New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

I said option to disable the effect. Not get rid of the effect.

thats essentially the same thing. its part of being a void elf and that choice you made. if i stab your void elf guess what disgusting color comes out

Honestly if it were up to me, my solution to the ‘we want high elfy paladins on the Alliance’ issue without negating the void elf theme would be this:

  1. Use an allied race slot, but add Half elves to the Alliance. Realistically speaking the Alliance would have far more half elves among them anyway, especially from Dalaran and Stormwind.
  • Give them the ear length customization options
  • Natural hair tones (blonde, brown, red, auburn, black)
  • NON glowing eyes (human-like with white schlera and colored iris in human shades)
  • All human skin tones
  • Shorter eyebrows

Classes would be warrior, paladin, hunter, rogue, mage, priest, warlock and death knight

And give void elf death knights a void-themed spell ability glyph set so they could RP a ‘void knight’.

The character would still be called a half-elf by NPCs (like a blonde-haired, fair-skinned void elf will still be called a void elf), but they’d still be a fair-skinned, pointy-eared paladin on the Alliance.

And if Alliance got half-elves, give Horde Mok’nathal in return.


So that you don’t turn purple? Why? If it’s good enough for Alleria, it’s good enough for you.

I think what sara means is a way to disable it client side so on her screen she won’t see it but others would. Kind of like disabling other players aoe visuals so you can actually see whats going. You don’t see it on your screen but everyone else sees it (unless they turned down visual effects too of course).

Probably just alpha stuff. Needs some polish.

Wasn’t that retconned?

Think that is poetic license in the video.

Out of curiosity are you Lights?

I thought the bulk of them were mages?

So the humans are getting all kinds of super cool two shade ombré like hair colors.

I would LOVE to see void elves with fabulous blonde or silver hair that fades into baby pink or baby blue. Would look fan-freaking-tastic. :star_struck:

Straight moonfire. :fire: :fire: :fire:

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Mages or rangers, we probably can’t be sure which

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No. Perhaps you remember my retail rogue. I talked a lot about this subject on her before I started playing Classic and focused on that.

Been a while since I’ve seen you around here. Hope all has been well

Yep! Been having a blast playing Classic.


Like an addon?

I’m sad red eyes isn’t an option.

So, people aren’t allowed to have extra options?

Have you seen the High Elf Wayfarers turn purple?
Have you seen the Blood Elf Scholars turn purple?

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Well tbf we never see them outside of the rift let alone in combat

I have a feeling they will be for Blood Elves. Horde deserve playable Dark Rangers!


Would be easier and better if they did show them turning purple

I’d hate to see undead paladins of any form.

Why would they when they haven’t yet transformed to Void Elves?

Wish Blizz would opt for more class customization. Dark ranger skins exclusive for blood elf hunters and rogues would be cool

No, like the in game graphics settings where you can turn things down so you only see vital visual indicators instead of all the super flashy effects. People with epilepsy often use these settings so playing the game won’t induce a seizure. There’s an option for colorblind people to use so they can tell certain things that are usually denoted by color in game.

You can find the various graphics settings in system>graphics and interface>accessibility in game.