New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

For some reason I’m reminded of a High Elf topic that was condemned because a helfer didnt’ start it. :joy_cat:


they even chased fallynn out of the thread, who tried to defend her request for san’layn/dark ranger stuff. some folks on horde want belfs to not have any of the darker themes. thats fine with me. i was only supporting whatever people wanted. but yeah, time to back away from that whole thing. it seems a bit of a no win scenario.


People shared their opinions and disagreements. How is that ‘chasing’ anyone out of a topic?

well she left after the attempt and hasnt been back since.

Honestly I think adding hair colors alone would get enough people “close enough” that it would quiet things out on that front quite a bit. The “tentacle toggle” idea would also do a lot to that end.

I don’t think new hairstyles are out of the question forever, I just don’t think it’s likely to happen in this first wave. Unless they wind up getting to more substantial customization options for the ARs overall before launch after all I don’t think we should expect too much else on the Void Elf end of things. I really do think this was a case of “while we’re here working on Blood Elves anyways we may as well just toss these simple changes in”.

Which is why I think hair color might still be on the table, since that’s a relatively simple add, but anything more than that… Well, it’d be nice, and I’d love to be surprised. But I think a lot of things would be much more likely in a “phase 2” than being there by launch.


That was her choice I’m going to assume, or were people telling her to get out?

no one told her to leave, to my knowledge. its just…well dark rangers and san’layn have been popular asks from many horde players, so color me surprised that its suddenly not.


id love some new hairstyles and more space related customizations for velfs, to differentiate them moreso

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Seems like you’re just complaining that someone’s opinion rubs you the wrong way.

seems you have same problem hehe


Yeah, I said, “Felblood Elves.” And they rolled out the fainting couch… surprising how upset people get over innocuous suggestions.

Just trying to get my Blood Mage going ya’ll.


so odd. i think this is just a disgreement for the sake of having something to disagree about.


This was said to someone who was making statements that you can’t speak for everyone, then in the same post proceeded to speak for all horde players well not being a Horde player.

The problem is when Alliance players speak on behalf of all Horde players when they clearly aren’t invested in our themes and arguably have agendas as some of my fellow players suspect.

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I’m not but think what you want. I believe I’ve already allowed myself to get drawn into something I should have left alone.

but my lists were same thing. i dont main horde but compiled lists of belf requests for customizations

Have you intentionally left popular requests off of the list due to a personal agenda, or are pushing exclusively corruption themes so, as my fellow players see it, you can have the pUrE themes?

Mmm, there has always been a group of people who have been concerned about the morality of the Blood Elves… but at the same time Blood Knights existed and Blood Mages existed. Obviously the Blood Knights have been reformed.

But I feel like Blood Mages have always been glossed over and my little Blood Mage project could use more options. Otherwise you kind of need to be a Warlock and I’m not feeling that. Fire mages are the Blood elf thing.


well i didnt put any light themes on it originally, till snowsong accused me of wanting belfs to be turned into villains. this due to my suggestion of redeemed felbood wings, which she felt was a devolution till she saw that they were actually feathery wings. then the idea grew on her as long as the wings were white and not dark. heck i didnt even know it was a request to have light themed stuff till she got mad at me for suggesting felblood wings. all i had ever heard was tats, dark rangers, san’layn and haircolors/eyecolors/hairstyles.

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Ridiculous. Then being accused of “trying to make blood elves corrupt and evil” when you’re suggesting customization options, actual lunacy.