New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

(Observation): People being against things doesn’t have a very good track record. People were against Classic; we’ve got classic. People were against High Elves; we’ve got customization. People were against blue eyes on Blood Elves; they’re getting blue eyes.

(Suggestion): Instead of wasting your time making a paranoid spectacle of yourself, why not be more productive? Suggest additions to Void Elf customization that’s more void flavored?


strong textOh sure. I’ll ask for void elves to stay void elves all day, but people are going to hound you about it.

Never mind that people want to change the facials, the name, add high elf classics, talk about high elf customizations taking over, etc.

Like I said. They argue that it’s option until it’s no longer option.

Say your peace but at the end of the day, it’s in blizzard to decide the void elf story line. I just hope they don’t go too much farther with it.

Also, don’t worry too much about the MG poster. My read is he’s one of the few who thinks void elves should just be fully retconned out. Regardless of how he plays it off.

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i miss the old death coil heal

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I suggested that HE/ or half elves become playable or roll half high elves into void elves and show them with taking some corruption and roll the other half into the army of the light and diversify it to make it a true army of the light like lore said it was before argus.

I guess your right, so I’ll make this post and call it a night. it is late anyways. Nice chatting with you today with ideas and ways around taking VE away for HE’s

Like I said, they got customizations. I’m super happy for them.

But until blizzard actually starts changing void elf features or adding new huh elf lore to the official void elf canon, I wouldn’t let it get to you.


(Commentary): Unfortunately, that’s not the route Blizzard wants to take. Adding High Elf customization to Void Elves is the proof of that. Trust me, I agree with you that High Elves should be their own race with Half-Elves mixed in, but it’s not the direction the devs are going, unfortunate as it is.


After all this time Exacitor, I still wonder why they haven’t made you a MVP. Your post are just top notch.


Haven’t you got enough already?

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(Commentary): I am 99.99% certain one has to apply to be an MVP.


(Commentary): No. Not for an Alliance player to immerse themselves in the High Elf fantasy. More is needed. We’re close, very close. It’d be a shame to see Blizzard trip at the finish line, and we’re left enduring yet another two years of arguments on the forums. Best to get feedback in now, while they’re taking it so fast.


It will never be enough for certain populations of fandoms.

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They’re already getting basically everything while we’re losing everything that makes us unique and these people are still not satisfied.

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(Commentary): You’re losing nothing. Neither Blood Elves nor Void Elves are losing anything. Customizations, racials, class options, etc… Nothing is being removed.


Nah, nothing lost. Just a bit of their unique flavor and aesthetic. But they’re not high elves, so what does that matter.

Silly blood elves.


The notion that Blizzard would actively retcon Void Elves (or any other race, for that matter) out of existence is pretty wild, and I’m not sure why so many people seem to be taking any of that even remotely seriously.

It’s not a realistic thing for people to ask for (which also means it’s relatively harmless if people are actually doing that, just, y’know, don’t click on or read those threads and you don’t even have to engage with it), and it’s equally silly to get worked up into a panic over some “slippery slope” hypothetical coming to pass. That’s not how any of this works.

Customization options are being added. Nothing is being replaced, or taken away. If someone chooses to replace their current customization options that they have to have right now with the ones that are being added later… that’s their own personal choice to do so and is the entire point of additional customizations being added. Wildhammer customizations being added to dwarves does not suddenly mean Bronzebeards are being replaced, it just means that the people who wanted to play Wildhammers this whole time can do that now. Similarly, “High Elf” skin tone and eye customization options does not mean Void Elves are being replaced. You will still be fully capable of making your Void Elf look just as void-y as you currently can now.

Even if some kind of Entropic Embrace customization/toggle thing becomes an option (I seriously doubt this is in the cards), it’s still almost definitely going to be on by default, and it’s not going to be taken away from anyone who still wants it to be there.

They’re not going to change the name of the race. They’re not going to change their recruitment scenario. They’re not going to swap out Telogras Rift for Quel’Danil Lodge. Anyone expecting that or stressing out over that possibility are being equally silly.

Chill the heck out. If you like Void Elves as they are now that is 100% still going to be there for you. Their (extremely minor) involvement and representation in BFA is still going to be there. I also seriously doubt Blizzard is just going to stop having void-y Void Elves show up in places. You’ll be fine. Don’t worry about what other people want to think of their characters as.


We’re losing uniqueness. This doesn’t seem to be something you can grasp. I’ll explain it like a mathematician.

Uniqueness can be quantified as everything that makes a Blood Elf a Blood Elf.

If you are to assign numerical values to each element of what customizations make a Blood Elf and for every parity established between Blood Elves and Void Elves, you lose U.

For example—The actual model may be worth 50U—50%.
Each skin color option is worth 1%.

If Blood Elves get 3 new skins, but Void elves get those three new skins and all 8 (I don’t recall how many existing skins there are for non DH/DKs), it’s a loss of 11 for Blood Elves uniqueness.

We’ll have to wait until everything hits the alpha to survey just how much uniqueness is lost but I have an educated guess that it will be a substantial and uncompensated loss of uniqueness.


Hello, Void Elves are just Blood Elves or High Elves that are infused with the Void. A different name, but still either Blood Elves or High Elves


This is such a weird concept to me. Were you this upset when hairstyles got shared between races too? A lot of the Blood Elf ones went to humans and draenei. Did that make your characters less fun to play when that happened?


Why is being upset that the race you prefer to play in game is being robbed of a majority of what makes it what it is and is being served on a silver platter to the other faction hard to understand? Void elves already have a bunch of unique customizations (am I getting all their hairstyles, facial hair options, and skin tones on my Belves? Maybe 2 facial hair options lmao.) on top of all the ones being copied from Belves plus all of the new ones.

Hairstyles is not really a good comparison.

It’d be like taking humans, making them green, and giving them to the Horde, then taking all the human customizations and giving them to the Horde humans. Basically making humans a neutral race like Pandaren.

Man if Blizzard did that the forums would be on fire with cries of “Horde Favoritism.”

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Two things with this statement.

First, of course they are listening to all sides. I never implied otherwise.

Second, no one here (from what I have seen) is wanting to take away from Void Elves and nothing Blizzard has proposed does that. The Void focused options are still there for people who want them, Blizzard is not forcing anyone to play with the non-void focused appearances. They are however compromising and giving those who want High Elves OPTIONS to do so.

Indeed, and yet you don’t seem to want the other side to be heard from the content of some of your posts :thinking:

You really need to stop saying “we” and speak for yourself, anyway…

As you said, a lot of pro-HE wanted their own AR and the threads reflected that, however this was Blizzard’s choice and it looks like they have chosen instead to give skin options for Void Elves.

So, as can be seen in this thread and others, several who wanted an HE Allied Race have instead accepted this compromise on Blizzards part and are requesting an OPTION to hide the only major visual part of the VE racials that does not affect you in any capacity. No one is taking anything away from Void Elves, they are asking for an option for themselves SINCE Blizzard is going this route instead of a separate AR.

No one is saying that yall should stop asking for a separate HE Allied Race, the people asking for this OPTION are the ones willing to compromise because this seems to be the compromise Blizzard is willing to give.

Truthfully, I think they should be their own Allied Race with their own unique Racials, Underwear, Mount, Heritage Armor, etc. However, clearly Blizzard has chosen a different route. Again, continue to make your voice heard that you would prefer to have full on HE Allied Race instead but for the love of god stop trying to speak for others and stop trying to silence other’s voice because you are afraid your voice won’t be heard.