mentions the Soul of Azeroth

True true. And 9.2 is a long ways away yet. Probably wont even hit PTR until sometime mid 2022 anyway :wolf:

Well on the plus side, there’s like zero chance Zovaal would end up being An’she or Lo’sho… right?

I mean if Azeroth is the Earth Mother, a first one, they wouldn’t write him killing her to fuel the omega forge of life and death?

I mean…this is blizzard we’re talking about, the dumber and more obvious it sounds means that they will go through with it or at one part actually thought of going that route :wolf:

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I love how you are lowkey calling a theory I made after months of lore and mythological research “dumb and simple” when it’s anything but. I understand why this theory would not make sense but it’s not dumb, it’s based on the ancient egyptian myth of Shu, the son of Ra. If ancient mythology is dumb then I’ll throw my own diploma in the trash with Aki’s. Lmfao.

I was referring to Rezs idea…so back off okay? No need to be hostile towards me for something I didnt even comment on. I don’t even know what your theory is to begin with

That idea was supposedly leaked from 4chan. Once it was posted onto the forums, I remember that a moderator closed the thread, and edited the post saying that the leak was false. I don’t remember what the original thread was called.

Thank you for explaining. Given the current lore, I think that leak about Sylvanas becoming Arbiter is looking increasingly accurate.