New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Not only does Velonara provide the citation needed for giving the customization to Blood Elves. Not only do we see the Elves stick together, and Sylvanas herself still consider her home in Quel’Thalas she doesn’t say goodbye to us in the middle of her ruined territory in Lordaeron thats for sure, but its game play mechanics > story so even if you’re arguing the story should be Forsaken which many do disagree with including myself, you still would see the customization go to Blood Elves :slight_smile:

And Blizzard has always written lore to fit the direction, not chosen the direction constrained by lore. And their direction is customizations and long requested things to include things like Sand Trolls, Wildhammer, and the Undead Thalassian Elves would go to… the Blood Elves.

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undead should get liches and banshees. now that would be freaky

Heirloom armor without their shield and weapons sucks.

yeah that shield is perfection

Not quite Spell Breaker, but this version of Ashbringer goes pretty well with the Heritage armor I think.

(This is Somand btw)


ahh wonderful name, arthurian fan


The pushback to Dark Rangers seems to he that they should have an Undead racial name rather than Blood Elf…

But, it’s obvious that Blood Elf is the easiest way to add the customization and the solution is just as busted as High Elves being Void Elves.

That’s just the nature of the compromise.


not to mention, i seem to recall someone pointing out that undead players probably wouldnt appreciate beauty in the midst of their decay

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This does not mean that it is mutual from the Blood Elves part, infact Lor’themar has made it very clear that he’s against raising Blood Elves as undead, let alone accepting them in Quel’Thalas.

Is not longer Warchief, Horde nor Blood Elf, her words ring hollow to these people. If anything she had made sure that the rest of the Horde keep Dark Rangers at arms length (at best).

This is your opinion, therefor it’s subjective and irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. Many others including me have this reversed, and we all are equal in voices here.

And not ALL of the Forsaken were purely human, some were the rangers that followed Sylvanas in death (which she called sisters in wc3), and also whatever leftover High Elves that were still within Lordaeron at the time.

Also again: does this mean that people should be asking for undead customization for playable Humans? Would you agree on that being valid? Human paladins with undead skins would look comically good.

Irrelevant, we start in Exiles Reach now, unless you want to use player agency to do otherwise.

Yet they are still in Orgrimmar, and aren’t in chains like other loyalists.

I’m pretty confident I’ll be enjoying my Undead Blood Elf soon enough but you’re correct you’re entitled to your opinion :slight_smile: and it doesn’t bother me because it probably will go to Blood Elves lol.

They probably just went with that decision so that everybody can have a chance to experience a more modern and improved starting zone. This does not magically scrap established lore, history and story of the respective races.

In Orgrimmar and not in Silvermoon, same with any other Forsaken. Also does not mean they’re fully trusted anymore.

And you are entitled to yours, but at the current state of shadowlands development, given how they’re already behind+haven’t even launched beta, you can consider any new additions a super low, next to zero possibility (they would need to even delay launch JUST to be able to meet what current content needs testing, when they haven’t even started with raids/m+). We shall see though :slight_smile:

Just going to throw out what I’d like to see for belfs and velfs.

Dark Ranger skin options
Red and orange eyes
Farstrider tattoos and some more magister ones both with red, gold, orange, light blue, white and black color options.
Wizard beards flooofy ones.
Void elf hairstyles minus the tentacles. (maybe with those braids instead I see folk ask for.)

Void eyes (like their heritage armor)
Farstrider tattoos, with blue, purple, voidy, light blue, white and black color options.
Wizard beards. Flooofy ones. With and without tentacles.
Void elf hairstyles minus the tentacles. (maybe with those braids instead I see folk ask for.)

… I think that’s all…


Then I guess ease of implementation is another thing on my side :slight_smile:

You’re assuming they’ve already discussed and agreed to add undead skins to Blood Elves, which would’ve been a decision they announced way ahead of it even being tested. Just look at other things they’ve announced months in advance, with no clear timeline or testing in sight.

Decision making in game development does not exclusively revolve around texture application.

So now you’re arguing they don’t have time to flip the switch to allow the Player Character the assets? The one others pointed out is relatively easy?

I guess we will see soon enough, if not tomorrow it is looking like it’ll be something announced before SL :slight_smile:

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No, I am arguing that it is NOT only about the flipping of a switch for the textures, because for example, Ion himself confirmed that several meetings too place for the sole decision of adding the Blood Elf skin colors to void elves before. If it’s as simple as “flipping a switch”, they wouldn’t have needed several meetings and inner discussion for that to happen.

There’s also inner testing+feedback on whether it actually makes sense to be implemented, not everything is tested and shown on the alpha/beta, something which was also confirmed long ago.

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Still more likely to happen than not in my opinion, especially the VE/Blue Eyed BE stuff being rather controversial and or them already speaking on it, have they spoken on DR themes yet? :confused: And if it comes in the middle of Shadowlands then it comes in the middle of Shadowlands, but I will continue requesting the theme for Blood Elves as a second visual theme that to many people does make sense.

And I’ll be enjoying my Undead Blood Elf all the same. :heart: :grinning:

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You absolutely should continue to push for what you believe in/want. My whole stance isn’t and was never against that, but I’ve repeated this several times before by now.

The same applies to me and the many others who instead also would like to see Dark Rangers as Forsaken.

I also shouldn’t repeat myself again, in saying that Blood Elves deserve more than just a simple skin color copy paste, they need a whole theme and current advancement to push and support whatever that added theme happens to be.

Well your post to me read a little passive aggressive to anyone requesting it for Blood Elves. As if we should be overlooked, and or some how arguing in poor faith for those themes, and there is a valid argument for both I just think it favors BE’s by a large margin.

I don’t even play any Elves, so no. It’s probably due to English being my second language, and so choice of words can be misleading at time, that you would perceive it so.

I do however push for Blood Elves to get better treatment as I’m a horde player and biased to Horde races (and I DO absolutely love theirs and NE lore), this much is 100% clear.