New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Like if you aren’t acting in bad faith I don’t particularly care.

It’s people that frame themselves as speaking for us as a community while intentionally not including request because of an agenda.

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i did include druids prior to that. so how bad can my intentions be. hehe.

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There’s a difference between just not knowing and choosing to omit something due to an agenda.

well his list wasnt the only list. i regularly updated my list. it now includes all haircolors, all hairstyles, all eyecolors, light scars, tats, etc. the whole enchilada. and druids/shaman. lol

it blows my mind that everyone focused on that one dude and proclaimed alliance shouldnt be making horde lists.


Exactly. We shouldn’t keep Forsaken from getting extra undead customization options added to them such as Dark Rangers, and other undead themes. :slight_smile:

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It’ll probably go to Blood Elves, there’s a lore case to be made for it, as well as gameplay mechanics in their favor. :man_shrugging: You can argue them for Forsaken and yet I see more people support it including Forsaken players as a second theme for BEs and I also see Blizzard more likely giving it to Blood Elf players :slight_smile:


I don’t think there is this agenda that people are talking about to make Blood Elves seem corrupt or evil…

The majority of pro High elf people seem into the lore a lot… so when you are like, "What customizations make sense for Blood Elves there are like… two different era’s that come to mind… you have burning crusade era, Pretty morally black Blood Knights and Blood Mages, and then you have the post BC push towards the light…

Some of the customization requests seem pretty disjointed from that. Which is fine, that’s how you want your elves to look.

I’m just an elf player with no borders so usually I’m working on some themed elf.

I’m digging my new gold eyed gold haired Blood elf holy priest.

This will sound bizarre, but I actually usually can’t switch specs on a character.

So for instance my Void Elf priest can’t switch off of discipline spec because that’s who he is and my Blood Elf wouldn’t switch from Holy just because of who they are.


Or white hair. Strange.


It’s because he was omitting Farstrider tats because of an agenda and tried to defend his stance with headcanons repeatedly when confronted.

“I’m a magic man. I’ve got magic hands.”

Blood Mages and Paladins were my favorite hero classes… they really haven’t talked about Blood Mages since…


I’ve always been partial to Blademasters and Demon Hunters myself.

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Yeah, but it was his list… and The Ranger Corps went with Alleria through the dark portal… so if those tattoos were related to the Ranger Corp rather than Farstriders then he may have a point.

From lore. You could still like those tattoos, but if he is making a lore appropriate list then that’s his thing.


so alliance should therefore not support belf requests? hang on a sec, i’ll get on one of 10 belfs. lol


You mean the lore and ingame representation of Dark Rangers being Forsaken, and living in the Undercity, for over a decade now?

Just because some people are asking for a Forsaken group to be renamed Blood Elves, does not mean Blizzard are that oblivious to their own lore, that they’d do it.

Making Forsaken (Dark Rangers) a Blood Elf customization, is pretty much the same as making a Forsaken group a Human customization, since they were Human before, right?

Archers in Warcraft 3, sans tattoos.

Don’t get me wrong, if you want cool tattoos more power to you.

But, if you are making the argument that Ranger Corps tattoos are common, we don’t know that for certain.

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I’ve got this Ice Mage, (switching if possible.) A Paladin (switching if possible) a 120 farstrider (staying the same.) A gold eyed Holy Priest (staying, obviously. Though High Elf Mage Priest is dope! But… Priest of the Moon is also dope.) A Blood mage, and a blood knight.

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You’re putting words in my mouth. Goodbye.


hello. :grin:


I want spell breakers.


hmm i havent really thought about that yet. probably should. but i levelled velfs and my fav belf class, with my second fav in spitting distance to max. so i’m ready on that front. only 2 more spots that need attention - my humans and my nelfs. that is, unless they come up with some amazing nightborne stuff.