New dungeon lore and classes

I actually agree on that but I feel if we had an actual set up for the dungeon as part of the main campaign it would be a retread of The Rookery dungeon in some respects. Because like the rookery it is a “these people that should be helping us have turned evil” dungeon. Meanwhile for Stonevault the reveal happened during the campaign itself.

Honestly I feel like the Dawnbreaker should have been the leveling dungeon from Hallowfall with Priory being the max level one. Hell you actually go to the area the Dawnbreaker is stationed at to fend off a nerubian attack in the main campaign. So instead of the random air ship we have going into Azj-Kahet it is the Dawnbreaker. We use the Dawnbreaker to fend off a Nerubian / Order of Night attack on Mereldar (the dungeon) then use that same air ship to launch a counter attack. Only for it to be a trap.

It is honestly weird when something like that happens. When a max level dungeon feels like it should’ve been part of the leveling experience. Shadowmoon Burial Grounds in WoD for example (alliance). Or even WoD UBRS.

That was a response to comment we had never gone before that patcb. Meaning night elves close connection is no longer just them because now we have all been

So that wasn’t the Emerald Dream I went into to get some Acorns during Wrath?
That wasn’t the Emerald Dream I used to move Fandral Staghelm from his prison to avoid the Twilights Hammer?
That wasn’t the Emerald Dream I saved from Xavius and the Nightmare? for the acorn quest.

What we need exists only in the emerald dream… acorns that are infused with a powerful restorative magic. Many places in this sacred glade are closely tied with the dream, and my shrine is among them.

I will send you into the dream to recover one of these acorns. for the Fandral prison move

Fandral Staghelm is bound by powerful spells. He won’t be able to escape you, even inside the Emerald Dream.

Beware, though, for all we know the nightmare has spread to this part of the world inside the dream.

Obviously the Xavius reference is the Emerald Nightmare raid from Legion.

Then there are druids who had a fast travel system in the Emerald Dream (this is also where you fight Ysondre and her Nightmares in the Emerald Nightmare raid)

In BFA we enter the Emerald Dream to help fend of a void invasion (crucible of flame questline). This is also where we destroy the void flower that Ysera’s ghost? tried to lead us to at the end of the Emerald Nightmare raid.

Worgen players journey with Tess into the Emerald Dream by Goldrinn in the Worgen heritage armor questline.

There is also the max level campaign from Dragonflight launch where the Primalists invade the Emerald Dream. This is the one where we bring Ysera back from Ardenweald, for a limited time anyway.

Point is, saying that 10.2 is the first time we have ever entered the Emerald Dream is flat out false.

You know mentioning the max level campaign from Dragonflight Launch that involved the dream, Warcraft wiki incorrectly says that ysera was brought back to help us combat Koroleth. Koroleth dies in the leveling campaign, not the max level campaign. Ysera was brought back to help us defeat Rymek.

The error in question

With the help of their centaur, adventurer allies, and former Aspect Ysera, the greens defeated the Primalist leader Koroleth and scattered her forces, making the portal safe once more

In fact this page makes no reference to Rymek and his attempt at getting Amirdrassil’s seed. It just skips straight from the Ohn’ahra plains leveling campaign to the 10.2 campaign.

My theory was always that priests represent faith and mercy, while Paladins represent judgement and authority. So creatures infused with fel, death or shadow could become priests and practice the faith. Because the light was always accepting to those who wanted redemption, but would only reserve authority/judgement roles for those who haven’t heavily dabbled in alternate forces.

This isn’t a perfect explanation. After all, clearly evil groups like the Scarlet Crusade have paladins despite being undeniably evil, just because they had faith in the light, or at least the ability to harness it. We’ve also seen undead NPCs wielding paladin powers. So there’s some holes in that theory, but I believe it could’ve been patched up with a few explanations. What I liked about it was how grounded and believable it made everything, how there were rules and conditions that were logically consistent in-universe.

You could’ve also used “conversion” to explain why other races would have paladins. Since no one preaches more fervently than the converted. But then you’d expect to see changes in them to reflect that, like glowing light parts of undead, or an orcs’ skin losing the green coloring.

Lightforged Dreanei was really disruptive to this theory, obviously. But with Calia being a “Light Undead” and necromancy just being a way magic is used rather than magic itself, you could kind of make a case for it. But you’re already stretching it. I know “Lightforged” doesn’t automatically mean “Paladin” but damn if it ain’t close. Literally infusing your entire body with the power of the light and declaring yourself a soldier of it.

Lightforged Warlocks completely through everything out the window. Biologically they should be able to wield Fel whatsoever, or at least using fel should take away their “Lightforged” attribute. But nope, you can wield two completely contradicting and hostile power sources in you at the same time no problem.

Void and Light were opposites but they at least had a mutual relationship that bound them together: without one, you can’t have the other. So “Twilight” or “Shadow” wasn’t too far fetched. But Light and Chaos are fervently opposed and have absolutely no dependency on each other so there really is no reason they’d ever work together.

But apparently, I’m wrong because I don’t write for the game. I guess Light is just a mindless energy source you can harness like any other. You could just wield all six primordial forces and juggle them like toys if you wanted.