New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

lightforged elves, dwarfs, humans and gnomes since they where with turalyon. The army of the light was originally a diverse army in the lore, not just dreanei.

Man, just seeing these customisations are good enough. But the lore is what is really needed though. Since it was just a ā€œquick 10 second scratch on a piece of paper with crayonsā€, maybe they should invoke more lore. Especially for Umbric and his followers since there was no relevance of him in the past.

Well I mean, some of them probably would. They share so much history, a race, a faction, sister leaders etcā€¦

There is users of the light among them. Arator was also raised by vereesa so Iā€™d beleive heā€™d have a say in that.

Totally, but I think a blanket statement saying the Silver Covenant, as in all of them wouldnā€™t is not really true.

Also I didnā€™t think Arator was a member of the Silver Covenant at all! He is a half-elf after all too, not a high elf.

Yes, and Void Elf priests are a thing.

Itā€™s not mentioned, but itā€™s not too far fetched either, where did he learn how to fight? Iā€™m sure it would be easy to have him participate in them now that he found his parents.

Late to the party, but well manā€¦ hard for Belves to stay ā€œchilledā€ when they actually got to live through the traumatic events surrounding the zombie apocalypse of Arthas the Death Knight AND had to try to survive after this; while Helves were too busy doing absolutely NOTHING to help and being carried by their Human / Dwarf /Draenei overlords.

If anything the behavior of the High Elves is extremely hypocritical and disturbingā€¦ how can they criticize Belves for literally trying to survive a catastrophe grasping at whatever they could get (A.K.A. mana tap) while they are A-OK with Umbric et al (who, no matter how much some players will try to embellish, literally played with fire without needing to do it in the first place).

If any of the High Elf variants (Belves, Velves, Helves) has acted like psycho creeps, well, those are the Silver Covenant a-holes.

Cause blaming an entire race for the actions of one individual is what 100% sane people does.

You know, the Veeresa admiration manifested by some players starts to make senseā€¦

LorĀ“themar, nuff said.

I do think both races need more stuff making their gameplay models more unique. IĀ“m not a fan of sharing EVERYTHING (A.K.A. haircuts and hair colors); and as a matter of fact IĀ“d appreciate if Belves get magical esque runic tatoos (who were portrayed since the TBC game box) while you Velf guys get the Alleria warpaint job. And I want scars for my Belves too; the original scarfaced racial leader is OURS.

Blood elves are the proud owners of the anime hair as per the forumsā€¦ and indeed we will get a variant of the Sasuke hair; but I still want my Itachi/Kenshin hair for the male Belves (heck, we have already half of that hairstyle; only thing devs need to do is to put the ponytal in the back and not on the shoulders).

Please take it, itĀ“s quite the underwhelming useless customization option (literally only useful in slutmogs; regular armor hides it).

As a Belf fangirl the only thing IĀ“ll say is: good riddance. Not sad AT ALL of losing the ā€œqqq I hate Hurde!!ā€ crowd to Alliance. I rather keep the people that like being a HORDE Blood Elf playing their HORDE Blood elves, not pretending to play something else.


Lorewise they can only be shadowpriests, holy/disc priests would explode. They can only be played for gameplay.

Totally agree!! Which is why the addition of these alliance high elf void elves is so brilliant. People donā€™t have to play on the faction they donā€™t want!

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Entropic Embrace is obnoxious even if you enjoy the Void Theme.

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(Query): Varian was a Blood Elf? Is it the hair that confused you?

(Commentary): On a more serious note, Iā€™m all for Runic Tattoos and Scars for Blood Elves. Itā€™d be neat if Void Elves had void scarring of some sort. Maybe crystalline like a Dark Naaru?

They did it with worgen skins. Theyā€™ll remove the color from the face skin and maybe include a texture that changes color to match the eyes.

Both blood and void elves are getting them:

Also, the preview images have male #3 (hard to notice due to small eyes and green ā€œglowā€ on the skin texture thatā€™ll probably be removed) and female #4 with purple eyes:


The violet eyes are actually gorgeous.


I think the purple eyes may actually only be for the Void Elves. Somethingā€™s telling me that Blood Elves wonā€™t be getting that.

(Commentary): The purple eyes for blood elves were marked as NPC only in the files, and the reveal of new customizations did not mention Blood Elves getting purple eyes. That said, Iā€™m not really against them. I figured they were there to make Vereesa match her Hearthstone artwork better.


Also, in both the panels, Void Elves have the purple eyes showcased. You canā€™t see it anywhere on either of the Blood Elf ones.


This is one of the reasons why Iā€™m really eager to see the next alpha build. I have a feeling it will clarify a lot of these queries, to a point anyway.

There will likely be a lot more updates between the next alpha build and launch anyway, but still, some more clarity soon would be nice.


I was thinking of actually sharing the same hair styles that humans have, since humans hair styles look a little different from Blood Elves, but then sharing the colours mixed between Humans, Blood Elves and Gnomes. (Some colours of each, not all).

But also scars for Blood Elves :+1:

I think all races actually should have options to scars actually, to make it look like they all have been in long everlasting battles.


I think theyā€™ll. Thereā€™s a few pink-eyed elves, including Vereesa Windrunner, in Hearthstone. Currently, the purple option is marked as NPC-only in the alpha, but I think it will change. At least, I hope so.

Also, for anyone wondering how void elves will look with normal skin and the proper underwear: