New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

But 2 classes were denied that option.

 in your opinion are all Night Elves supposed to have black eyes now?

Hero Classes

they arent really a class in the traditional sense. a DK is undead and a DH is defined by its bond with a demon. but they arent worth a racial spot as DK/DH can only be a DK/DH so they are just tacked on to blood elves :+1:

I’m sorry but you’re wrong.

Even anti-helfers like Fyrebusche will tell you and pull out a video link of a dev specifically saying that Blood Elves may get their blue eyes back with time thanks to the Sunwell cleansing their fel taint. And another interview stated that the golden eyes are showing up specifically on those individuals with a strong connection to the Light such as Paladins and Priests. That players of any class can have them is merely a product of game the game’s character creation options. The devs flat out counter your narrative in this regard.

That’s not to say High Elves can’t be returning to Silvermoon, I’m just saying you have no actual evidence to support that idea.

I also don’t see how keeping the Silver Covenant active takes away from the narrative of Blood Elves and Void Elves being the future of the Quel’dorei. If anything it would make sense for the Silver Covenant to work closely with the Ren’dorei
 perhaps even having some of their members study the void and learn the same techniques. The devs could then start incorporating Void Elf NPC’s into the Silver Covenants ranks.

It sets up the narrative for incorporating the old guard (the Quel’dorei) into the modern era which seems to be focused on Blood and Void Elves. The Silver Covenant existing does nothing to detract from that and its existence can serve to support that if the devs decide to use them. But notice I am not making any specific declarations either way. I’m not sure what sort of logic you’re using to come to your conclusions. It doesn’t make any sense to me at all.

Are the High Elves being absorbed into the modern day Blood and Void Elves? It does seem that’s what the devs are pushing yes. But that doesn’t support your notion that the Silver Covenant has no reason to exist. Nor does it support your idea that High Elves are leaving the Alliance and joining the Horde.

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Did all Night Elves undergo the Night Warrior ritual? No. Are all Blood Elves exposed to the Sunwell? Yes.

One Night Elf went through the ritual.

The others actually had their eyes change from being under the Black Moon. (From what little we’ve actually gotten on it)

So they’re all exposed to Light and Arcane.

So the Blue Eyes makes sense as do the Gold. Thank you.


Wouldn’t that be nice! :heart_eyes_cat:


So they’re all exposed to Light and Arcane.

So the Blue Eyes makes sense as do the Gold. Thank you.

This I what I’ve been trying to get through to her. :roll_eyes:

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Then why weren’t blue eyes offered at the same time as gold? Why so much focus on the gold only? The blue eyes show up AFTER the faction war, after Sylvanas is gone, after years of talk about wanting to reunify.

I would be nice and it’ll happen eventually. Right now the news is still too fresh and people are reacting. It probably won’t settle down until after prepatch hits and everyone’s playing with the new options.

After that we’ll still have a few hardcore holdouts asking for Alliance High Elves as an allied race and I understand where that comes from, but I’m willing to bet it won’t have anywhere near the support as it had once people are actually playing their High Elf appearing Thalassians on both sides.

We’ll also have to still contend with the inevitable trolls who pop up with topics just to stir the pot and see how much controversy they can start. I suspect those “#savethevoidelves” people fall into this category or they are just severely misguided. But the less people that respond to them the quicker their topics will fall off the forums.

Because blue eyes weren’t planned until just recently. Ion tweeted that blue eyes were not planned for Blood Elves when he did the interview where he said they were for npc only. And then soon after that they changed course when they decided to give Void Elves Blood Elf skin tones.

Cause they were testing a new system and didn’t want to deal with the folk claiming like you, that only High Elves can have blue eyes. They tested this system a few different ways and its culminated into the new customization options.

The lore supports that Blue eyes would return to Blood Elves over time. Its just what it is. Its not harming anything either.

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So they say. Personally I think this all got data mined before they were ready to announce it, which is why they are saying it was a recent decision. They couldn’t hide it anymore and announced it now.

Yeah, Ion himself said he was telling the truth when he said blue eyes were originally intended for NPCs only.

They also said they wouldn’t make changes to Classic and bring back layering, but they did, so

And you could very well be right! But it’s still just your headcannon until actual evidence proves it to be true.

Unfortunately some will only be satisfied if they get a separate race that are literal members of the Silver Covenant. Thankfully they are the minority, and even an anti such as myself is ok with expanding appearance options for Void Elves, because at the end of the day they are still Void Elves.

Maybe so. I just find it hard to believe this was a recent decision when the story seems to have been going this way since late Legion.

hey alamara! welcome back. you carried the ball for quite awhile, and we gratefully ran it to whatever end game approaches. :sparkling_heart:


That was my point. They changed their minds due to player demand. They weren’t secretly planning it all along as you stated earlier.