New dungeon lore and classes

lightforged skeleton horse would be cooler and matches the rest of the undead mounts

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I said that, because the original paladin mounts were undead horses (including the class hall one from legion) that got “restored” by the light.

Now the light is able to do true resurrection, but the horses being lightforged undead also work.


wth is eberron?

No, she wasn’t. Her first mention was in the novel that came out with Wotlk, but it doesn’t matter, she was fine as a human in Legion.

If the foundation is poor, the house is crooked.

Yes, that’s the error. And it started with her.
“Necromancy” with light, nature or spirit is just a resurrection.

It’s not.

“In the physical universe, the souls of the undead (Forsaken, death knights, or ghouls) are imperfectly attached to their bodies; the dark magic that sustains them is a buffer that prevents their souls from properly joining with their bodies. This is why undead feel only faint sensations of pain or discomfort from most physical stimuli, and why the Light is so painful to their existence.”

Doesn’t make an inch of sense when the magic is the light itself.

Lightforged Death Knights were what broke the barrier, not the warlocks.


how old is that? cause it hasn’t worked that way since at least wrath when the concept of undead paladins was implemented

There is additional information for undead light wielders:

When undead channel the Light, it feels (to them) as if their entire bodies are being consumed in righteous fire. Forsaken healed by the Light (whether the healer is Forsaken or not) are effectively cauterized by the effect: sure, the wound is healed, but the healing effect is cripplingly painful.

A large universe builds lore. You have to stick to this lore.

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that was directly retconned, now using the light makes undead wielders “feel alive” again, their senses come back at full strength so they feel the maggots in their skin, taste the rot in their mouths, ect. it hasn’t burned the user for a while

you do not get to decide what the lore is, Blizz does, if they say that lightforged undead are possible, then they are. full stop


Undead Paladins have existed since Vanilla, feel the need to raise this

If anything the whole undead in that dungeon further solidifies that Necromancy is something that even the Light can do when wielded to do so.


This is from the same source and simply describes the healing effect in more detail.
It burns, it hurts, but it heals - if used as heal spell.

I don’t decide what lore is. But I do decide what good lore is.
Good lore is consistent, meaning it does not contradict old lore.

Undead aren’t literally ‘burnt’ by the light (unless the Light is being wielded to do so.) when used as a healing spell it causes a burning sensation and it hurts, but it does overtly heal them.

This direction where Undead wielding the Light don’t have severe consequences is mostly because the Light was overtly changed to be the counterbalance to the Shadow where as Nature magic is the counterbalance due to it representing Life.

This was established in Chronicles and was doubled down on in Shadowlands.


no, you don’t. You decide what lore you prefer, the same as the rest of us.

which, it doesn’t… at all
Undead have ALWAYS been able to wield the light, being raised into undeath by it (or anything else) wasn’t even a stretch


Meant that.

Yeah, sure. Except for narrative errors, of course. Those can be objectively determined.

I’m not arguing against that, but rather against necromancy through light.

The fact that the undead can use light does not imply that light can be used to raise someone as undead. There is no causality.

That doesn’t apply to Calia… Calia’s necromancy was a team effort of Priests and cosmic beings trying to give her the best outcome possible she doesn’t feel pain from the Light.

The Forsaken however were animated as Scourge and the aim there was disposable cannon fodder. That’s foundation for envy and mistrust that was addressed in the formation of the new Desolate Council.

Has been a lore point since WoD tbh (Even further back tbh)

We’re established that other schools of magic can use Necromancy we have examples of Void Magic, Fel Magic, Arcane Magic, Nature and Light all doing it.

They’ve made it pretty clear for awhile Necromancy is something ‘ANY’ power can theoretically achieve.

To clarify the lore for this goes back at least ten years at this point so they’ve been PRETTY consistent on this since establishing their definitive sorta powers of the cosmos chart. Prior to that we were basically in the dark on what can and can’t do what outside of a very dubious and now non-canon series of RPG books.

Yes, but then she’s not undead by definition. As previously stated:

Note that fel/arcane was the same before chronicles (or still is? not sure about the current state tbh).

She most certainly is… her body isn’t biologically alive, it’s animated by energy only Light as opposed to Shadow. But she got the First Class treatmet as opposed to the Forsaken who only rated Steerage.

No, the Drust and by extention, the Kul’Tiran druids, are Death Druids.
Thats just not how it works

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I hear you, but because it contradicts the definition of undead or the “nature of undeath” (as described in the previous sources) and the way a light revival works, I call it an Inconsistency.

Drust magic is death magic, isn’t it?
Do the Thornspeakers actually use this?

I guess Callia Menethil doesn’t exist despite clearly being Undead.

And Chronicles has been around longer than the actual RPG book that used to define a lot of lore prior to Chronicles so… (It was also made Non-canon even before Chronicles came out back in like 2011.)

Fel/Arcane hasn’t been the same for a VERY long time.

See the Drust.

Yes, that’s what I’m criticizing.
She shouldn’t exist like this.

Why is death magic nature?