New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

I had requested shadowy hair styles and void tats with the void portal effects for them :smiley:

I meanā€¦ thatā€™s just a limitation of the way they chose to do customizations.

If you want to make Wildhammer Dwarves, Forest Trolls, High Elves playable by adding customization options then people are going to ask for the customization options they wantā€¦

just a flaw of the way theyā€™re trying to fix things.

Iā€™ve seen plenty of people asking for it, Iā€™ve asked for stuff. Extra options for void markings, more void based skin options, stuff like that. I think that say taking one of the more normal skin tones but then having some massive void corruption, scars letā€™s call them, would be an even more alien look than what we currently have.


I like the voidier void elves title.

Still. I havenā€™t seen that before, so itā€™s very likely Drede hasnā€™t either.

Not like he wouldnā€™t gladly put, "Voidier Void Elvesā€™ as a bullet point.

I think Iā€™d be fine if they linked the customizations on a class by class baisis, similar to how DH/DK get there own customizations, this way we could say prevent darkfallen paladins, have special customizations for hunter VE/BE with ranger tats and other things.

Except for one of the most popular requests which is Ranger tats for Belves you mean.


Yeah. Add Paladins. Make emā€™ only High Elves.

Itā€™s always extra workā€¦ but like I said, thatā€™s the consequence with the plan they chose.


Iā€™ve seen him list those before.

Thereā€™s no need to lie. Iā€™ve seen his lists. He avoids it like a plague.


Funny, because Iā€™ve gotten into minor arguments with him where he insists that ranger tattoos are in no way a belf theme that they should have.


I figure they oughta split them between red and blue depending on the factionā€¦ but Farstriders exist. Could be shared.

Still pretty sure Iā€™ve seen him list emā€™.

the only thing Iā€™m opposed of if they did it. because of racials mainly. no paladin should go void or shoot void portals. And I oppose changing them to arcane baised because of the void elf identity.

Which is why I suggested the multi-race LF customization.

Well, that goes back to entropic embrace customization. If this is how theyā€™re letting you play High Elves there is another hurdle to it all.


He lists them for Void Elves but refuses to put them for Belves. He instead insists on pushing a lesser option for Belves ā€œRunic Tatsā€ which is leagues lowers in requests to Ranger tats for Belves.

I think the same about color options, but could probably get away with more than just red and blue.

But I think even earlier today he was continuing with the argument that the tattoos belong to Alleria so therefore only the velves should have access. Something about retconning WC2

I doubt it, The customizations feels more like ā€œI heard you want to look like alleria as a void elf, so here you go!ā€ Kinda deal. Not that they are high elves being playable.

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Itā€™s highly unlikely that Blizzard would ever even consider renaming Void Elves. At best, you could ask Blizzard to implement a system in game that does what certain RP addons do (but only for those who have the same addon) that show your racial tag as something else. And even that I think is something unlikely without a great deal of players (not just those seeking Alliance High Elves) supporting the request.

Granted, gathering such support isnā€™t impossible considering players who want to be Wildhammer Dwarves not just Dwarves, or players that want to be Sand Trolls, not just Trolls. But I donā€™t think the support would materialize if such an effort was started and predominantly led by those seeking Alliance High Elves. As legit a request as they are, there is an understandable High Elf fatigue, especially after the past few years and the upcoming gift (and I do see it as a very generous gift) we are being given with these new customization options for Void Elves.


Without any definitive proof to back his stance up.

Somand did a mock up of me yesterday that proves Belves could have and need Red Ranger tats anyways.


Hereā€™s a few void themed options Iā€™d like to get down the road:

  • Additional skin tones with the void corruption on hands/feet
  • A tentacle toggle for hair to add tentacles to currently non-tentacled hair (and remove tentacles from currently tentacled hair)
  • Jet Black and Stark White hair color options (though black seems like itā€™s already coming).
  • Void-scarred skin options similar to how Demon Hunters have skin options with those glowy fel scars all over their bodies with void-colored.
  • A blue-black eye option similar to the heritage wings.

Hereā€™s an image of the void corruption skin tones Iā€™d like to see added: