New dracthyr classes

If he did mean this, then the word he used was incorrect. He should have said models rather than animations if that was the case.

I sure hope not because that’d totally ruin the entire point of having a dracthyr.

You mean to tell me Ion “formerly a lawyer” Hazzikostas said something in an interview that is completely contradicted by the game’s own files?

The whole thing really makes me scratch my head at why they bothered making the Dracthyr as well. Their whole schtick was they by being combined with the Evoker, they were going to be a “playable dragon” fantasy.

Plus, they can’t even wear armor, which is a HUGE motivator for playing the game.

It doesn’t seem like there is a clear, cohesive vision.

The original playable Dracthyr were evoker, but there have been npc Dracthyr of other classes for a while now.

Animations for all classes but DK, druid and monk are allready ingame and can be previewed on both the wowhead dresser and even ingame using the photo mode of the Narcissus addon.

Animation for death strike, dk casting (the famous lich king sword pointing pose), druid casting animations, and some missing animations from other classes like their own original 2 handed sword idle pose, shield guard/slam poses, off hand strikes animations were added on TWW beta patch and can be previewed on the Beta version of the wowhead dresser.

Basically the only classes still missing animations on Dracthyr are DH and Monk.

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Not really, the visage forms of the dracthyr are still different from the blood elf/human models

The evokers should be able to do it too because it doesn’t take away from people who like the dragons (all 3 of them lol)

As long as we have the choice of which form to use I’m all for it. But if they force non Evokers to be in Visage form most of the time, and in combat, I will be super disappointed. Probably won’t bother making one.

I’m going to make a dracthyr monk once I’m able to or on the off chance they allow it a dracthyr Druid.