New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

That’s to see how design objectives can change.

Most likely, they were doing the eyes for NPCs when they thought:

“You know, it does look good, maybe we should allow them after all?”

“You know the forums will implode and the high elf fans will pierce voodoo dolls of us with very sharp red-hot spikes, right?”

“You know what? This is all dumb. Let’s give everyone what they want. Enable these blue eyes for everyone and give void elves some blood elf skins.”

“Okay, but it will take time to enable the skins. Next build, when the new blood elf options appear with blue eyes enabled, the forums will melt and we will be cursed for all eternity by angry Alliance players.”

“You are right, better we tell the plans ourselves before next build comes out.”

Then we got this thread. And that’s why void elf pictures have blood elf underwear.


Unfortunately it would take an internal leak from Blizzard to prove it one way or the other. We’ll just have to settle for our own opinions in the meantime.

As a pro-helfer myself, I am happy to accept the upcoming customization as an actual good faith compromise. While I’d still like a proper Alliance High Elf race, I’m not going to push for it nearly as hard after this. I can accept Void Elves as the Alliance’s High Elves going forward with the aesthetic options (and hopefully some lore ones as well) to support the idea that Alliance High Elves aren’t just studying the void in Telogrus but actually committing to the Ren’dorei and following in Alleria’s more tried and true footsteps.


It’s time to campaign for ogres and broken next. :smiley:


and it can be explained as just natural cultural drift. some high elves joined the blood elves at silvermoon and some high elves joined the void elves at telogus rift, and thus their genetic traits start appearing in the rest of their populations.

not seeing that, is the unrealistic approach.


and ethereals. :smile:

Is there any chance of removing the gold, and green texture coloration around the eyes of the blood elf faces now that we can choose any eye color with any face?

It’s going to be hard to choose different eyes with different faces when the original eye color textures are still on the faces of the model. I do hope this gets addressed.


I think there’s no big lore reasoning behind it. It’s a design decision that may or may not be reflected in lore later.

Did the cleansed Sunwell also started to clean blood elf eyes? Maybe.
Did some high elves decided to return home and join the blood elves? Maybe.
Are the high elves seeking the void as a new source of power? Maybe.
Are the void elves learning how to control the void better and undoing their transformation? Maybe.

Is Blizzard just seeking to give us what we want and allow everyone to look like quel’dorei? That’s for sure!

Yes, they’ll do it, don’t worry.


You do know High Elves before the destruction of Quel’thalas had eyes almost like humans, and ranged in all different colours.

Magic wasn’t the reason for there eyes in the past. But as soon as the Blood Elves reclaimed Quel’thalas, they turned to demonic magic to help keep there city together, which ofcourse, gave them the green glowing eyes that we see in game today.

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if you must have a lore reason its because priests/paladins cast much more holy magic which would speed up dissipation of their very minor green glint and were able to change the fastest

well ofc youre not all you wanted was a light skinned elf option on the alliance. the lore that you inflated into fanfiction never mattered. it was always about aesthetics

:laughing: :woman_shrugging:

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If you look at Blood Elves on the wowhead alpha dressing room it seems like they did just that already. But don’t take my aged eyes words for it.

As a Void Elf fan, I’m actually happy about this because it means more development for their lore. It never made sense that only the group that was exiled with Umbric could be transformed. I always believed more Blood and High Elves were joining their ranks, and now it seems to be confirmed.

I’m still opposed to a separate race for “real” High Elves. It would be entirely redundant. I know some still want High Elf paladins, but I just don’t see that happening. At least you get rangers and mages, which is what the bulk of High Elves are always represented as.

Just hoping for more hair options and hair colours.

I don’t see any reason to why not.

I agree that Void Elves are in desperate need for a fleshing out lore-wise. Their rushed intro and lack of any real development since has been a dampener on the race through BfA. Hopefully we’ll get some actual npc comments and mentions to add to the Void Elf lore and explain in an in-game way why the new customizations are available now.

So the answer is all of the above. :wink:

personally, i wanted a human skin color selection. i like some fair, some olive, some dark brown. i’d even like some ethereal bits as an option. wouldnt that be cool? like an arm or a leg, encased in ethereal bandages with glowing bits inside. and those cant be mogged, sorta like mechas cant mog their machine bits

I’m sure there will be. I fully expect regular Blood Elf hair to be available as well, so you can mix and match however you want. Just remember you will still turn purple in combat. :wink:

I’m hoping along the time maybe Human Hair styles actually, since there hair styles are a little different than Blood Elves. As well as also mixture of Human/Gnome/Blood Elf hair colours.

Oh well. I am hoping that Blizzard can do something that gives us the option to disable the effect.

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I’m not so sure that Void Elves will get any/all of the Blood Elf hairstyles but if we do, I hope that Blizzard returns the favor and gives Blood Elves non-tentacle versions of Void Elf hair.

(disclaimer: this is a fan made mock up)

My blood elf priest would look fabulous with that first one!


No. It’s part of being a Void Elf. Even Alleria turns purple in combat, so the PC should as well.

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Yes, those do look great.