New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

So restrict that option for paladins, just like DK and DH are restricted from gold eyes.

Ah, I just thought, Lights, Shadows. :stuck_out_tongue:

I donā€™t know if I ever saw your retail or notā€¦ Nice to meet you regardless.

I prefer class spell reskins would be a better thing to go for. Paladin - fel knight
Warlocks - necromancers

couple of examples.

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Itā€™s extremely unlikely that the Entopic Embrace effect is going to be toggleable. They could surprise us but I very much doubt it.

That said itā€™s like a 10 second duration while youā€™re in combat which is likeā€¦ Not that hard to just look past. There are trinket visual effects that last just as long. You can pretend itā€™s from something like that and not actually a part of your characterā€™s background if it bugs you.


Haha no problem.

trinkets are interchangable, racials is not. And looking ā€œpastā€ it every time it procs is a tall order to ask allot of ppl, espaically when they also have to look at spatial rift if they use it.

Blizzard is going wild with character customization, thought.

Thereā€™s strings indicating that druids will be able to select how their forms will appear, for instance, instead of the colors being defined by your hair color.

Apparently, but unconfirmed, worgen will be able to customize their two forms separately.

Iā€™ve noticed that theyā€™ve worked on Entropic Embrace in alpha. Itā€™s darker and doesnā€™t cover the hair, looks a lot more like Alleriaā€™s.

While itā€™s pure speculation for now, I could see a setting to define how your Entropic Form would appear. Maybe there are toned up or down versions.


Canā€™t you just be happy with what you are getting? It wonā€™t be procing when RPing out of combat. I barely even notice the effect on my VE rogue, cause Iā€™m too focused on whatever Iā€™m fighting.

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This looks way better!

I guess itā€™s the RPer in me, but the thought that someone couldnā€™t imagine all of that away as something else or just compartmentalize that away entirely is just wild to me.

People have already been RPing their Void Elves as High Elves since the end of Legion. I get that this isnā€™t the ideal perfect outcome, but come on, compared to the original version of this the hurdle is going to be so low you could barely trip over it.


(Observation): If the Alliance needs more end-game participation, then every action, no matter how big or small to encourage that should be taken. If players who want to immerse themselves as High Elves hate the Entropic Embrace visual effect, itā€™s going to heavily discourage them from engaging in a lot of content that will be end-game content. If they donā€™t have to worry about looking like a Void Elf every other 30 seconds in a fight, they wonā€™t feel as resentful or unwilling to engage in PvP/PvE.

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Cause I play the game, not treat it like an RP forum with 3d elements. Itā€™s gonna annoy me when I see a player yelling ā€œIā€™m a high elfā€ When in fact they are not and go purple or black in combat.

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Exactly! If you want to RP as a High Elf that turned to the Void, you can. If you want to RP as a ā€œpureā€ High Elf, you can. Entropic Embrace while in combat is such a minor thing to complain about.


I would love this. Iā€™m not holding my breath, but that would be really cool. Weirder things have happened, I suppose, and after all of this Iā€™m not ready to say something is impossible, haha.

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The only complaining I have seen lately is people complaining about Void Elves sharing the same customisations as Blood Elves.

Asking for an option to disable Entropic Embrance isnā€™t complaining.


no, but it is taking the void out of the void elf. Letā€™s not support such non-sense.

(Commentary): Indeed, itā€™s feedback. Like I said, if there is a desire to get the Alliance to participate more in end-game content, then Blizzard should be working to facilitate that. If High Elf players are going to be turned off from any kind of combat because of Entropic Embrace, itā€™s not going to help.


Void Elf does not mean you have to turn purple. And no matter what, weā€™re still Void Elves, within the name! Just the same as Blood Elves are still Blood Elves, within the name.

Oh, for sure, to be clear I donā€™t think of that request as complaining or whining or anything.

I just also donā€™t think itā€™s going to happen, personally, and Iā€™m trying to keep my own expectations in check. But Iā€™ve been wrong before. This threadā€™s very existence is evidence to that. So who knows.

Itā€™s literally part of being a Void Elf. Thatā€™s like wanting Worgen to stay in human form while in combat. Ridiculous!