New customizations for core and allied races

With the new customizations for Highmountain Tauren, Lightforged Draenei, Nightborne, and Void Elves in character creation for the 9.1.5, I hope we could see more new customizations for the other races.

That’s a good thing we have more customizations to create our hero to take on the dangers of Azeroth. So having more new customizations for the 9.2 or 9.2.5 would be welcomed.

So here are some suggestions from me:

Alliance Races:

  1. Human:
  • Asymmetric earrings for Humans
  1. Draenei:
  • The corrupted red skin color, the corrupted orange skin color and the corrupted purple skin color for the regular Draenei
  • The green eyes color for the regular Draenei
  • Broken horns for regular Draenei as you did it for Lightforged Draenei
  • Purple eyes color for the regular Draenei
  • Add earrings for the regular Draenei
  • Add Rangari style tattoos and paints for the regular Draenei
  • The corrupted red skin color + the corrupted orange skin color + the corrupted purple skin color + the green eyes color => These colors are only availabled for npcs (Man’ari Eredar). Adding them for the regular Draenei could finally allow us to roleplay a Man’ari Eredar. That could be a great addition for them and for the world of warcraft roleplay community.
  1. Night Elf:
  • Some new markings for the Night Elves
  • Some new headdresses for the Night Elves (crowns, flowers, Elune theme)
  • Some new earrings for the Night Elves
  1. Dwarf:
  • Some new tattoos for the Dwarves
  1. Worgen:
  • Add a tail option with varying appearance options for the Worgen (wolf tail)
  1. Dark Iron Dwarf:
  • More hair styles for the Dark Iron Dwarves
  • Some new tattoos for the Dark Iron Dwarves
  1. Kul Tiran:
  • Add body tattoos for the Kul Tiran (tattoos about the sea/sailor tattoos)
  • Some new beards for the Kul Tiran (bigger beards for a pirate style like Edward Teach for example)
  • Add an eyepatch option as a face customization (eye right or eye left)

Horde Races:

  1. Orc:
  • The yellow eyes color for the Orcs
  • The 2 or 3 grey skin color variations for the Orcs
  • Some new war paints for the Orcs
  • Some new tattoos like the Dragonmaw tattoos for the Orcs
  • The yellow eyes color + the 2 or 3 grey skin color variations => These colors are only availabled for npcs (Dragonmaw Orcs). Adding them for the regular Orcs could finally allow us to roleplay a Dragonmaw Orc. That could be a great addition for them and for the world of warcraft roleplay community.
  1. Troll:
  • Green skin for the regular Trolls (Darkspear tribe)
  • Beards for the regular Trolls
  • Some new facepaints/body paints for the regular Trolls
  • Green skin => This color is only availabled for npcs (Revantusk tribe, Zul’Aman => Amani’shi Scout, Dazar’alor => Revantusk Speaker, Witherbark tribe, etc). Adding it for the regular Trolls (Darkspear tribe) could finally allow us to roleplay a Forest Troll (as you do it for Sand Trolls/Farraki tribe and Dark Trolls). That could be a great addition for them, for the regular Troll/Forest Troll fans and for the world of warcraft roleplay community.
  1. Tauren:
  • Some new headdresses for the Tauren
  • Some new facepaints/body paints like the Grimtotem warpaints for the Tauren
  1. Blood Elf:
  • The red eyes color for the Blood Elves
  • The very white skin/grey skin color for the Blood Elves
  • Add rune tattoos like on the Burning Crusade Box Art or magister Rommath for the Blood Elves
  • The red eyes color + the very white skin/grey skin color => These colors are only availabled for npcs (Dark Ranger). Adding them for the Blood Elf could finally allow us to roleplay a Dark Ranger. That could be a great addition for them and for the world of warcraft roleplay community.
  1. Forsaken:
  • Some stitching options for the Forsaken
  • Beards for the Forsaken
  1. Mag’har Orc:
  • More hair styles for the Mag’har Orcs
  • Blue eyes for the Mag’har Orcs
  1. Zandalari Troll:
  • More hair styles for the Zandalari Trolls
  • Some new hair colors for the Zandalari Trolls
  • Some new eyes colors (including yellow) for the Zandalari Trolls
  • Some new tattoos for the Zandalari Trolls
  1. Vulpera:
  • Some new earrings for the Vulpera

Neutral Race:
8) Pandaren:

  • Add a tail option (nub and long) for the Pandaren males
  • Blind eye options for the Pandaren

I hope these suggestions will be helpful for you and we wil have some of them (mostly roleplay customizations for me :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:).

Thanks for these new customizations. I really hope we will have more new customizations for the other races in the next patch or other ones. :slightly_smiling_face:


Man’ari should be their own race in my opinion. They are way too different from regular Draenei, and could have Warlocks.


I’d like to add unlocking accessories for all races so guys can use jewelry and NE women can use the tattoos for example

I love your suggestions for blood elves and appreciate the sentiment for them to see an impactful second visual theme after losing visual uniqueness.

Heterochromia options for all races.

I also love the tattoos night elves got and blood elf culture has Farstriders so that would be nice to show.

And more diversity options for all races that received options to represent more diversity if that could be expanded on.

Upright forsaken posture options too, and hair for vulpera.

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Nice list. Would like to add tails for worgen and straight backs for their males, customizable Entropic Embrace for Void Elves with the ability to have no visual effect and including a racial to toggle the visual effect for as long as desired, and also hairstyles used by High Elf NPCs, or updating High Elf NPCs to use Void Elf hairstyles.


I thought they were listing the races that weren’t just worked on in the last update

As far as I can tell from the OP, they never stated that they wanted the thread to exclude discussion of races which received anything.


Oh, and I’d like to add afro hairstyles for Kul Tirans and Undead, at the very least. Female undead should also have a jawless option. One of the removed Blood Elf female jokes mentions a female undead with no lower jaw.

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Having VEs take a backseat for one customization pass isn’t excluding imo, no other races has benefited from two passes.

But to each their own hopefully things come in their own time


I have no power over who gets what and when. All I can do is ask for what I’d like to see, and let the devs decide when and if to add things. If they decide to keep updating the Void Elves piecemeal as they have been, that’s their choice.


Right, hence why if you read the OPs post they thank them for what has been done and proceed to list races that are maybe more immediate or obvious to update, no one was talking about VEs until you did but I am so glad to have this dialogue

:hugs: I’m happy to use my voice to try to highlight where there attention has gone and where it hasn’t

And like you said all we can do is voice our issues, of which this is one of mine.


Very true, but again, there was never any request to not discuss races that just got attention either. I for one think the Nightborne’s hand glow could use some touch-ups still to be brought in line with their NPCs, for example.

You’re more than welcome to suggest Void Elves wait a pass if you want. I’m not sure how effective that’ll be, since I imagine the Devs decide what can be added and when based on feedback. Either way, I’ll just keep asking for what I’d like to see, and it comes if/when it comes.

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For Pandaren the ability to have faction themed accessories or tattoos / emblems to play up their unique starting position of neutrality that no other race has would be nice as well, their another race that has been overlooked.

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  1. I would ask for the thin Kul Tiran model, but I am not convinced that that’s possible.

  2. I want more colors for Mechagnome appendages. I am thinking of red and gold, off the top of my head.

  3. Prosthetics for other races would be nice, but I really don’t want to steal from Mechangomes. There could be a questline to unlock permanent mechanization options. After all, they do offer mechanization to everyone on Mechagon.

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As much as I’d like to see this, I’ll have to object to this on principle due to the fact that a third draenei race would all but preclude the addition of the Broken.

And I really want the Broken.

I would also like to request they separate the facial scarring that can be seen on certain faces, put them in their own toggle-able option, and add a few more varieties. Exactly like how the night elves do it.

If they really wanted to put some effort in, they could come up with some unique monocles and eyepatches that Kul Tirans can select as part of their “jewelry.”

If you wanted to get memey, give them hook hand and peg let options to lean into the pirate motif.

And if they really really wanted to get nuts… void-based tidesage customization.

There’s a lot of potential here, if we want it.

Well, you know, I did not mean to impy that I actually wanted Man’ari. What I meant was that if Blizzard added them at all, they should be their own race. The truth is, I don’t think Demons could ever join either faction.

I feel like, as we’re sort of seeing with how things turned out with the lightforged draenei and highmountain tauren, it’s a lot of wasted work to create a brand new allied race for a race that is effectively characterized by having a unique skin. The lightforged are only now getting many of the same options (tail length, jewelry, new horns) that regular draenei got with Shadowlands’ launch, just with different skin color and slightly different hair options. As much as I like the lightforged, I’m not really sure they needed to be their own thing.

Highmountain just straight-up look like tauren. I can never tell them apart until one decides to use their racial to charge me.

If we want fel draenei, I’d say we should just open up the race to demon hunters and let those skins be class-exclusive options like what the night elves and blood elves currently have.

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Not gonna lie it’s nice to see a customization list without Void Elves on it for a change. :yum: :yum: :yum:


Void elves need new hairstyles, new beards, new jewelry, Alleria tattoos ect … :octopus: :purple_heart: :hugs:


Y’all want to turn this into a High Elf-Blood Elf war again? Keep it to your own threads, I say.


Man’ari should have been the Horde counterpart to Void Elves. It would have solved a lot of problems dealing with “hurt feelings”. imagine if all the drama you could avoid if void elf v blood elf threads never existed.

I also don’t think the Alliance should have some of the most powerful warlocks that have ever existed when they are currently dominating the cosmic representation.