New DPS number are in from wowhead!

Someone in your group needs to have logged and uploaded the run. Most of the time that doesnt happen, then the run is just an entry without an actual log behind it. So only the 4 out of 80 for you have an actual log with it.

Wait wait, I thought all the ones on warcraft logs were runs that someone logged, I mean how else did they get there?

No, they get them from Blizzard, same as Raider io does. If you have your keys listed, on the right says it gives you the source. “Leaderboard” means theres no log behind it, “Log” means there is.

So the majority of keys usually isnt logged.

Mind blown, I could have sworn that some runs didnt get on warcraft logs and I assumed that was because they werent logged by anyone.

This tier set for BM is beyond terrible, maybe a 400 dps increase on the normal one if we are lucky. I literally do the same damage before I had 4pc as I do now with 4pc from normal. This is an absolute joke.

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They. Don’t. Care.

Reroll or unsub.

I’d suggest Warlock. 2/3 specs are 2/3s of the top DPS in Raid and they are dead easy to play. You also can get into pug raids at low ilvl because of all the utility you bring.

Also, they aren’t super squishy like Hunter.

My 240 lock? 1.5K HPS on H Halondrus.
My 260 Hunter? 600HPS on same fight.

My raid stopped letting Hunters go deep for Skolex because they take too much damage.

git good at other hunter specs bro
i enjoy all three hunter specs.

learn to play the other specs maybe?

BM hunter has to deal with ranged mechanics and considering melee mechanics are easy :joy:

Good BM hunters don’t drop frenzy stacks.

bm hunters are almost dead last in raids we need a single target buff.

Single target spec not performing well in an 11 boss raid with only two single target fights.

BM tier does need a buff though.

Also read what you link.

    • Specs that are considered underpowered are generally played less and tend to appear weaker than they actually are.

100% correct bm beast cleave is where its damage is at bm heeds major single target buffs.

BM single target isn’t even bad. BM is on the bottom for three reasons

  • 1: BM is a single target damage oriented spec. With the raid tier only having two out of eleven bosses pure single target fights a spec that’s single target oriented is going to perform peer.

  • 2: BM tier bonuses are extremely weak compared to the Marks and Survival 4 set. Compounded by the fact that Marks and Survival 4 set gains even more value with more targets.

  • 3: BM a lot of the fights have lots of small windows with lots of adds. Think Anduin with the Lich King phase and the kings mourne groups.

knowing blizzard all they would do is give another 5% damage buff across the board and maybe a kill command,cobra shot buff.

otherwise i would even expect them to do what you suggested.