Blizard is a small indie dev company they have only a few dozen dollars to worth with. As such they cann’t afford to give dracthyr more classes any time soon.
Ion said it wouldn’t be at launch, but “early in the expansion”. My guess would be 11.0.5 or 11.1
Thinking I’ll roll a blue Dracthyr Mage.
blue dracthyr mage, a black dracthyr shaman, yknow an earthwarden. What would red be? priest?
As the wardens of life? I’d say Paladin, but I don’t think Blizzard is willing to put in the effort to make more Paladin charger mounts… so, yeah, probably Priest.
Available classes and justification.
Warrior: Black Dragons.
Hunter: Green Dragons
Mage: Blue dragons.
Rogue: Black dragons, maybe bronze (there is also rogue dracthyr npcs)
Priest: Harder to justify but I’d say Red Dragons, maybe Bronze.
Warlock: Hard to justify but black dragonflight perhaps.
Paladin: Hard to justify, highly unlikely.
Druid: Green dragonflight.
Shaman: Black dragonflight.
Monk: hard to justify other then all races have it now. Green dragon for mistweaver perhaps.
Demon hunter: Impossible to justify not going to happen.
Death Knight: Unlikely unless there is a lore explanation given for new generation of death knights.
We assume, we don’t actually know. It’ll entirely depend on what animations they can get done in their timeframe.
Dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge
Maybe not that entire list, but they said awhile back that certain classes are standard to all races. Like I would bet all my gold that Dracthyr will have warriors, hunters, priests, mages, and rogue.
They’re male blood elves and female humans, they already said they won’t be in dragon form all the time.
Probly only when you use the racials
Not planned for launch, but “early” in The War Within. Maybe during Season 1?
I think Priest and Paladin could be “justified” through the Tyr’s Guard since Tyr is a close friend of the Aspects. Well, Alexstrasza and Nozdormu, anyway.
I don’t think Dracthyr are going to get Shaman, Paladin, Druid, Death Knight, or Demon Hunter, though. I don’t think Blizzard is willing to dedicate resources for the additional assets for those classes.
Which is all I’m saying. Because the interview specifically says they have to work on a lot of animations for them.
I wish we would’ve just gotten Drakonid for those classes. They already have the animations.
Technically, dracthyr also have like 95% of the animations (if not more) and have since before DF launched.
Not according to Blizzard’s interview.
According to the files that have been in game since pre-patch, most of them are done.
Then I call shenanigans on the interview! Unless there’s something we don’t know about. I dunno.
Yeah, the interview definitely shows that Ion still lies, or he has no idea what is going on development wise.
Then he lied. Because you can go to wowhead right now and see they have animations for all classes except for monk.
Yep, and I would be 100% fine not getting monk if it meant all other classes (excluding pally / shaman / dk / dh) for now anyways.
It would make no sense for them not to have druid but i can see blizzard glossing over it out of laziness.
Race with inherent connection to the dream, currently connected to a class with emerald dream abilities. They should absolutely be druids.
Unless by “animations” he meant druid forms, totems, and/or charger