New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Void Elves are already a glorified customization option as is. Nothing would be taken away because there is nothing to take away.

If void elves were renamed to high elves with their customization options left in, it would be beneficial to them. Have the old recruitment quest unlock the customization options and call it a day. I love that idea.


Or we could just keep the Void in Void Elves.


when i mentioned this before, shaman players were not exactly thrilled with the idea. same thing happened with druid players when i suggested druids. and demon hunters because there are already too many elves. and paladins because holy and void go boom. and frankly, die hard horde fans, particularly belf mains, wish velfs would just go away completely, so anything we ask for is gonna meet resistance.

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The options, in my opinion, wasn’t to bring high elves closer to being playable, but to let ppl role-play closer to alleria’s looks. That is the only reason I see that those skin tones being made available to the VE. If you use it as your RP for a HE then good for you. But it’s not to change VE into your HE.

They where allied with the zandalari trolls I beleive. So they should be apart of the horde via proxy of allies. It’s not too far fetched like with wildhammers being a dwarf option.

Your asking for void elves to be renamed high elves, and to have there raicals to have “optional” arcane appearance. Thus appearance wise making the void elf story moot, and pointless. If the same powers can be gained by arcane, then why even go void? This essentially is a soft delete of the race and ruins the entire fantasy of void elves.

Came here to remind Anti’s that we finally got high elves and their attempted denial of choice has failed. We have won, you have lost.

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Alleria is a void elf. She says so, the devs say so. She’s no longer a high elf.

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Would you mind telling all the people still complaining that it’s not enough that they won?

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I really don’t understand why the resistence of druid/shaman classes to void elves.

There is animals and plants that only act in darkness, and hates the light. VE druids can represent them.

Elements and the old gods worked together before the titans came. So they can do it again with the VE being shamans.

 Not quite right.

The old gods enslaved them.

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Can you link a citation please?

Shamans aren’t too keen on the elements they make pacts with being enslaved. They would come after the void elves.

right which is why i said the new void elves created from the high elf wayfarers, could be called allerian elves. but i’m not hung up on titles. i dont care if they call us fish elves, as long as i can look like an elf. :grin:

In the end, the Old Gods enslaved the elementals and their lords.

World of Warcraft Chronicle Volume I, page 30


“Ragnaros,Neptulon,Al’Akir and Therazane having now been enslaved by the Old Ones”

Black Empire section of


When the Old Gods plummeted down from the Great Dark Beyond, they slammed into Azeroth’s surface and embedded themselves in the continent of Kalimdor. For the first time in history, the four Elemental Lords banded together in an attempt to fight the Old Gods’ fledgling empire. Though the elementals were mighty, they could not stand against the constant swarm of n’raqi and aqir, and they were enslaved by the Old Gods.

Just call them what they are, Void elves.

I said Lightforged Themes are boring. Not light users.

1 other play who just didn’t understand what I meant.

I don’t have to change my expression of more “Goth” jewelry options when it perfectly describes what I was saying to the person.

That being Chokers/Nose & Eyebrow Rings and darker color options.

Being “pretty” is not a thematic, if it was it would be the most boring race in the game.

People should have the options to look grisled and haunted if they want. They already added Blind options and are likely going to add scars and damaged ears.

It shouldn’t offend you that people want grittier characters. It doesn’t affect your ability to make pretty ones.

That mostly came from people like you hounding the High Elf threads and wanting to take things in a hostel direction.

Case in point this entire freakout over the very mention of “Goth” jewelry options.

I never wanted gold eyes and it did not make sense for anyone with the lore at the time of fel corruption taking generations to fade.

It was only after Blizzards clarification that it was specific to Light Users lorewise that it made sense.

It was like Shadow/Holy priest not making sense for some races but players still having the option to do so.

I never had “Strict idea”. I had a flexible one that let players use ALL Blood Elf magical themes but your hatred of Darker themes and intense push for only Light themes made you miss that I was pushing multiple themes and not just ones you like.

Blood Elves have many magical themes and not just Light. It makes perfect sense to have magical tattoos show ALL the magical themes and not just one.

Considering that this “Joke” is consistent with you fravent dislike of darker themes and overreaction to the suggestion of OPTIONS for them you can see my confusion.

Except Dark Rangers already have close ties with the Blood Elves and even consider them their kin.

You are also forgetting that the race with the closest ties to Blood Elves are the Forsaken and that they have had Death Knights for years.

I also forgot to mention Warlocks wich are a very “Goth” class in their design.

Demon Hunters are also a take on the Darker History of Blood Elves and are a player option.

Also you don’t have to be “Widely accepted” to be a player option. We have DKs who have fruit thrown at them, Warlocks who hide in the shadows, Rogues who also hide in the shadows, and weird cases like Shaman who are disliked by Draenei.

Then there should be no problem with giving people darker options.

But that’s exactly what you are doing. Not me.

How is someone having to option to play a fallen ranger of Quel’thalas affecting your ability to play a shiny priest or normal character?

Why is asking for darker options so threatening to your “Pretty” options?

Does someone else picking a blind character make your character blind?

Does someone picking a Death Knight, Warlock, or Demon Hunter make your Priest seem less ‘Holy’?

Would a Warrior with tons of battle scars diminish your pristine face selections?

Would the option to play a Vengeful Blood Mage make your characters story less virtuous?

Did a cutthroat Rogue make you feel like a murderer or a thief?

Would someone who has Fel or Death infused Tattoos corrupt someone who has Light or Arcane Tattoos?

The answer to all of these is no.

The agenda is completely in your head.

The fact is there are a lot more request for things that can be considered “Gritty” since it includes things like Scars/Battle Damage/Tattoos and things like Bald/Shaved/Mohawk Haircuts and Nose/Eyebrow Rings and Darker Jewelry Colors.

Those are all options EVERY race should get and some have already gotten. People just want it for fairness but are feeling cheated over “more of the same” for Blood Elves.

Then you have people who finally have the chance to play Dark Rangers/San’layn who are voicing their request with great gusto.

Then we have the concept of Blood Elf Runes. They can be based off any magic and it’s between dark themes like Fel/Death and neutral themes in Arcane/Faded with Light being the only lighter theme.

Of course if you lay the magics out it would be more “Dark” or Neutral. That’s just how the magic system works in WoW.

Lighter options are limited. More Shiny Jewelry. More Pretty Haircuts. Makeup? Sunwell Jewelry?

These things do not inspire ideas as much.

And I do not see them adding body parts in the customizations like Wings/Tendrils/Horns. Maybe long nails since Demon Hunters have them.

So when you weigh all the options, how could “pretty” outweigh “gritty” when the majority of magical themes tend to be Dark/Edgy/Neutral and the long time player request are things like Dark Rangers/San’layn and should have already been done like Scars/Battle Damage.

So what you see as malicious intent for suggestion themes you don’t like is just someone laying all the ideas out.

They do. But the entire races design changed. They used to be celtic/tribal elves and now they are magical somewhat arabian elves. They became the main Arcane race instead of pure nature lovers.

A lot of it went to Night Elves. The Druids/strong nature connections. The face markings. The non magical society. The Celestial themes.

Alleria, the only character who has them, is the racial leader of who?

And the enemy of who?

Most things don’t make the cut.

The entire thing is to be designed to be read at a glance and be a compilation from pages and pages and pages of ideas.

The problem here is that people are taking my ideas of likelihood as some sort of malicious practice.

I do not see Alleria’s specific tattoos being given to the enemy faction over the race based off her. The same way I do not see Blood Elf Runes being given to Void Elves. I especially don’t see it happening over something as iconic to Blood Elves as runes.

I do not see them adding body parts
 just eak

It’s part of the reasons I dropped Felblood.

Read that as you will. Like I said I never stopped you from making your own list.


ok, I am currected. thank you for the links.

But they could still be shammans if stated the high elves that allied with the wildhammers was taught how to be shammans.

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It’s ok we’re all off here and there with lore.

I honestly don’t see a problem with this.

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fine with me, though i’d argue the high elf wayfarers are potentially learning the void like a magic class, not converting into it like a race. if thats the case, they may not actually be void elves, since alleria’s transformation seems to have also been an accident.

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