New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

worgen’s cursed, something something lore I can’t remember that prevents cursed ppl from being paladins

That was always kind of a weird angle to the whole thing. I mean, were the Night Elves supposed to be the only ones who got the immortality perk or not? Like yeah elves are supposed to be long lived but not that long.

But then Blizzard has always played fast and loose with racial life spans.

Many people have issues with the Nightborne models.

New faces and a bit of a stance rework would probably improve players happiness.

Plus there’s no reason not to let us have some younger faces. Not all of us ‘have’ to be old.

I am though. I’m really old. Too old.


Someone didn´t pay attention, go figures.

FYI, the fact there are child Nightborne NPCs kinda imply there are MUCH younger Nightborne elves and not only the 10k living ones,

Your narrowminded stuborness and irrelevant commentary is duly noted.

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Yeah I think 99.9% of the player base is for younger looking, beautiful, elegant Nightborne.


PC Nightborne are not children. Their jokes and flirts also indicate they are OG Nightborne that are over 10k years old.

I don’t know what that has to do with anything.

People need to stop pushing stuff like “the playable so and so are this”

Are they really? Do you know that for sure?



They’re adorable too. Sometimes they sell candy!

Exactly. Though I am beautiful.

Does that mean my troll smokes dwarves? He used to say that a lot back in the day.

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The presence of children pretty strongly implies that there are multiple generations at play there though. Like I’m pretty sure all Nightborne kids after the sundering weren’t born 8 years before Legion takes place.

There’s no reason every PC Nightborne has to be as old as Thallysra. There’s clearly several generations of them off varying ages in Suramar when we quest there. It would be really bizarre if their eldest generation was the only group that wanted to go exploring.

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You are beautiful bb. :kissing_heart: :sparkling_heart:

Anyway the whole idea that you can tell a playable character what they are based on a voice line, or starting zone, or skin color is bananas.

The game is littered with inconsistencies. Level one Night Elf Night Warriors?! Of course it doesn’t make sense, but it doesn’t matter!

The whole idea of blizzard adding new customization options is so people can portray whatever they want.


Maybe the younger ones aren’t deemed mature enough to go out exploring. When your race lives for millennia, your idea of “adult” is going to be quite different from short lived humans.

The PC human is from Stormwind, despite humans from other kingdoms like Lordaeron, Gilneas, and Kul Tiras existing. You can RP differently, but game wise they are from Stormwind.

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Gamewise isn’t even a word.

People need to stop creating these weird limitations in their heads about what a PC is or isn’t.

That’s a silly belief to have.

Also odd since no where does it ever state any PC characters age.

Though a lot of npcs actually treat the PC as younger.

Half the reason we’re getting these new customizations and a new starting zone is so blizzard doesn’t have to pigeon hole people in that way.

Your argument doesn’t hold a lot of water.


Elves do silly things sometimes. Night Elves trying to summon Sargeras to Azeroth? Come on now!


Say it louder for the night warrior night elves leveling on Teldrassil.

Or for the wild hammer dwarves leveling through Dun Morogh.

Or heck, the high elves starting in Telogrus Rift. :wink:

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Yeah, scars :rofl: I did not notices the scares until you quoted me :rofl:

Wasn’t a silly thing for Aszhara to do. She was likely to become another Kiljaeden. Very beneficial. The rest? They were acceptable losses.

Entropic Embrace is unusually in-your-face as a racial effect. It ought to have an NPC in the Rift to disable the visual effect anyway, regardless of new options.

Vulpera have an option to disable that stupid rain-cover on the mount.

It’s also not that different to reduce Shadowform’s effect, and Glyph of Stars.


What about the other Night Elves going along with it?

“Hey, this gigantic flaming demon dude wants a summon. Everyone click the portal!”

“Ok! I’m sure nothing bad can come from this at all.”
