New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

If the black hair isn’t finally added in game with the Prepatch I will be utterly devastated. The fact that our Velf NPC’s have it, a Velf in the image of the OP of this thread has it, AND that two of our hair colors are just the same color really bothers me >.> I feel like they meant to put in in character customization for us and accidentally put that one color in twice.

But damn we are gonna look good :smiley: This High Elf Priestess will look lovelyy


A lot of those hair colors are actually really flattering with the natural skin tones. I especially love the purples and Auburn color.

And exchange of the auburn and silver for Night Elves would also work great for both races. I also would love pink and a light blue for Void Elves as well to compliment their blue skin tones a bit better as while their current tones look good with fair skin, most of them seem to have an oily appearance with unnatural skin tones.


But it doesn’t, because that’s a very specific type of accessory, saying “goth” is completely vague, and comes with a many connotations that simply don’t make sense. Hence why you were questioned about it almost immediately after you said it.

Races have more than one thematic, but being the “super modelesque” race was the phrasing used when they were designing the Blood elves. That is very much their theme, and played a huge role in why they were chosen to go to the Horde in the first place.

Where am I saying players can’t have these options? I’m saying it shouldn’t be the central focus when designing new customizations for a typically pretty race. I don’t know why you keep making this suggestion that I’m saying “No” to these themes considering I’ve made it clear several times that I support their inclusion.

Undermining an argument under the logic of “You’re just trying to make things hostile!” Is pretty lazy and unconvincing. You were the only one popping into threads telling people what is and isn’t possible for them, which is pretty interesting considering the nature of your requests revolving the Void elves.

Except the idea that the light could cleanse them is no stretch to the imagination for anyone who isn’t looking at it from a bias perspective. The fact that you think the Void elves can be cleansed of the void, but the green glow from the blood elf eyes is irreversible is pretty telling.

Gold eyes can be seen on non-light wielders if they chose to be cleansed by the Sunwell, according to Danuser.

That’s a little different since Priest is really a special case, typically it’s given to any race with precedent with wielding one of the two forces of magic. (Light and dark.)

Are you talking about the rune tattoos? The ones you’re offering because you think Ranger tattoos should be for your magister Void elves? Anyone who actually reads your posts, or your lists can see your agenda here.

This constant reiterating my hate for darker themes seems like your go-to whenever you’re addressed on this, despite the fact that I continuously say I support dark themes, just not as a central theme.

Except Dark rangers still keep to themselves, and the Forsaken. And many of the undead still do not except the living, as that was one of the biggest reasons she planned on killing Vereesa in order to help her rule Undercity.

If anything Dark Rangers are more closely related to the Forsaken than the Blood elves.

Except the alliance between the Blood elves and Forsaken was never a friendly one, and was later revealed as merely means to control and blackmail the Blood elves to do Sylvanas’ bidding. If you read any of the dialogue text, or quest flavor text in the Ghostlands you’ll see that the blood elves and Forsaken are essentially at each other’s throats.

In fact the Forsaken High Executor Mavren tells the Dame Auriferous in Tranquillien that only a small force of Forsaken would even be joining, and that the reclamation of their lands would be mostly a Blood elven endeavor.

There’s a reason why the Forsaken are on the streets of Orgimmar, and not Silvermoon.

Which could be said for Night elves as well, so why’s no one asking for goth Night elves? Plus there’s a reason why Demon hunter options are exclusive to demon hunters and not shared among standard Blood elves as well, because they’re not themes that play a large role in their identity.

Except that’s a class, which comes within it’s own universal context in the game, these customizations should focus on the themes that originally drew players in to play them in the first place. Themes from Warcraft, through to the release of the WoW itself.

Of course it doesn’t hurt to add themes that allow players to play as Dark Rangers, or Vampires, but the chief goal should always be on expanding on the themes they’re most known for.

Except you are. By all means add customizations to represent darker subraces like undead and vampires, but trying to say it represents the Blood elves themselves is just false.

Where did I ever say this would bother me? Me not attributing concepts like “Goth” or “Undead” to the Blood elves theme itself is not the same as saying that those options shouldn’t be added to represent subraces.

What are you even talking about? Me pointing out that your one track mind on themes you want for Blood elves does not mean I think darker themes threaten pretty themes. This is pretty tangent-like response behavior.

Not likely.

I’ve seen far more requests for things like Farstrider tattoos, braids, and long hair for blood elves than requests for any of those darker themes you mentioned, funny none of those themes make it to your list. I guess that’s another coincidence huh?

Except Blood elf players feel cheated in general, considering that “more of the same” was incredibly lazy and insignificant. No one but you is saying “We’re sick of elegant themes!” we’re open to all themes.

It’s one thing to purposely leave out these themes when claiming to speak on Blood elf requests, but it’s another to pretend there’s some unrest that needs to be addressed revolving the possibility for more “pretty” themes.

But there’s more than just light themes? We have plenty of nature themes that could be added for the Farstriders, and considering their themes are the most heavily requested among the Blood elf community it’s strange how stubborn you are in adding them. I guess the fact that you want them on the Void elves is just another coincidence.

Only laying out the ideas you want is not “laying them all out” especially when you’re pretending to speak for the Blood elf players. The only one you’re convincing here, is yourself.

Even if there was, there’s no saying the elves who had those ranger tattoos couldn’t still exist today, one of the Blood elves in Azsuna even mentions that her father fought with Alleria in the second war. If Farstrider tattoos were added there would be absolutely nothing you could say that would make it contradict lore.

Saying “it hasn’t happened yet” isn’t an argument for why it can’t happen.

And is a Farstrider, and the Farstriders belong to who?

And looks more like who? (Even more so with our new blue eyes.)

The decision to make void elves look different from Alleria was an intentional one, your designed after Umbric, not Alleria.

Then add all the requests, especially the most popular ones, otherwise no one is going to take them seriously because it’s clear most of it is rooted in bias. At the very least don’t pretend that it’s being done entirely in good faith, and not just to serve your own wants.

There’s a reason for that, and one glance at most of your lists can show you why. Many of the options you request for Void elves take drastic liberties and assumptions with the lore, far more than anything that stands between some of the options you claim don’t make sense for blood elves.

I can assure you there’s a pattern.

Wait a second, we just witnessed the void elves getting something that was described as a pretty critical theme to Blood elves, but having tattoos on Blood elves is the reach? Do you not see how inconsistent you are when it comes to how you rationalize things do, and don’t want?


We shouldn’t try to keep races from getting customization that would make sense for them.


Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be made. BE/HE differences lore is long over do, specially since we don’t see much power hungry HE vs BE, and people keep clamoring on that they are the same. A patch can tell how each of the societies had evolved from each other.

Plus BE needs a lore sortie.

I’d be shocked if it’s not in, I’d say it’s the closest thing to a sure color addition that we have to date. Even if they don’t add any other colors I fully expect that one to show up. It’s basically already there, they just have to turn it on, so to speak.


I’ll never understand why the black hair for Void Elves wasn’t in from the beginning. That was always weird to me.


I just hope they throw in some of the blonde and red hair colors as well, with a selectable level of void corruption.


I’m still holding out hope for it. I don’t think it’s impossible. It’s taking a pretty long time for them to add in the High Elf skin tones. Hopefully that means there’s more coming with that such as the hair styles and colors. We’ll see i guess.


I doubt they get any more unique hairs besides a few tentacle bits outside of the blood elves. But iam guessing the AR customizations will be last in line.

He seems to forget that nowhere does blizzard say that the tattoos are explicit to her only. Because they aren’t explicit to her only.

It’s entirely headcanon.

I don’t understand why all of these Alliance players who don’t have any investment at all on blood elves keep injecting their objectively harmful take on blood elf customization.

Like when did Blood Elf players elect him to be our spokesperson?


I’m not holding my breath for additional styles (much as I would like them). Hair colors seem way more likely but even there, I’m not particularly getting my hopes up for anything specific. Until the options pop up on the alpha I’m assuming our new options are limited to specifically what they’ve announced (so basically, skin tones and eye color, and probably black hair just cause that was already in the character files).

That’s not to say people shouldn’t keep beating that drum and asking for it. I’d just advise against setting expectations much higher than what we know for sure is coming.


Its freakin exciting. like christmas in july. haha

I am hoping that the Dark Ranger themes will come to Blood Elves, and it seems there is even more reason to hope than before, as if Velonara citation of BE’s being her kin still, player agency, and seeing that the Undead Elves seem to stick together wasn’t enough.

A bit hyped to see this anyways, small hope!


i’m not allowed to ask for belf things anymore cause i’m not maining a belf, so i’ll just root for you. woot. i think i’m allowed to do that.

Hurrr durr… only horde is allowed to cheer for horde customization!!! hurr durr!

Your allowed to ask for things regardless of toon :stuck_out_tongue:


i know. :grin:

It’s funny you should say this I’ve been listening to Ariana’s Christmas & Chill album thinking who am I, its July, which is one step closer to my favorite month of August my birthday month in true Leo fashion!

Wait why is that, that?

But yes thank you Hyper I do anticipate and hope for Dark Ranger / Undead Elf customization!

I can understand being skeptical. I am too. I’ve said it before and i’ll say it again.

If there’s not going to be regular hair styles and colors they’re not doing themselves any favors in ending the High Elf requests. In fact it may actually make it worse in some sense. It’ll be another case of “so close but so far” the same way the Original Velves were. While the Skin tones and eye colors are nice, i don’t see it being enough to satisfy the Pro Helf crowd. People are going to keep requesting High Elves.

Even with no Paladins or Druids & Shamans i think they can satisfy the majority (or a large chunk anyway) of the Pro Helf crowd if they just deliver on the visual aesthetics. Even with basic things such as hair style/color and potentially a toggle/customiztion for EE you can still have the standard High Elf fantasy of Magi and Rangers.


couple folks got in debate about tats. silly debate from my perspective, tats arent big enough by themselves to give unique appearance. but the debate from alliance person was its an alleria exclusive thing - in game and it doesnt make sense to give to belfs. and debate from horde side was, alleria was belf or rather high elf so it actually is a belf thing.

this devolved into why an alliance player, who already has gotten horde exclusive stuff from belfs, thinks they should be able to deny horde from getting alleria exclusive stuff, since 1- its not very nice thing to do and 2 - she was a thalassian elf, essentially in the belf ranks, before she was a void elf.

then it was proclaimed alliance have no business making lists of belf customizations, since they dont have horde’s best interest in mind, well, that alliance guy in particular was likely what he meant, but i didnt think it was a good idea to say that, since i’d been doing the same thing.

it didnt help that in the middle of all this, one of the belf mains decided the alliance player in question was also trying to only suggest darker themes for horde, such as dark rangers and san’layn, because he wanted to make the horde belfs look like villains.

thats when i said, alrighty then. yeah.