yeah and they’re all horde.
Have… have you literally ever seen a dark ranger??? They DO have stealth. It’s a huge part of their kit. Rogues used to be able to use bow and arrows as well as melee which dark rangers do. They just focus on the bow rather than the melee.
Corruption is shadow magic. I want plague and horde of zombies.
Fun fact: In D3 people said necromancers would never happen because witch doctor covered that theme. Guess what happened (I’ll give you a hint, it ryhmes with mecronancer).
Your lack of creativity is pointless to me. There is as infinite potential for casters as for ranged, and melee.
Dark Rangers wear leather and cloth. Most of the dark ranger transmog is cloth except the horde you can get in the legion order hall. Actually dark rangers being in the legion order hall could be that bliz considers them to just be hunters. You can remake a convincing dark ranger pretty easily with a hunter. Just grab camouflage and do they still have Black Arrow as a talent option? Bliz seems convinced they’re just hunters. I’ve always seen them as rogues. But it’s blizzard’s game. Nathanos even said he survived vanilla wow by “playing possum” feign death is a hunter ability.
First off level squish isn’t confirmed. It’s a rumour. And our 120s becoming level 10? What exactly are you on? That’s not happening. Level squish would likely reduce levels in half. It would be us level 60 and the new level cap level 65 or some such.
Wrong. Sylvanas is not horde anymore.
Stealth would obviously not be part of their kit except as something akin to camouflage that hunters have or a temp stealth when they use banshee wave.
Play a Death Knight then.
Yea, and the Witch Doctor is so obsolete by it that they removed the Witch Doctor from Diablo Immortals.
The Necromancer in Diabo 3 is more like a Death Knight anyway.
Give me an example then.
Didn’t know the class was out yet. That is interesting. No reason why they can’t wear Mail.
No, Black Arrow was removed… Hmmm… I wonder why? Strange… Almost as if they are preparing for something…
And no, you can’t make a convincing Dark Ranger as a hunter anymore then you can create a convincing Warlock with a Mage.
That is grasping at straws. Any character could do that. Arthas hits stuff with his sword ZOMFG = Warrior.
I don’t care how or why we’re getting new DKs, I am just damn glad we can put to rest that ridiculous “nu-uh, nu dks r unpossibull cuz reesons,” nonsense.
So gonna be death knights 2.0? Where we break free of Sylvanas influence as dark rangers??? lol.
Okay but these are things you are 100% just making up that aren’t pre established in the lore for dark rangers like at ALL. Not all dark rangers are banshees either. So the banshee abilities don’t make all that much sense.
Okay see this is weird. It’s okay when you dismiss stealth of dark rangers being akin to camouflage (which doesn’t exactly help your point either. Either way it’s a mechanic of another class, and also not how the lore for them works) but when I want a caster death knight ya like naw brah.
If you want dark ranger play marksmen hunter and play pretend.
I obviously do play death knight. Not as much this expansion but it was my most played alt in legion. I’d like this, but clothie/caster. Thanks.
I refuse to acknowledge diablo immortals.
No, not really. It does have melee build choice sorta. But nothing like WoW death knights.
3 specs.
Plague: All about spreading plagues and inflicting dots. It would have several different dots which all spread to nearby enemies. Create aoe pools on the ground. Would do excelent aoe. In that way being essentially opposite of affliction which is heavily single target dots. It will deal primarily nature damage (which makes it strong against rogues). Would be good in PvP.
Undeath: All about raising hordes of zombies to overwhelm your enemies. Would also have a lich form mechanic. Perhaps after creating so many undead minions you syphon them up destroying them all and turning into a powerful lich temporarily. And then you reset the process.
Blood: You drain the life of enemies to restore a unique resource bar which can then be used to heal enemies. The resource bar starts at 50% and goes back there slowly from where-ever when out of combat. The damage isn’t extreme enough to make them needed. Mostly they’re siphoning off extra life essence they release while being murdered. They do have some solid attacks for soloing though.
See I did that in about… 5-10 minutes. Very easy. If I can do that it 10 minutes or less. A whole team and blizzard can figure it out in the entire time they have to create an expansion. Also may have already done so. (Which we’ll find out at blizzcon).
Because lore is a thing??? Same reason we knew demon hunters wear leather and death knight wear plate before they were playable. It was established by the lore and can be seen on the playable NPCs.
That makes me sad. But no that doesn’t indicate anything. Eye of the Beast was removed and we didn’t get anything special out of it. Just nerfed fun.
Idk you can make a convincing mage as warlock. Go destro, don’t have green fire, don’t use demon pets. There you’re a fire mage.
Except only hunters have a feign dead ability. Multiple classes hit things with swords. So that is innately a logical fallacy. They aren’t comparable. Even the Wiki points out how feign death is a hunter ability on his page. The wiki is officially endorsed by blizzard.
Considering the game’s target audience, it’s more likely that the WD is being removed for… ahem certain Chinese cultural values.
More like Illidan.
Sylvanas has Banshee Wave in HotS. Not making anything up.
So Mages stole from Rogues too huh?
No. Hunter is absolutely NOTHING like a Dark Ranger. Can Hunters teleport around as a Banshee? Can they Mind Control enemies? Do they have a DoT focused spec? Are they melee/ranged hybrid focused? No.
You do have a caster Death Knight: Warlock.
[quote=“Talathas-deathwing, post:86, topic:329762”]
I refuse to acknowledge diablo immortals.
No, of coarse not but the point is that it is different in that sense compared to the pure range Witch Doctor.
So Affliction. Seed of Corruption and Phantom Singularity is exactly what you described.
So basically old Demonology.
So you are gonna steal Drain Life from the Warlock and try to make an entire spec out of it.
Not hard when you already have a class that is exactly the same to copy off of.
Did you really just say lore makes it impossible for Dark Rangers to wear Chain Mail…? Please take this back. This is just stupid. Armor limitation is a game mechanic.
They removed that because it was a useless ability. Black Arrow was removed for the same reason Metamorphosis was removed. At least i think anyway.
That wasn’t the question. The question was: Can you make a convincing Warlock as a Mage? The answer is no.
I can feign death in real life.
I can only see 4 races form ap that could be death knights and that really pushing it. The rest are to discounted to make sense. Hey more faces being dk i am cool with that. Class restriction i do hope they reduce the limit. I love swtor because how many class were open to all the races. Made it so much fun to play.
Sylvanas IS a banshee. Not all dark rangers are banshees. Sylvanas is a banshee dark ranger. She is both. She can do that because she is both. Banshee wave isn’t a dark ranger kit ability. It’s a sylvanas kit ability.
At least invisibility is an actual proper cooldown.
Neither can dark rangers. Not all dark rangers are banshee. Just Sylvanas. Nathanos isn’t a banshee.
Priests do that.
That used to be old survival.
Current survival spec. Although they don’t dual wield which makes me very sad.
Nope. Warlock doesn’t use necromancy, very barely uses blood magic.
Which doctor had a melee build too. Actually kinda fun.
Not even remotely.
Old demo didn’t have 50 demons, and didn’t sacrifice any demons to use demon form. But in some ways yes. That is a theme that is no longer in the game. So it could easily be added with necro.
Sure. Not really but sure. It’ll be more like “Drain essence” which powers your secondary resource. Which will power your more potent heals.
Show me where healing warlocks with 50 minions and poison nature damage are. I’ll wait.
Yes it is. So when they are introduced to the game they’d have the same armour limitation that is commonplace of the npcs. They can physically wear chain mail. They just don’t. Early on bliz considering having demon hunters wear mail because we already had 3 leather wearers and only 2 mail but ultimately went with class fantasy over random armour type balance for the sake of armour type balance.
It’s not impossible for them to wear it lore wise. They just don’t. Same with rogues. Rogues aren’t running around in plate even though they can physically equip it are they? No they clearly are not. Lore-wise dark rangers prefer lighter armor.
It was a fun/utility ability that added depth to the game. Taking it away did absolutely nothing beneficial. There is currently no evidence that black arrow was removed because of a new class. Fel flame was also removed for warlocks. Plenty of abilities have be lost. Very few of them were taken away to give to a new class.
Yes. Just do exactly what I said in reverse and wear non class locked warlock sets. Super easy.
It’s a hunter skill in the lore/game of world of warcraft. And I highly doubt you can feign death the way hunters do. Hunters do a trick that actually exists in the real world where they purposefully slow their heart-rate to the point of being nigh undetectable. Without medical instruments you wouldn’t be able to know they were alive. It is very difficult to do and takes years, and years of training. Anyone can drop down on the ground. Not anyone can convincingly play dead.
It’d be a 4th generation of death knights. So there wouldn’t be lore limitations of time lock.
Question: Are you expecting a Necromancer or do you want one?
For all in-game references and lore basepoints, we have more than enough information, data and even backgrounds to separate warlocks, necromancers and death knights from each other. Headcanon and personal preferences aside, the source material exists.
Won’t matter, really. They’ll just do what they think is ‘best for the game’, even if it means some of us gets railroaded.
Being a warlock should give one a pretty good taste how that’s like.
And no, being vocal on the forums or rally a protest on their events won’t sway their decision - unless it affects their bottomline. Odds are, there’s more money to be made by introducing necromancers than not.
If we continue with shadowlands and death knight lore. I expect one. Would I also like to play one? Yes.
Truer words have never been spoken.
I just can’t see a northrend 2.0 or shadowlands expansion bringing in tinker. And like priestess of elune, and dark ranger I can’t see such a niche class becoming playable.
That’s true. Certainly necromancers are known throughout all fantasy mediums. They are incredibly popular. Blizzard can make any class unique if they really want to. But they’re gonna do what they’d profit for the most.
Either way these conversations are pointless. I’d be really disappointed of no new class but it’s bliz so that too is possible. But assuming a new class is coming necromancer is the most likely based on the information available to us at this time. I’d also like dragonsworn but that’s about as likely as tinker at this point.
Honestly 4th spec for all classes would be what I’d want. Some say well 12 new specs would be harder than 3. But that’s kind of debatable. Because one is 3 new specs of an entirely new class entity. The other is 12 specs that will branch off of pre-existing class identity and can share abilities and resources. Still I don’t find this particularly likely.
Honestly bliz could pull a fast one on us and we get another WoD a story that has virtually no obvious connection to the current path of the story except one single lore character. So honestly we have no clue what’s going to happen until they announce it. But I don’t think it’s unfair to assume that it’ll be shadowlands/death themed, maybe void themed. For all we know we get a void knight. Basically a shadow priest version of a paladin. We might get something never before mentioned in the lore anything is possible. Oh Bard! We could get bard. Honestly bard makes as much sense if not more than tinker. At least bard doesn’t clash with any existing profession and in theory in race could be that class. While tinker would only be a handful.
Honestly out of all of these I suggested I’d most like dragonsworn/dragon knight type deal. Necromancer would be second on that list. But I play everything so regardless of what is added I’d play it. I’ve yet to encounter a class that was fully and wholly boring or unplayable. I’ve encounter iterations of some specs that were like that but never classes. I mean we could get San’layn as a class instead of a race so a vampire race. Bliz is fairly unpredictable at times.
Blizzcon is in what 2-3 weeks? we’ll be seeing soon enough. Waiting incredibly impatiently. The last month before blizzcon when it’s almost certain to be an expansion reveal builds up A LOT of anticipation. If we’re getting any more allied races after vulpera/mechagnomes we’d probably find out then as well.
I would probably ditch my Warlock that i have been playing since late TBC for a Necromancer. Without a second thought if the Necromancer heals as well.
How can you honestly say the Dark Ranger is ridiculous and then expect the Necromancer when the next expansion is Sylvanas themed and they have been expanding the capabilities, lore and number of races for Dark Rangers yet have done NOTHING for Necromancers. Dark Rangers are the realistic choice clearly.
All you have done is try to take away any uniqueness from said Dark Ranger because “LOL! Blizzard isn’t allowed to come up with lore!”
They can easily just say that all Dark Rangers have Banshees inside them. Why the hell not?
I didn’t care to argue with your post because all your arguments are just crappy BS like “They can’t wear Mail because i said so even though i am trying to argue that they are LITERALLY Hunters…” < Funny how that last part works.
Maybe Necromancers are not as unlikely as i originally thought. But the way you seem to expect them isn’t gonna happen. What you described was literally an Affliction and Demonology knockoff. They are not gonna give them a “Plague spec.” As that is crapping on the Warlocks front porch after they would already have to prune, revamp and completely destroy Demonology and remake it into a spec about buffing a singular pet.
A Necromancer would likely only have 2 specs, a healing spec and a Skeleton summon spec.
Dark Ranger would probably only have 2 as well.
Citation needed.
They’ve been expanding Sylvanas’ abilities. She’s not just a dark ranger. She’s a “hero” unit. She has unique abilities. You also consistently conflate her racial abilities for her class abilities. I’ve been seeing dark rangers with pets like hunters since Cata. it seems since cata they’ve been trying to retcon dark rangers into a niche of hunter. A niche of hunter can’t be it’s own class.
I never said that. I said that all these new abilities aren’t dark ranger abilities. I didn’t say blizzard can’t come up with new lore, I said previous lore states otherwise.
Because that is absolutely contrary to the pre-existing lore and generally retconning is frowned upon. It’s blizzard so anything is possible. Also “banshee’s inside of them”??? You mean “Are a banshee*” Sylvanas doesn’t have a banshee inside of her. She is a banshee possessing her own corpse. She is relatively unique in that matter. The second most notable dark ranger and the first male dark ranged in canon Nathanos is not a banshee.
Dark rangers could wear mail. But lore wise they don’t/didn’t. However more recently blizzard has been seemingly trying to retrofit them into being just reskinned hunters. But if dark rangers were to be given mail than what noticeable difference do they have from hunters? At this point they’d simply be old survival spec made into a whole unique class. Seems a bit silly to me. Also plenty of hunters in lore wear leather too. It’s a gameplay mechanic to wear clothe. Honestly I think everything should be changed from the 4 armor types to 3. Light, Medium, Heavy. Hunters would be medium. So yes dark rangers could be given mail as a gameplay mechanic but you literally are asking for old survival as it’s own class and it’s pointless.
Not remotely. One of the specs used a system that has some similarities to old demo spec combined with new demo spec. Sure. But it’d still be a unique gameplay. I could compare affliction to spriest. What the difference there? They both do dot shadow damage?
Not a single one of warlock abilities has EVER been about plague or poison. Not once, not ever before. That is in no universe “Crapping on warlocks front porch” affliction does shadow damage. Not poison/nature damage. Affliction is not the same concept as plague. It’s magical affliction like curses, which is way different than plague. The only classes that have “plague” abilities are priest, and death knights.
Why? This seems 100% uneeded. I mean that could work with demo too. But the undead summoning spec wouldn’t look or feel like current demo at all. You summon a bunch of weak undead to swarm your enemies and then consume them to turn into a lich. That’s not how current demo works at all.
Necromancers in game tend to be seen using frost magic, poison-nature magic, shadow magic, and blood magic. Frost could be scrapped, or made into shadowfrost with the undead spec. But considering both fire mage and destruction lock is a thing it’s possible to give them frost too. Necromancers literally have the lore to support in theory 4 specs. Giving them 3 would not be difficult.
Might as well just give it one. Remastered old survival as a class.
Further evidence.
Omg yes please!
I think a 4th spec makes perfect sense with a revamp, the freezing blade is even 2h.
Our new Lich King has “the dragon’s fame”, he’s a new kind of Deathknight. Maybe these new races are the only ones who can use this DK fire spec, since they would be trained by the New Lich King, in his ways.
It could be a 4th spec, or maybe even replace one of the 3. I like the idea of a racial talent spec.
Are those self-moving goalposts of yours goblin or gnomish engineering?
Also, Necromancers would fit more as Priests than Warlocks. Warlocks specifically use Fel, which is completely different. Priests already swap magic schools in different specs. Plus, it would line up better with both Witch Doctors and Apothecaries for in-game lore to make Necromancer a 4th Priest spec.
Tank spec: full-time Mech suit.
RDPS spec: turrets, bob-ombs, rockets, traps.
Healer spec: Fire auto-inject healing potion syringes at allies. Deploy shield generators.
Artifice is a great foil to death magic. You can’t death a machine.
Actually, mail would be better lorewise. They did that because even Blizzard doesn’t understand WoW’s bizarre armour types. Look at Shaman in-game. They mostly wear furs and leather. What Hunter would want noisy mail armour while stealthily stalking prey? OTOH, the male Blood Elf Demon Hunter concept art has ACTUAL CHAINS hanging from his belt. DH should have been mail 100% based on what WoW’s mail armour actually represents, which is hardened leather.
Anyways, you two do a lot of back and forth, but the classes are really quite simple and distinct:
Rangers are Hunter-Priests, the way Paladins are Warrior-Priests. A Ranger is as similar to a Hunter as a Pally is to a Warrior. As in, not very much at all. Rangers serve different higher power depending on spec:
Dark Ranger- empowered by Death/Undeath/Necromancy
Light/Holy/Moon Ranger - empowered by the Light (Tyrande is a Ranger)
Shadow/Wild Ranger - empowered by a Loa/Wild God, like Shadow Hunters.
Necromancers are not Locks. Warlocks use Fel. Just because Fel is considered taboo “dark” magic, that doesn’t make it the same as necromancy. That’s like saying Shaman and Druids are the same because they’re both “natural” magic. Necromancers, if they are a spec and not a class, should be Priests. As a class, they still have more than enough area to work and be unique and distinct from Locks and DKs.