New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Cause the whole f*ing facial geometry in playable male Nightborne IS wrong. Their faces are anything but reminiscent of Nightborne NPCs and are actually totally the same as hastily done Nelves (with the hard laugh lines and the crooked nose and the big round cheeks).

I do like this proposal a lot tbqh. Would do wonders to further make the gameplay models unique.

Sure thing, dear. I´ll accept this after devs make all and every Night Elf look like constipated granpas/grandmas too -after all, same 10000 years old, ne?- Heck, let´s go further and make Alleria look like a grandma too while we are at it.


“Drools” black blood elf’s.

Most living Night Elves were born post Sundering and aren’t nearly as old as Malfurion and Tyrande.

Xe’ra prevended her and Turalyon from aging.

U-hu… and we never ever got to see Nightborn children, no sir!!

Actually, it was the Sunwell in Alleria´s case. Xe´ra wanted to destroy Alleria as a matter of fact.

If she was still attached to the sunwell, she wouldn’t be alive. Considering the events of WC3, vanilla, and bc with the sunwell being currupted with necromatic magics.

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I think there’s a lot of young nightborne as well as night elves.

We see children nightborne but no children night elves. So…

Maybe, but all the major Nightborne lore characters are over 10k years old.

Sure thing dear, cause all and every Blood Elf dropped dead the moment Kel´Thuzad emerged from the Sunwell, amrite?

You guys really need to improve on the lore and pay attention to the game.

Some people never paid attention to Suramar questing, how sad.

And the PCs are somehow tied to represent ONLY the 10k living elves why exactly?

Better yet, if Thalyssra looks as pretty and fresh even while sporting 10k years old (implying the beauty of the elves is being kept regardless of age), pray tell why the playable model STILL has to look like constipated grandpas?

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I mean, not really? They could come with new lore (I have a feeling they won’t), and we can absolutely infer things from it, but we don’t particularly know anything new about the Void Elves with this.

Customizations and visuals are not replacements for writing actual characters. “They look cool” wasn’t a particularly good fleshing out of the race before, and just the addition of non-voidy customizations by itself could mean a lot of different things but I imagine we’re still going to be left guessing what they are. That’s probably intentional - I have a feeling they’d rather have the players fill in the gaps of who their character is on this (which is a similar approach that they’re taking to other races, I think). And that’s great and all, I just wish there was something to base our ideas on outside of wild mass guessing.

Kael’thas soon learned that the greatest danger to his people was posed not by the Scourge remnants, but by the Sunwell itself. The corrupted powers of the well, tainted by Arthas’ ritual, still permeated not only the elves, but all that they had built. Given enough time, the necromantic energies would kill the elves and cause a catastrophe. Kael’thas painfully concluded that the Sunwell, the heart of their society, must be destroyed.

Quoted from wow gamepedia com They had to break the link. Which meant she was just a susceptible to the urge like the other elves. What you don’t take into account though in your assuming the sunwell prolongs they’re life is that all elves in the WoW universe naturally is long living. With or without a power given to them.

Because she is a highly skilled magic user with millennia of experience while the PC is a lowly level 20 with next to no skill in anything.


That was irony, dude. And while you only have Wowpedia to crutch, I actually have “Blood of the Highborne” on my Kindle book selection (well, Paragons).

And I don´t headcanon anything, that little bit about the Sunwell making Alleria long lived came from “A thousand years of War” -incoherent lore I agree cause she gets to look like a hot young adult while Anasterian was a decrepit, go figures-.

Smells like pettiness. Are you afraid if the male NB model gets modified to look closer to the NPCs your precious Nelves will somehow become less desirable or something?

Hidden entropic embrace and paladins are what i need in my life. the latter being alot more of a difficult struggle considering it isn’t a fully fleshed out high elf race and they are “void” high elves instead. I will still hope and pray for it.

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Your not getting a hidden entropic embrace, that would diminish what void elves is! Also paladin lore and void elf lore conflicts so your better off asking for shammies.

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Can I still ask for night elf paladins?


yes. /10 char


Well, those at least got a massive nod in Legion…

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Honestly want night elf and worgen Pallies through Elune.

No, I just think it’s silly to complain about Nightborne looking “old” when they are.

Agreed. No paladins, and no changing the racials.