New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

The void styles would still be an option though, so it takes nothing away and just adds options.


Iā€™mā€¦not takign anythign away from them?

Void Elves have hair styles already that donā€™t have tentacles. So an easy way to expand the hairstyle options is to recycle the assets by providing variants of the existing styles without tentacles. The player can choose for themselves if they want to use the tentacled, or non-tentacled variants.


Hell, the non-tentacled variants could also be ported over to Blood Elves as well while weā€™re at it.


Iā€™d love some of the current non tentacled ones to be for belves too.

So it appears.
ā€˜Letā€™s make Void Elves look even less like Void Elvesā€™ because we never wanted them to begin with.


The tentacles donā€™t even need to be deleted in most casesā€¦ just re-textured. Observe:


Oh, well there you go! Thereā€™s your path of least resistance for Blizzard - a simple retexture job that provides more options for Void Elves & Blood Elves alike.


I canā€™t speak for other people but as a Blood Elf player if I wanted void tentacles I would go play a Void Elf and not ask for their unique styles for Blood Elves.
sorryā€¦I misread your post. I thought you were suggesting blood elves get the tentacles.

Pretty muchā€¦

Options until they arenā€™t.

Like I said, I can only give feedback and my feedback is that I donā€™t think we need anymore helf flavoring at the moment, and if Blizzard wanted to thatā€™s really fine, but can we have some more void flavored new stuff before we get even more not void flavored new stuff for our void elves.


Iā€™m hoping Blood Elves get version of Void Elf hair like the above. That one on the left would be perfect for my Blood Elf Priest.

Iā€™ve seen more than a few Blood Elf players asking for the wavy-haired Void Elf hairstyles. shrug

EDIT: Just saw your edit. All good! :stuck_out_tongue:


THIS is the hairstyle I think many Blood Elf Female players really want from Void Elves:

It has no tentacles and looks really sultry.


Yes, Iā€™d love that for my belves.

The female Void Elf hairstyles are pretty great. I think theyā€™d look awesome on Blood Elves, too (without tentacles, of course). Iā€™m much less of a fan of the male ones. My feedback list for the male Void Elf hairstyles would be considerably longer. >.>


My only real wish for the Void Elf male current styles is versions of the receding hairline styles that arenā€™tā€¦ well receding. And Iā€™d really really like that new short hairstyle Blood Elves seem to be getting but I wonā€™t cry about it if we donā€™t.


Yeah Iā€™d love some of the new female belf styles, but I think if any are shared it would be the older ones, which is reasonable.

Donā€™t belves already have something very similar to that, or am I misremembering?

I donā€™t think Void Elves will be getting any of the ā€˜newā€™ Blood Elf hairstyles.

I mean I donā€™t think theyā€™re getting any Blood Elf hairstyles at all (or vice versa) - itā€™s just the skintones at this stage IIRC?

Iā€™d definitely like to seeā€¦even if it was only one or two of the original Blood Elf hairstyles getting ported to Void Elves, and vice versa.

You keep saying this. Iā€™m genuinely confused, do you actually think void options being taken away are even a remote possibility worth taking even the tiniest bit seriously? This seems like alarmism for itā€™s own sake.

For all we know there arenā€™t even any other options coming outside of what weā€™ve specifically been told. The chances are very high that if we do even get anything additional, itā€™s going to be small steps. One or two new hairstyles, maybe with tentacles, maybe without, maybe both. People are just talking about what they think they would like to see, and yes, the reasons why can be varied, and donā€™t need to confirm to one narrow lane of what a Void Elf ā€œshould beā€. Thatā€™s literally the mission statement of all of the customizations being added in Shadowlands for all of the races.


These are from a mod (that isnā€™t allowed by Blizz so donā€™t go getting it and trying to use it!), so you can see a bit what Void Elf hairstyles look in brighter colors: