New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Well, they’re on the burning crusade box art and thematically appropriate for the race.

But, I suppose maybe it’s just his own list?

Yeah… but that’s thematic anyways. I think it depended on your player color in Warcraft II. Just seems like crossing the red and blue is strange.

I mean, I feel that, but that ship sailed when they threw blue eyes to Blood Elves.

I think from a race design standpoint, it makes more sense to use the type of tattoos they’ve used with the Blood Elf art design and use the tattoos you associate with Alleria with the Alliance…

but, like I said, Farstriders exist and they probably have tats.

Also, I said this a long time ago, but it’s not gonna hurt me if someone plays a Blood Elf they like. I play Blood Elves. So whatever makes them happy.

I’ll have lore quibbles if people are like, “Ogres for the Alliance!” but you know how it goes.

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That would be great if he wasn’t presenting it like a community list in which he states he compiles popular suggestions and even adds his own.

Meaning he intends it to be a community list.

And Ranger tats are way more popular than runic tats.

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i wanted the voidy stuff to take on more of a starry type effect, since we’re already sporting night sky colors. so sparkling stars in their hair, space themed things, sorta like the scifi stuff from the 1950s, flash gordon. void elves are, afterall, former blood elves, so little planetary things like their planetariums have - ya know the whole scifi vibe.

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It’s been a request for High Elf skins…

Doesn’t make any sense for them to be like, “You can make a Wildhammer or a Forest Troll!”

and then if you’re like, “What about High Elves” they’re like, “No not High Elves.” haha.

They said they want the customization options to let you play what you wanna play. So, it would by doubly odd.


I want both, but ranger tats are a lot higher on my list.

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Sure, but he’s got a right to disagree. You’ve argued that it’s fine for people to feel like they’re losing exclusitivity… So… I mean… here we are.

He states here people could make their own lists…

I feel like Drede is just more about canon cohesion though.

Runic tattoos are on the box art for WoW. Makes sense if you’re trying to differentiate things…

Goes back to that exclusivity bit. Alliance High Elves have got their themes too.

I don’t think it matters much anymore though.


My litter of rangerlings want tats.

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only difference of void elves vs trolls/dwarves is that they are named specifically void elves. Too direct to make sense with the customizations. Unless they name them elves(stepping on BE/NE toes), change there racials (stepping on VE fans toes) I don’t see that even from a dev stand point of being a valid arguement.

I agree. they should have starry shadow hair for example, with the edges giving off a slight gasy effect, to make it feel voidy. That tat’s should have that starry void effect if they got tats like the void portals have.

I should say, agree on the red and blue not crossing, just that some other colors would be appropriate and I don’t see too much of a problem with those colors getting shared. Probably best to have different designs of the same style for each faction though.

I feel like the biggest chunk has already been taken for the void elves, so some of the minor stuff isn’t too big a deal. I do feel that Blizz needs to cut off making more void elf stuff until the rest of the ARs start getting stuff.

But where’s the corruption? With what I’d like for corruption skins, that doesn’t look like really different from the normal skin tones significantly.

They’ve added particle effects to hair and stuff, add some sort of midpoint between normal and void form with some subtle animation that shows the way the energy has been infused, give void scars that have the size and prominence of say Zuko’s burn scar in Avatar. Void elves have so much outsider potential that they’re just on the cusp of

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The one where the devs directly compared them to orcs fel taint and claimed it would take generations.

They are adding High Elves through a customization option like the did for Wildhammer/Sandfury/Dark Trolls.

The options to disable/enable options are good for both groups of High/Void Elves.

It also adds tentacles for all Haircuts and tentacle free Haircuts. That’s good for both groups.

Void/Non Void Markins is good for both groups.

Entropic Embrace customization is good for both groups.

New Hair Colors is good for both groups. Especially if you can add tentacles to them.

So what is the problem if people want to customize their character to another them if that is the EXACT POINT of these options?

Talk about deluded.

There are lots of themes desired for Blood Elves and the majority are dark and gritty.

Scars/Battle Damage/Edgy Haircuts/Edgy Jewelry options should be available to ALL races.

Runic Tattoos depend entirely on what magic you pick.

Dark Ranger/San’layn have been requested for years and fall in line with the Wildhammer/Sand & Dark Troll/High Elf things that are going on.

Just because you don’t like them means people shouldn’t ask for them or that it’s some weird scheme to “corrupt” blood Elves? Freakin what?

Do you think Dark Ranger/San’layn OPTIONS are a bad thing?

Do you think Runic Tattoos that have other OPTIONS besides just light are a bad thing?

Do you think other OPTIONS for Jewelry besides shiny/pretty are a bad thing?

Do you think Scar and Battle damage OPTIONS are a bad thing?

And what freaken light/pretty themes am I suppressing again?

The unlikely idea of new body parts with Wings/Horns/Tentacles?

More shiny jewelry? I’m suggesting rose gold do to its popularity.

Haircuts? I’m suggesting various Nightborne and Tentacle-Free Blood Elf options and am working on braids/fades as the Blood Elf version of Night Elf Vines/Tauren Flowers. And suggesting Strawberry Blond hair.

Light Runes? That’s part of the runes package.

It’s not me trying to supress Light Stuff. It’s you guys getting offended at Dark/Gritty Stuff.

They fact is the light theme is already established and has limits on it’s implementation where dark themes include a huge range of things.

So you’re saying we want to play the ones who fed the Blood Elves to sharks and drowned them in sinks is us wanting to play the pure and wholesome good guys huh?

News flash. Time time to rip off the tinfoil.

People wanting darker OPTIONS for their Blood Elves doesn’t vilify the lighter OPTIONS for your Blood Elves.

It’s not us who are trying to squish the lighter options. It’s you guys trying to squish the request for darker options to keep your elves “Pretty” and “Perfect” despite the fact they don’t actually affect you.

Your just vilifying our request to make yourself feel better over being selfish.

Thank you.

I have.

Entropic Embrace customizations. Tentacles for all Haircuts through an on/off. Void Tattoos.

I even toyed around with the corruption slider where you could set a permanent Void Form type deal.

There was a good thread about it. I think I linked it? Can’t remember but it has some cool concepts like void hair.

If we don’t get ranger tattoos I say we riot!


Sure he can hate it all he likes, but when it applies to a community list, your bias towards/against something shouldn’t get in the way of popularity.

Yeah? And I feel like Runic Tattoos are just being pushed by him because he doesn’t like that Belves are requesting Ranger tats because they want them. Like I barely saw any requests for them before Drede mentioned them whereas I’ve seen plenty of Ranger Tat requests for both sides.

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Also runes make a ton more sense for Blood Elves because-

-they are already a strong theme of the race in the art and concepts.

And it opens up the opportunity for for every magic the Blood Elves use to be utilized. Fel/Arcane/Light/Death etc.


If only I could log all 17 of my Sin’dorei and Ren’dorei rangers on at once. Much rage. Very shooty. Wow.


Doesn’t matter.

Popularity matters. Ranger Tats are more popular than Runic Tats.

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That’s just an image I saw that someone else made. In particular I like that charcoal black skin, but the other skins also have the tinting on hands and feet like current Void Elf skin tones do. One of those skins is fleshtoned with the hand/feet tint (I’d like this option), and one of them is a more lavender-pink skin tone unlike any option we have currently (but not unlike certain Night Elf skin tones).

I also listed that I want something like the skin options Demon Hunters have with those glowy fel scars on their bodies but in that blue-black void color we see present in various void themed effects. Unfortunately I haven’t seen anyone do a mockup of this yet, but maybe I will try my hand at it to provide a visual example.


I know people who know people.


Yeah. But that’s just a limitation in how they decided to do it. Their other option is to add a second elven race to Alliance… and then they’d also need to give the horde another race… and then people will complain if it’s like… High Elves and Ogres.

So that’s just what happens when you phone it in.

Bronzebeard totems don’t fit Wildhammers… Forest Trolls don’t start out on a little Darkspeare island.

If they add Dark Rangers to Blood Elves it’s gonna say Blood Elf and not undead, or Dark Ranger, or whatever else.

This issue exists for every other race they’ve done it for. The name conventions just makes it a bit more obvious on Void Elves.

They can add a drop-down menu for names to switch between High and Void Elf names. Just would take some work. Would take even more work to make it so the customizations were tied to the sub-menu.

But, once again, just a limitation of the solution they’ve put in.


They where actually Wildhammer totems from the start.

And Forest Trolls aren’t options yet.