New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

They are also listening to ppl who don’t want VE to be changed into HE’s. Everyone deserves to be heard. We are asking pro-he’s not to steal VE for what they need. that is all.


There is a lot of things I would love to see. Some not just customisations.

Worgens, I would love to see them be able to be in combat while not in Worgen Form. As well as Worgens have tails.
Humans, I would like to see options on there bodies in terms of thigh thickness actually for the females.
Void Elves, as mentioned, more racials, tats, and options on the effect for the racial.
BE’s: Farstrider Tats and Dark Ranger customisations as well.

If players can still be all voidy if they choose to… how is anything being stolen?


Ion: “Void Elves are pretty much another flavour of High Elves”

In other words, Void Elves are also High Elves. Just the same as Blood Elves are also High Elves.


We start by taking away the visuals, then it’s ok by asking to change the name, then the customizations will then be asked to remove the void features. It’s a slippery slope bro.

(Commentary): And probably rolling their eyes that people every think there’s a chance. The Devs aren’t going to rename the race and force all Void Elves to lose their void racials, void customization, etc… They’re not going to delete Telogrus Rift or put in an entirely new recruitment scenario or anything.

(Query): “Steal?”

(Observation): The Developers are the ones who decided to make the High Elf fantasy a reality through Void Elves. Nothing is being stolen. As I stated above, you can’t take Void Elves away. Options don’t stop people from being able to immerse themselves in the Void Elf fantasy, because they can choose blue skin tones, purple tentacle hair, and to glow with Entropic Embrace.

(Concern): You seem to be very intent on controlling how other players enjoy the game for some reason, when it doesn’t seem to affect you.


I’m torn on this one… I understand where folk are coming from, just not sure if I agree or not. Still since it wont likely affect me directly I say why not?

same thing. >.>

That’d be interesting. I wonder if KT’s will get some body options since players seem to want those.

Nothing is being “taken away”. What’s being asked for is the option to change the look of or outright hide the visual effect of Entropic Embrace on a specific player. They aren’t asking for it to be removed from all players. That’s like saying I shouldn’t be able to transmog a piece of lookalike gear from another class (gear that shares a model with another class tier set but has no class restrictions)

If that was their intent then A. They would announce it. B. They would advertise the new non-void hairstyles. and C. Already add a way to disable the void visual of the racials. They did not do any of the above. The skin color is for VE players to look closer to alleria, and that is all.

The new options havent even hit alpha yet… and we have that big interview thing happening on the 9th… maybe Ion will say all those things then.


(Commentary): Going to stop you RIGHT there. We know what their intent is; expanded customization so players can immerse themselves how they like with their characters. This chance was very recent. As in, Ion said no blue eyes for Blood Elves, and then there was a meeting about it which changed that. It was so recent the pictures they used still have Blood Elf underwear. We’ve been told we’ll learn more over time.

(Observation): And Alleria’s Void Form is literally a void form, something she chooses to use, not something that procs randomly in combat.


I’m just going to leave a quote of Byucknah’s post, because it suits you also very well.


Ask for HE, not take from VE. The colors again is not to RP as high elves, it’s to play closer to alleria. The void elves has less control of the void then alleria whom had 1000 years of training.

What official source from Blizzard do you have to back up this claim?

And if it is to be closer to playing like Alleria, then we should have the option to toggle the racial, not it proc randomly.

What official source of blizzard do you have to claim that blizz wanted high elves to be taking over VE.

Oh dear lord…

Go learn your lore

Alleria became a Void Elf when she absorbed the Void Mastery from the Dark Naruu L’ura in 7.3. That was not that long ago.

Eh dude. They’re just going to keep at it. It’ll just be request for “options” until it isn’t.

Just play void elf for as long as blizzard decided to keep em void elves. They’ll either change them or they won’t. Arguing on here won’t change things.

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I know I seen it, and she was taught the void from locus walker for a very, very long time before that, whom seen potential in her ability to control the void!

(Observation): Nothing is being taken from Void Elves. They’re not losing skin colors to make room for new fleshy ones. They’re not losing racials to have High Elf themed racials. They’re not losing classes like Warlock because it doesn’t make sense for High Elves to be Warlocks. Nothing is being stolen, taken, or removed from Void Elves. The only thing happening, is they are receiving High Elf customization, and players are asking for all the necessary options to make that come to life.

(Commentary): As I said before, Entropic Embrace needs to have a toggled visual. The Alliance is hurting for end-game participation, and if High Elf players are reluctant to engage in combat because Entropic Embrace’s visual ruins their immersion, then it’s going to discourage them from engaging in end-game content. For the health of the game, making it an option to toggle the visual is a good idea.

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but if no one fights for this, who will? Blizz won’t know ppl is against these changes unless someone speaks up.