New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

The evidence of this reunification is that Blood Elves are now getting blue eyes as an option. It means at least some of the High Elves decided to return to Silvermoon and swear loyality to Lor’themar. Were some members of the Silver Covenant among this group? Maybe, maybe not. Vereesa and the majority of the SC are likely joining forces with the Ren’dorei under their banner. They may or may not choose to get voided. Regardless, keeping the Silver Covenant as a separate faction is now redundant and unnecessary.

Yesss, i’m very happy too, i want to be like a high elf ranger.

Sure there is, they traveled to Telogrus Rift and learned the ways of the void.

Source? Or just your opinion?


Unless they use Dalaran as the expansion hub a third time! :upside_down_face:
(Oh please no!)

That wouldn’t make them blue. Only something like the interrupted ritual performed on Umbric’s group could do that.


But that isn’t actually evidence.

That’s your headcannon explaining the blue eyes. Nothing currently in the game or other media supports that suggestion.

It doesn’t mean any High Elves are returning to Silvermoon. It also doesn’t mean any High Elves aren’t returning either. It just means Blood Elves have blue eyes as an option now. And past devs statements have said, and I am sure Fyrebusche can corroborate this, that the Sunwell would eventually cleanse the Fel taint from the Blood Elves and give them their blue eyes back. That dev statement is actual evidence that supports the addition of blue eyes to blood elves.

Now I’m not saying the devs couldn’t add new in-game and out-of-game lore that depicts the scenario you’re envisioning. They easily could do that. But until that happens, your interpretation of why blue eyes are now an option is as headcannon as my interpretation that Void Elves have new skin options because the new recruits are using Alleria’s training regimen rather than being forcibly transformed by a deranged Void Ethereal’s ritual gone wrong.

None of your headcannon supports your conclusion that “keeping the Silver Covenant as a separate faction is now redundant and unnecessary” I am fairly confident Vereesa would disagree with your conclusion too.


Maybe ODing on the void turns you blue. :man_shrugging:

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I find it hard to believe eating a Void Naaru doesn’t count as ODing.


Could just be that the Wayfarers in the Rift have learned to use the Void as Alleria did. Probably easy enough for the Void Elves to pull void entities for them to absorb and become Alleria style Void Elves.

Sorry if that has been gone over while I was away.

Can easily explain the new options in lore though.

The lore states that Blood Elf eyes turned green due to exposure of the fel crystals in SMC. The lore also states that the purified Sunwell is cleansing that fel exposure and turning their eyes gold. It never said anything about turning their eyes blue again. Who had blue eyes that were never exposed to the fel? The High Elves.

Alleria and Vereesa are sisters, so it makes sense they would want to work together. We also see High and Void Elf NPCs working together in Stormwind. Their combining forces under one banner is certainly plausible, and I would argue likely.

Blizzard also wants the focus to be on Blood and Void Elves, which is why both races are getting High Elf options. Keeping the Silver Covenant active as a separate faction takes away from this.

I’ve argued this many times, and it looks like I was right. The High Elves are being absorbed into the Blood and Void Elves. High Elves are the past, Blood and Void Elves are the future of the Thalassian race.

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That’s because Alleria is a Mary Sue.

Blue eyes were said by the devs to return eventually.

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Until they turned gold instead.

It’s kinda absurd how the discussion devolved into semantics, on how some want to downplay this achievement by belittling the other side.

Horde players were asking for blue eyes, they got it.
Alliance players were asking for high elves, they got a way to look like high elves.

Some Horde players got mad because their request for blue eyes was solely to deny high elves to the Alliance.
Some Alliance players got mad because they were hoping for an actual high elf allied race and just skins don’t fulfill all they wished for.

Those Horde players need to admit that high elves are part of the Alliance, as they always were. You wasted 15 years denying the obvious.
Those Alliance players need to learn to enjoy whatever win we get. Life isn’t perfect, every little plus is a bonus. And we can still get some unique void elf customization ahead.

Both sides won, no one lost anything. You can play a blood elf with blue eyes. You can play a void elf that looks like a high elf. Most people are actually happy or don’t care! Let’s celebrate!


lorewise only a high elf with a strong devotion to the light will manifest gold eyes. this is no doubt because the sunwell is now holy/arcane. in the past it was only arcane and thats why they all had blue eyes. you could have strong devotion to the light back then but it didnt override getting blasted by the arcane sunwell 24/7. thats why only now gold is possible

That never invalidated the Blue eyes… Or at least I never saw them say there wouldn’t be blue eyes because of the golden. It was said it was a show of those who were in tune with the light aspect of the Sunwell. Its still Arcane and Light.

Yeah. Seemed pretty good to me.

Anti’s still don’t have to deal with High Elves on the Alliance just Void Elves with the skintones, and Pro’s get close to High Elf void elves that they can RP as they please.

And those who wanted the Blue eyes for the belfs got that too.

That’s funny, considering Blood Elf warlocks can use the gold eye option. Only demon hunters and death knights are prevented from using it.



yes danuser explained they didnt want to deny the option to everyone and gave it to any class in the name of player choice