And BM hunter is tied for last 3! Good job guys! No longer just DEAD last!
BM belongs at the bottom because there is no outplay potential to the spec and its easy/generally recommended for beginners. With that said. Nerf demon hunters as well.
Says the fury warrior
He’s a tauren… doesn’t that make him a furry warrior?
Fury warrior is middle of the pack on damage in the current mythic raid.
If pressing buttons (any button) as fast as possible is a skill then Fury is the skill champ spec.
Scroll down to Actions Per Minute and bask in the glory of your carpal tunnel overlords…
nobody is saying that.
BM hunter has one of the easiest rotations AND is not punished by movement nor has to deal with melee mechanics. The well thought out argument in response was “says the fury warrior” which is an alt I haven’t played since start of .2 lol.
So is that why BM is near the bottom on Halondrus, the fight where its mobility should be its biggest strength? Mobility is seriously overrated. BM pays a cost for it being a spec that completely lacks burst outside of borrowed power. Those classes that have lower mobility usually rely more heavily on their cooldowns and then if they have to move outside of them, it doesn’t really impact the overall number that much.
And then what about fire mages? They’re just as mobile and as easy to play, plus they actually get a big bursty cooldown, yet I never see people really complain about that aspect of them.
The things people say when they don’t understand something.
Here’s the thing…
- BM’s rotation isn’t any easier than half the specs in the game, because they’re all easy. Some specs just have more cooldowns they press every 30-90 seconds.
- BM’s rotation has a tight window for keeping Frenzy stacks up. Losing Frenzy stacks results in a massive DPS penalty until stacks are rebuilt.
- There are so many mechanics that interrupt the BM rotation and result in that massive DPS penalty - stuns, fears, intermission phases, etc.
- If you think running out of stuff as melee is so difficult, maybe you should be playing a ranged spec.
whataboutism is not an argument.
Where did I say running out of stuff is so difficult? I said BM doesn’t have to deal with melee mechanics. I raid with a spriest & survival.
stuns fears and intermissions effect every class… but BM not as much as say a balance druid in a venthyr CD window, a warlock, a mages rune of power etc. …except they aren’t punished by movement. BM does not lose a majority of their DPS like many other specs do.
literally spamming & tracking one ability requires a big forehead.
That right there is how I know you don’t know jack about BM. lol
Barbed Shot has a 12 second recharge and two charges.
Frenzy lasts for 8 seconds and stacks three times.
If you spam Barbed Shot, you get two stacks right away, but they fall off before you get another recharge to make it three stacks.
Spamming accomplishes nothing. Got any other gems I can make fun of?
So you’re just going to ignore the rest of my post?
And BM deals with plenty of ranged mechanics instead. If anything, the recent trend has been to give melee very little mechanics to deal with so you can bring more.
If they use their cooldowns when a boss intermission is about to come, then it’s their problem really and they should have planned better. Depending on timings, downtime is usually way more beneficial for specs that rely heavily on cooldowns as their damage is very limited otherwise and it gives them time to wait on them. On the other hand, a spec with a sustained damage profile, like BM, does not have means to recover the damage lost from that long downtime when the boss is active again. You have it backwards.
Hard rotation are much more the exception than the norm in this game in case you hadn’t noticed. Yes, a shadow priest can be hard to play. But mage, lock and balance druid? They’re not rocket science.
And it’s honestly a good thing for the game, because that means the barrier of entry is lower and the difficulty can come from the actual content. Compare WoW to other MMOs where rotations are much harder and you’ll notice that to make up for that, their content is incredibly easy.
are you really saying a boomie is less affected by mechanics during ravenous fury+incarn or a mage that has to leave their rune of power right after they drop it ?
While Frenzy uptime and management will guide your playing decisions a lot while playing Beast Mastery, it is not as significant as many people think, especially on a single target. The most common mistake that BM Hunters make is overcasting Cobra Shot, and undercasting Barbed Shot and Kill Command.
That’s absolutely not what I’m saying. Go reread my post. And make an effort to not ignore 90% of it again.
They’re saying every spec has to line up their long cooldowns to avoid those types of mechanics. BM included. You’re being disingenuous or just ignorant.
Again, you know very little about BM. Did you go lift that from some article somewhere? That type of thinking is outdated. The tier set prioritizes Cobra Shot. So much so, Venthyr is no longer a good covenant choice, because Flayed Shot procs compete with Cobra Shot tier procs for GCDs.
Not sure what else I expected. After you said Barbed Shot is spammable, you lost all credibility.
A Boomie, has a much harder time recovering their DPS if they get punished during a cool down than a BM hunter. There is less risk for the BM hunter in a fight and sure, if a boomie pulls off everything perfectly they should do more. A BM hunter will be more consistent across attempts/kills however with less of a variance and that is a benefit of the spec aside from tuning.
Arguing that intermissions affect BM hunters more is a stawman.
We’re not talking about cooldowns. Cooldowns need to be metered to not be interrupted by mechanics. I wouldn’t use Aspect of the Wild or Wild Spirits right before the boss hits an intermission or triggers a mechanic that might interrupt those cooldowns.
We’re talking about DPS in general. BM has to keep three stacks of Frenzy up for the entire fight. It lasts for 8 seconds and has to be refreshed with an ability that has a 12 second recharge(depending on haste). If it falls off, it takes ~12 seconds to stack it back up. In the meantime, we lose about 25% of our damage.
Even in sims, Frenzy uptime is not 100% and attaining a 90% or higher uptime requires a near flawless rotation.
Again, BM can execute their rotation from range while not having to worry about movement, this is a good thing. Maintaining Frenzy uptime is the min/max to the spec, and like I said, is not as significant as people think, especially on single target. (could also throw in focus management).
The fact that you keep saying Frenzy management isn’t as important as people think just shows even more that you don’t know what you’re talking about. You made an incorrect statement and now you’re trying to find any way to not be completely wrong.
Also, Boomkin is a ranged spec as well. I play a Boomkin on occasion. It’s not any more difficult than BM. Neither are Shadow Priest, Unholy DK or Elemental Shaman - all of which I play at a level higher than you play your Warrior.
If I’m being completely honest, I think the one advantage BM has over all the other specs that I play are talents - and I don’t even know if I would consider that an advantage.
BM Talents are lopsided. There isn’t much choice, as most of the talents are just hot garbage. Most rows have a very clear winner in all types of content. Boomkin talents aren’t bad, but still have situational use. However, Shadow Priest, Unholy DK and Elemental Shaman all have talent rows where you have to choose between AoE damage and single target.