It seems the new cathedral dungeon opens up undead paladins pretty easily dont you think? Its kinda wild we have had 3 major zones with classes feature yet they havent been unlocked…only warlocks.
Primalists = easy to allow shaman to all races
Visiting emerald dream = easy to allow druid to all races
Now we have light zealots (alrdy easy to add to all races) that include undead.
Those were specifically light raised undead and we have no clue if they even had minds
You technically can play as an undead blood elf paladin already, and shadowlands introduces us to a Death infused Naaru.
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Nothing will ever be dumber or more lore-breaking than Lightforged Warlocks so the syk’s the limit for race/class combos.
The druid case is a stretch. 

We’re always helped the night elves with their Emerald Dream problems. 
They’ve been undead paladins in game since Cataclysm. You can find them amongst the Scarlet Risen in Tyr’s Hand.
I always figured that’d be the more interesting route to take to justify their inclusion. As you’d have a neat little arc about the Forsaken’s worst enemies eventually becoming one of their defenders.
No, not necessarily.
It opens the idea that there’s more like Calia out there.
Forsaken Paladins are a touchy subject IMO, but if Blizzard just goes ahead and does it without any sort’ve lore to tie it together I would be disappointed.
That’s the thing about Race/Class combos that aren’t just “Guy with axe”, these classes actually has a unique basis just due to what they are.
For example, Shamans aren’t just guys with elemental powers, they’re animistic
That is just the lore side of things, for these classes also require some sort’ve visual implementations such as a unique mount for each race that gets Paladin for example.
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We never went to the emerald dream though
We’ve had confirmation with the Forsaken heritage quest of Light-powered Necromancy, or for those who have’nt done it… Calia.
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You didn’t maybe… we just spent a big chunk of the last expansion there.
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Lightforged Warlock I can see happening after the legion fell but not with the lore we got.
Lightforged had demons fight with them like the dreadlord guy and Illidan. Using fel and demons for their own causes seems possible. The lore we got was dumb af tho
would be cool if it was like .
"Some Lightforged feel inferior in their faith if they are less skilled at actual light magic. Those that rely on warrior skills or arcane power to match their enemies sometimes felt inferior to the paladins and priests. A few Lightforged tried warlock magics to prove to themselves they can dominate the demons in a different way, while still serving the light in faith.
Subjugating demons to the lights cause was something a paladin or priest could not do and made them feel useful. However it was usually just done as a novelty act and to show the dominance of the light. Few actually grew strong in this path until meeting up with the Warlocks of the Alliance, who helped to educate and fill in some of the gaps in the knowledge of the Lightforged.
Light-Necromancy? kek
The guy who wrote the story for this dungeon should be fired.
If you can’t even read a few Warcraft Wiki articles, you shouldn’t be allowed to touch the lore of Warcraft.
We already have it with Calia. This has been lore for almost 5 years.
There was still a small chance that it was just a Naaru trick and she was actually a revived Lightforged.
Otherwise, Calia has been a walking lore abomination for five years.
Repeating the same mistake doesn’t make it any better.
Light can resurrect and reanimate.
The reason the Light causes pain to Undead is due to what raised Forsaken and Scourge: Revendreth Death Magic!
The Light harms any Venthyr who walks into it’s presence. The Nathrezim themselves draw on the same Magic that the Venthyr use which tells you all you need to know about why their Undead are harmed by it.
Calia and Arathi Undead are Undead reanimated by the Light itself!
The Light is not Life Nature Magic so why should it be subject to Life Nature Magic’s rules!?
It’s because undead have their souls only partially attached to them, that’s why the light causes them pain. And it eventually revitalizes their senses and they will eventually feel the maggots crawling throughout their bodies
The Light Undead of the Arathi have no Maggots and are merely emaciated with the parts that once rotted away replaced by Light Elemental Matter.
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What precisely makes her a “lore abomination”? The fact that she’s a zombie animated by the Light? D+D set that precedent years before. In fact the main “gods” of the Elves of Eberron are a group of positive energy liches.
She wasn’t thrown in out of empty cloth she was mentioned all the way back in the RTS.
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Now I wonder if paladin chargers are actually fully resurrected or are just lightforged undeads.
“necromancy is necromancy”
there can be undead raised by basically any magic. also undead wielding the light has always been a thing this was just the next logical step
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