New cut scene confirms jailer

I don’t know, I’m thinking that they might go the route of Anduin becoming almost fully corrupted and being a raid boss.

I don’t know if that would necessarily mean he would remain corrupted or anything, though it does seem like that they might be pushing Turalyon as the new Alliance faction leader for more than just one expansion along with possible political divisions within the Alliance. The recent novel showed that there is a dark side to Turalyon and Alleria, and in-game, Mathias Shaw doesn’t seem to trust Turalyon or something.

They usually have faction leaders last at least two expansions before they get changed out with Vol’jin being one of the few exceptions to the rule, so Anduin’s ultimate fate is up in the air.

I could actually see them killing off or otherwise momentarily removing Anduin from the picture for at least a couple of expansions as part of fracturing the Alliance or something, especially as at the moment it’s Tyrande or Genn that people are expecting to die this expansion.

He may be the bad guy since we started to kill critters, but he does not belong to the Void.

Wow, you’re over a month late on that one.

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Except you have literally no idea what they’re doing so… tons of assumptions going on here from people who don’t know what they’re talking about since they’re not informed and/or work for Blizzard. :slight_smile:

That applies to you as well. lol.

Last night this thought came to me. What if…

Ve’nari is actually Margrave Akarek? When he sent Draka out with that message, he gave her a warning.

Remember when Draka said, “There could be survivors!” in the Shadowlands Afterlives: Maldraxxus.

There is no proof that Margrave Akarek died in that explosion. Look closely at the cinematic. Only one side suffered the massive explosion.

Just a thought.

This is so dumb. I hate this. Can this not be lore?

The Dreadlords have been around for tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of years sowing the downfall of innumerable worlds. To make them all agents of some random Vampire, who to be fair is a fun and charming character, is just such as a massive %%%pull from Blizzard to try to make Shadowlands more important than it is.

Just let Shadowlands be a more modern WoD - we’re going on a new adventure and it is paving the way for the next saga. It doesn’t need to tie into every single thing that’s ever happened in WoW.

Like, christ, the idea that the Legion was secretly part of the Jailers plan is so stupid, it is some of the worst writing I’ve ever heard of. It’s worse than some of the worst fan-fiction out there. Just let the Jailer be his own thing. Stop trying to make the Super Devil. We already have a Devil and we don’t need a Super Devil.

Denathrius is not a random vampire.

He is literally a God of Death.

Denathrius, the Primus, the Winter Queen, the Archon and the Arbiter are the Pantheon of Death.

Just like Sargeras was a member of the Pantheon of Order before he went rogue, Denathrius is a member of the Pantheon of Death.

So if you accepted before that Dreadlords served Sargeras, there’s no reason to hate it when it turns out they just served a different God from a different Pantheon.

I honestly find some beauty in the fact that Dreadlords turned out to serve Death instead of the Legion, because originally they were created as an Undead Hero unit in WC3. Being Demons instead of Death beings, I always found them to be a tad misplaced. Now that pet issue of mine has magically disappeared lol

He’s a pouty Vampire who talks a big game but got beat up and trapped in a sword by a band of “mortal rabble” when push came to shove. The term “god” applies about as much as calling Loa a “god”.

Comparing him to the guy who cleaved a planet in two seems questionable to me. Sire Denatharius is a fun character but making him some kind of 5D mastermind orchestrating the downfall of entire worlds just seems like too much to me. The one scheme we actually saw him directly responsible for ended up with us shutting him down half-way through and ending his reign. These lore snippets hidden throughout the world just seem at odds with the actual tone of the game and overall trajectory of the universe. Sire was a pawn - making him the leader of the Dreadlords is stupid and there’s very little that could change my mind in that respect.

I think you’re missing a tiny detail:

All Death Gods are severely weakened due to the Anima drought, even Denathrius (the guy who caused it). The fuel for Death Magic is Anima and Denathrius just gave most of his Anima to the Jailer.

Just like the First Ones made the Titans to take care of Order, they made the Pantheon of Death to take care of the afterlife.

The Jailer himself was described as a Titan++ threat by Blizzard, and he was in the Death Pantheon before they kicked him out for being evil.

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My interpretation of the cut scene after you get 15 memories is that he stole the plans and made forstmourne and the helm of dom - that it was from years before now.

And the later cutscenes of creating the new blades was current.

I rewatched it and confirmed that I still think this. The sword that pops up is frostmourne and the helm is the helm of dom.

For your theory to work, it means that cutscene is current.

My reason for thinking it is from the past - The runecarver is going on about “I will not break…I will not break”.

My impression from our quest is that the runecarver was broken, and that we “brought him back” to having hope.


I think we’re on different wavelengths here. The new writers can say whatever they like and force it to be canon. My perception is that of someone looking at the new lore in contrast to the old lore and whether it meshes, and in my opinion it does not. It seems stupid, over-the-to[, they throw words around to try to make the scale seem epic because Legion was popular and Legion was epic. Denatharius is a God because defeating a God is epic, even if he’s basically a Vampire with a talking sword.

I disagree. The start of this conversation was because you didn’t like it that it turned out that Dreadlords served Denathrius instead of the Legion.

Well, one of the first things old lore told us about Dreadlords was that they couldn’t be trusted and were highly manipulative. So learning that everything we knew about them was a lie to manipulate their own “masters” is pretty on brand with the OG WC3 Dreadlords as they were created.

Denathrius is a God because usually in most settings the afterlives are ruled by Gods, and Denathrius is the ruler of an afterlife.


This whole thing hurt to read.
Primus being the runecarver is speculation with information that may contradict it.

We knew the Legion wasn’t the source of Frostmourne and the Helm of Domination but that the dreadlords gave it to Sargeras to create the LK from Ner’zhul. Their origins were never known until recently

Lol What?

I don’t really have a problem with this per-say - obviously the Dreadlords have always been shadowy and sinister and their true motivations were unknown.

What I have a problem with is attributing their origin to Sire Denatharius. He’s just so… small. A plan hundreds of thousands of years in the making was orchestrated by a Vampire who lounges around in his castle shotgunning anima and taking part in “debaucheries and depraved acts”. It’s just absurd to me. I can’t think of a more disappointing way to close the loop on one of the longest running enemies in Warcraft’s history.

Blizzard needed to do more if they wanted to sell us on the idea that Sire Denatharius was the “heart of evil”. As it stands, it comes off as a total %%%pull.

I found the spirit of Nerzul sobbing uncontrollably in the Maw a while ago, y’know, since Blizzard cut him out completely to make this joke of a storyline actually work.

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I can’t ever recall hearing of a graphics bug. I’m an artist and I tell you, I’d notice, particularly if the two forms were representing the same character.

It hasn’t been confirmed if the Primus and the Runecarver are the same. All we know is that one disappeared and the other is a creature with lots of weaponsmith skills locked in Torghast for the Jailer’s benefit.

Didn’t we know this already? Didn’t Blizz confirmed that the artifacts were stolen?

I feel like we never got enough Ner’zhul. He’s been a thing since the Warcraft days and yet he was barely mentioned in WotLK and idk wtf he was doing in WoD. I know he was doing some Void stuff but that’s about it.

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I’m not saying a bug .

What I am saying is a couple of artist were possibly given a rough idea of a character or 2 characters that share similarities. One drew one with 5 fingers the other drew one with 4 . Both of these artist may have not been aware both could be the same character. It’s not like Blizz hasn’t messed up communications between say one story writer ( Stonetalon Garosh) and another (MoP Garrosh).

Same thing might be possible with a couple of artist.

Either way we probably won’t know until the last patch anyways.