New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Hopefully if Void Elves ever get it we’ll get a version with and without tentacles :stuck_out_tongue:

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Couple of things I would like to see for Void Elves:

More hair colours and options/styles
Option to disable the Entropic Embrace effect when that pops whether it is by speaking to an NPC or added with more options to the effect in the character customisation.
More lore around them. Even if it is a quest chain, I would like to see more of there story.

No, do not remove the void from void elves. If you want a elf race without void, ask for them to make HE/Half elves playable, roll horde or ask for a diverse army of the light with WC2 races.

More hair colors is a reasonable ask imo. Altering Entropic Embrace less so. Maybe Blizzard would allow it via a glyph… maybe… but i doubt it (doesn’t mean you can’t ask though). More lore is a completely justifiable ask imo, and borderline necessary if Blizz wants to push the High Elves joining the Void Elves narrative.

Once again, I’ll repeat:

Option to disable the Entropic Embrace effect when that pops whether it is by speaking to an NPC or added with more options to the effect in the character customisation.


an option that should not exist, and I repeat NOT EXIST!


Not one I’d go for myself. Though it would open the door to an option to give Wildhammer some sort of modification too.

I want to see some Voidy Tattoos for Void Elves.


Yes please!

Thank god you do not work for Blizzard! Seriously, adding an option isn’t going to hurt you, it is not going to do any harm to the game, and isn’t going to jump out of the computer and slap you in the face.

I wouldn’t mind seeing Void Tatoos for Void Elves.


No. Even Alleria has Entropic Embrace despite retaining her fair skin and hair. If it’s good enough for her, it’s good enough for the PC.


And while we’re sorta on the subject… Farstrider tattoos for Belfs. :stuck_out_tongue:


Actually it would by diminishing the VE aesthetic, The whole point of making a VE is to play a corrupted elf. They are not there to be a replacement for HE’s, nor are they announced to be. Ask for your own race, don’t try to steal another just to pretend to be a HE.


(Observation): Alleria decides when and where to use it. It doesn’t just randomly proc in combat. It’s more of a Void Form.


I dunno, I think these options are precisely intended to make Void Elves a replacement for High Elves for those who want them, but that’s just me. I’m sure Blizz likes the idea of getting a two for one. That’s not to say I think they will allow us to hide Entropic Embrace though. But it doesn’t hurt to ask.


Yep, you are trolling really hard right now.

Void Elves are Void Infused Blood Elves, which, hey, is still Blood Elves, and Blood Elves are High Elves.

Void, Blood, High, they are all the same race.

Fartrider Tats for BE’s, I agree. Would love to see. I would also like to see for the Blood Elves, undead options too, similar to Sylvanas Dark Rangers.

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I very much want these… came up with a character for it too.

Once you go void, you lose your high and blood elf titles. Your not them anymore, you have been mutated.

Don’t let them get under your skin, just keep making your voice heard and explaining your position/reasoning. Clearly Blizzard is listening :slight_smile:


That kind of thinking kind of goes against Blizzards intent to add customization precisely so we can make our characters how we envision them. Wildhammer customization is being added to the Bronzebeards precisely so players can play as Wildhammer.


(Commentary): Are you feeling alright? You seem a bit tense. Why not take a break? Walk away from the keyboard for a bit, maybe enjoy a hot bath, or read one of your favorite books. Or treat yourself to something nice to eat. Relax.