Two things with this statement.
First, of course they are listening to all sides. I never implied otherwise.
Second, no one here (from what I have seen) is wanting to take away from Void Elves and nothing Blizzard has proposed does that. The Void focused options are still there for people who want them, Blizzard is not forcing anyone to play with the non-void focused appearances. They are however compromising and giving those who want High Elves OPTIONS to do so.
Indeed, and yet you don’t seem to want the other side to be heard from the content of some of your posts 
You really need to stop saying “we” and speak for yourself, anyway…
As you said, a lot of pro-HE wanted their own AR and the threads reflected that, however this was Blizzard’s choice and it looks like they have chosen instead to give skin options for Void Elves.
So, as can be seen in this thread and others, several who wanted an HE Allied Race have instead accepted this compromise on Blizzards part and are requesting an OPTION to hide the only major visual part of the VE racials that does not affect you in any capacity. No one is taking anything away from Void Elves, they are asking for an option for themselves SINCE Blizzard is going this route instead of a separate AR.
No one is saying that yall should stop asking for a separate HE Allied Race, the people asking for this OPTION are the ones willing to compromise because this seems to be the compromise Blizzard is willing to give.
Truthfully, I think they should be their own Allied Race with their own unique Racials, Underwear, Mount, Heritage Armor, etc. However, clearly Blizzard has chosen a different route. Again, continue to make your voice heard that you would prefer to have full on HE Allied Race instead but for the love of god stop trying to speak for others and stop trying to silence other’s voice because you are afraid your voice won’t be heard.