New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Due to farstriders, ranger tats make perfect sense for belves. I don’t see the need to limit them.


Making me go to the resources tab still.

How did the blood elven fel eye glint become so widespread? The Warcraft Encyclopedia suggests that Rommath only taught the blood elves of Azeroth about how to siphon arcane magic, as most of the populace would likely be “horrified” if they knew the true extent of Kael’s dealings with Illidan. The situation regarding blood elf eyes is, in fact, extremely similar to that of the green skin of orcs: just being around heavy use of fel magic turned the eyes of the blood elves green. You could be the most pious of priests or most outdoorsy of Farstriders, chances are, if you were a high elf in Quel’Thalas or Outland following the Third War, you were around fel energies, and your eyes would turn green. Like the orcs’ skin color, such an effect would take a very long time to wear off. Fel magic works a bit like radiation in this sense; it permeates the area and seeps into anything in the vicinity. Anything near a source of fel magic shows signs of slight corruption, it just so happens that high elves and orcs manifest it in a very visual way.

No mention of generations, just a long time, and that orcs and elves tend to show that kind of exposure in a very visible way.

They are adding new skin tones for void elves.

Pure opinion. From the standpoint of someone who enjoys one theme and would like the story to be told, that’s a bad thing as it makes that harder to do without alienating one side or the other.

The majority of the ones YOU want.

And not universally, some people are opposed to that theme being added to the horde after all the villain batting we’ve received, there’s no trust in the writing team not taking those aesthetic options and running a new “And this is how the horde went around kicking puppies” story with it.

Frankly, with this writing team, yes. I think they’re an opening to more abuse of the horde story.

No. It’s the fact that a lot (not all of course) people pushing for high elves turn it into this package deal that not only should the alliance get a copy of blood elves (they’re the same thing) but that the alliance high elves should be super awesome and good and that we really need to give the blood elves dark and gritty themes that show they aren’t that good. So yeah, don’t trust it when someone pushing high elves has a list where the blood elf add ons are all on the dark side.

When people write papers on how they were right to do so and how bad all the blood elves are? Yeah, I tend to think it may be, I’m sure some want to, but I’ve seen way more defense of the nasty stuff the SC has done and why they should be the awesomely good playable faction.

Projecting there.

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They have another option, they have a race that is baised off of the army of the light. What if we dumped the WC2 dark portal races into it to diversify it and just call it lightforged. Would work better then the set-up of void elves.

Also high elves should be there own race lol if it could have been a thing.

Here we go… a very quick and dirty photoshop I did to show what I mean by void-scars:

The actual skin color could vary, I just did a quick hue change over the whole image. Like that charcoal skin I linked before with those scars? Yea sign me up!


I mean, we haven’t got those customizations yet.

I get the whole, “It’s an Allied Race so the customizations aren’t fair!” but, Nightborne have got some customizations too.

Also a ton of stuff is predicated is on the presumption of what Void Elves will get. Like, the Dark Ranger theme argument is all about the Alliance having two different Elf themes… but we don’t even know what hair colors the Void Elves will get. Or if they’re gonna have two non-tentacle void hair styles.

I feel like it would be pretty lame for Alliance players or people that only want to play High Elves if they’ve got extremely limited hair color and style options and Blood Elves are cruising with dark rangers.

Also, people have been waiting fifteen years for High Elf stuff. So… shrugs

Just some holes in the fairness debate.

Are you trying to play a super corrupted Void Elf though?

I was saying this before, but they can customize Orcs a ton in a way that nobody wants to play and I’ll think it looks cool because I’m never gonna play an Orc.

The effect they throw on Void Elf gems is pretty amazing.

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nicely done, can you make some with a void portal look?

Rangers pewpew.

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I’m just saying don’t add more to what they’ve already done, save any additional ones for the AR time period. I mean, I think they’re all going to get a couple things, eyes for one since they changed the way that system works so they’ll have to do that work anyway. But just don’t keep adding to one race before the rest.

A void portal look? I’m not sure. All I did there was a hue adjustment to the entire image.

I mean… that’s kind of stepping on Void Elf toes…

I don’t know if the developers will continue to pull the trigger, but way way back in the day Chris Metzen was talking about the eventual redemption of the Light of the Blood Elves and where that would take them… and they didn’t give em’ gold eyes by mistake.

Also, the Sunwell’s a font of Light magic now because of the Naaru…

So… light-forged Elves isn’t an Alliance thing anymore.

Yeah. unquestionably. But so should Wildhammer Dwarves or Forest Trolls…

A drop down menu like FFXIV would be good. “Choose your race. Choose your other race.” etc.

Way up at the beginning of this is a twitter thing showing expanded racial tables. so maybe they’re working on it… or maybe they’ve dropped it. who knows.

Eh. Honestly I’m more interesting in playable High Elves on the Alliance… than say, Gnome customizations…

They announced this thing. They should see it through for them. It’s a continuing work in progress on all of them. But like… if figuratively 2% of players are playing Gnomes and 10% of players are making Void Elves, I’d prefer they spend their time there.

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See, I feel like they need to spend more love on those races. People are already playing the elves as it is, give the smaller races some love and things that might get more people interested in them.


I’ll be satisfied if we just get a few traditional hair colors along with the skin tones (doesn’t mean I won’t ask for more stuff later though!). I’d be ecstatic if in addition to the skin and hair colors, if we also got a tentacle toggle for the hair, but I can survive without that on pre-patch launch (but I’ll keep asking for it!).

Every time I read “Blood elves are holy elves” It makes me want to vomit. They are arcane themed with a side of light so the horde could originally can play paladins. They are very much still heavily arcane theme, with equal part fel and holy with it. They are, and will never be the holy elves that horde so disparately want.

They also was gonna add titan path in cata and a dance studio in wrath. I’d wait to see if they actually pull those things off. It would also mean we would need another charecter creation ui over-haul. This would also mean each sub-race would get there own class selection which makes it even more work. I doubt they will pull it off.

Yeah. But, if they’re working on Blood Elves, it’s easy to work on Void Elves. Just seems like from a project management point of view it makes more sense to hit it while they’re there.

Also, let’s not kid ourselves. Neon-haired pigtailed Gnome Females are the pinnacle of Gnome evolution… I mean, other than Gnomest anyways.

They even had flying combat as a thing on the Wrath box that got cut. So I wouldn’t put much stock into Box Art.

That was my biggest dissopointment in wrath, as I was looking forward to that lmao.

Yeah. I just feel like it’s bizarre that there are a bunch of people talking about the fairness of Blood Elf versus Void Elf customization and asking for more Blood Elf stuff when we haven’t even seen what the Void Elf customization is gonna be like right now.

I’ve got a better Blood Elf Fire Mage for Blood Elves. But I’m not gonna move this guy over with the current hair styles and colors.

Also, this obviously should have prefaced the comment, but I’m all for Blood Elves getting Dark Ranger customizations. Back it 100%. Just saying… we’re so far down the rabbit hole without even knowing what we’re getting at this point that conversations about fairness are a bit preemptive.

So much stuff from classic wow didn’t make it. Or I guess maybe made it but in odd forms, “Siege weapons! Mounted Combat!”

Wish I’d screen shotted the old vanilla coming soon page. haha.

In our discord, I believe this past week we were discussing vanilla stuff that never made it based on pages.