Well I prefer to see the Undead DR themes go to Blood Elves, as Forsaken do not have a monopoly on Undead anyways especially when its Undead insert other race here (thinking of DK’s and game play mechanics again)
And you would prefer the themes to go to Forsaken. So I disagree with you, but as long as you aren’t insulting BE fans asking for this too then I apologize for perceiving your words as such.
I will be happy to see the themes added regardless even if it loses out to Forsaken but highly prefer BE’s, I’m assuming you would not be upset either if it was added to Blood Elves?
Well I don’t recall 10 days ago, but your current post did read to me that you were insinuating the BE request for the theme was either disingenuous or in bad faith so that is why I was offended.
But we cleared the matter up so I’m glad for that.
One thing they could do, if for example they put the DR skins on belves.
Blood Elves could get three active racials, Arcane Torrent, Sun Burst (holy coloured energy like the Sunwell’s current look), and Banshee Wail (dark coloured energy). The three all function the same and share a cooldown.
That way you can pick your flavour, without changing the gameplay.
I’m all down for sharing, as I truly believe sharing hairstyle assets is not only easy for the Devs to do but beneficial for everyone as it gives everyone more options and customization, but if Belfs get our hairstyles I’d like us to get some of theirs in return, especially considering they already have like double the amount of options we have ^^
If they just have every humanoid race access to the same hairstyles that’d be lovely… there are some Kul Tiran hairstyles I’d kill for Elfs to have access to.
That’s the thing that makes comments like “proceeded to speak for all horde players while not being a Horde player.” so ridiculous.
Not only did I not speak for all Horde players (I specifically said “among Horde players” not "all Horde players), but making assumptions about what faction I do and don’t play is laughable.
I’ve got multiple Horde 120’s and multiple Alliance 120’s. The faction of the character I choose to post on is irrelevant. Why do I not have the right to speak about what I want to see on one faction or the other? The answer is I have every right, and I’m not going to let anyone tell me otherwise.
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