New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

(Commentary): I hope they don’t try to mess up the hands or feet to be honest. Just fix the underwear and we’re good to go.

They don’t look like the arcane purple eyes, though. And like I said before- Blizzard probably would have showcased it on at least one of the panels for the Blood ELves. They showed both the new gold and blue options.

I think Visaerys will look very similar to the guy on the bottom right when the prepatch hits. Hopefully with a newer hairstyle and maybe color, but I’ll be so happy.

I also think it’s possible that since blood elves have green eyes and gold eyes, it’s very unlikely the void elves will get those colors, so the violet eyes could be for the void elves. So we’ll have the voidy ones, the violet ones and the blue ones.

I really think they are moving forward with a stylization of the blood elves and the void elves based on cooler and warmer color spectrums, which is brilliant.

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I think they’ll only change the nail color of the females for something other than red. Probably black.


I’m thinking blue, but black works too.

I really do think they are moving forward with cooler tones for the void elves all around and the warmer ones for the blood elves.

if you’re wearing black, entropic makes your clothes all electric blue, its a very cool effect. instead of the egdes being blue, your entire ensemble is. like black pants/shirt/tabard, all turns electric blue

i think they should go with neon colors for velfs.

Black is the nail color used for current void elf skins, so I guess they’ll stick with that.

I’m hoping for Alleria-like tattoos with cool colors like void, blue, violet and magenta.

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As far as my memory is right, the Sunwell manga kinda came BEFORE the Varian one. Get your facts straight, mechagnome.

Devs were just extremely lazy in regards to good ´ol Lor´themar getting an actual model that reflected the lore… heck why do you think people -including the devs- called him “Bob” until Thunder Isle? (fun fact: the phrase “times change - people change” was not said by Garrosh first either).

Anything to get those pests far and away from my fav faction. We get enough “friendly fire” from the “QQQQ but muh SAVAGE fugly Hurde!!” crowd to have to dealt with the “QQQ but muh Alliance Silvermoon WC2” crowd too at the same time.

Hmmm, yes, go ahead. Though I still think Warpaint sets a nice divider between the elf races on the factions (to put it simple: Alliance get the “normal looking tatoos” while Horde gets the “magical/runic tatoos”.

You mean scars, right?

Blood elves do NOT need more scares, poor Lort´themar is so traumatized he was anxious of getting laid instead of happy of getting it thanks to the trauma in the short story ffs.

I think Humans are already getting scars.

Indeed. You guys will get the Blue to Pink color scale while we get the Blue to yellow one.

Precisely, and I think that makes most people pretty happy.

It really doesn’t bother me if blood elves get violet eyes, but I have a sneaking suspicion they are for the void elves.

(Commentary): My apologies, I never read them. I’m also not sure of the order either.

Does anyone know when the next Alpha update will go live? Really want to see what my Void Elves will look like with the new options :stuck_out_tongue:


I don’t think the void elf changes will be in next. I have a suspicion Blizzard warned us in advance because blood elf changes will be live next, and then the forums would melt because we’d have no reason to think the skins would be available for velves, lol.

Anyway, there was no update to alpha this week, so the earliest we may need to wait is tuesday. With Blizzard having some announcement on June 9th, thought, it could go live only after that, however.

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wasnt referring to the nails, specifically. just colors in general. hair, jewelry, eye colors.

Well, it was good -except the Kalecgos crushing on the Human looking avatar ofthe Sunwell part-. One of the few pieces of content in which Sylvanas wasn´t portrayed as a selfish psycho too.

Man, Kalec is quite pathetic all things considered… I rather Azurecgos was the Dragon Aspect, he at least makes us laugh.

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I hear what you’re saying, but they disabled both blood elves and void elves in the alpha this week. So I think they are implementing the skin tones and eyes for both at the same time.

I’d say you’re right in that void elves won’t get much further in customization until later, unless they really do just go for the 2 for 1 with everything they do for either.


As long as this means Nightborne get some little extra attention when devs take time to modify the allied races, I don´t see the problem with Velves getting things at the same time as Belves.

Nightborne females are mostly ok (they need some faces to make them look a little bit younger), but males need to get fixed their torsos (the invested triangle looks weird; the transition is NOT smooth) AND the faces (they look too old and their noses are too crooked).

Also, male jewerly on chins, please. like in the concept art. And moar hairstyles, the selection is quite pathetically small in NB.

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The Nightborne males need serious work. I always found the NPC Nightborne men very attractive, and then the playable ones look so… not?

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You know what would be awesome? If all four of the original Allied Races got reworked animations and postures. Nightborne kind of have that going for them, but it needs to be touched up a bit.

If Blizzard did actually change the Void Elf postures and animations, it’d be really hard to confuse their silhouette with a Blood Elf’s one. + Having that option would add extra flavor to those races :man_shrugging:


Nightborne SHOULD look old, they are OG Highborne and over 10,000 years old.