New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

redesign is not the solution offered… at least, i dont think so. its addition, not subtraction. for example, there are high elf wayfarers learning the void in the telogus rift. these high elves will become void elves without having to go thru the dangerous process that almost converted the original velfs into ethereals. they are likely the reason velfs are getting access to normal skintones, and since they’re not gonna be full on velfs, are they really velfs or are they just helfs who learned void talents? we dont know yet. but they are likely the reason velfs can look like helfs.

technically, they could still be known by their current names - high elves, but, since we have a high elf leader in our ranks, et al, alleria, maybe they could be a subrace of void elf, like allerian elves or something, since she also looks like a helf, most of the time.

well he is just trying to basically take over dalaran for this.

Besides, with the situation of the high elves you could probably do some neat story stuff with the ones that want something more scheming and plotting their next moves in a booth.

The taking over Dalaran thing is way out there, past the exosphere out there.

She packed my bags last night pre-flight
Zero hour nine AM
And I’m gonna be hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh as a kite by then.

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mental gymnastic’s batman!

So your asking to remove the void from void elves? big nope on this. noping this hard. They essentially became a different race when they absorbed all that void, ritual or no. They lost the high in their elf. They are void elves now, and that won’t be changing!

That’s what he is asking essentially. I have no qualms with people wanting to look like alleria, but I have a issue of people wanting to remove the aesthetic of a race that is there very deffinition to soft delete them into a race they are not. They don’t even bleed the same anymore.

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I never said i wanted to remove Void Aesthetics for people who want them. It’s also why i’ve said i prefer a NEW overall name for them that can encompass both High And Void Elves rather than just renaming them High Elves at this point. If you’re talking about racials that’s also a no. I think the Elf player should have option to keep their racials Void themed or Helf themed.

what didya think of my idea of learning how to balance void and light, from naaru? i mean they gradually become pure void. that means as the process proceeds, less and less light and more and more void. i know you said we dont see how it happens but thats where the potential to offer additional paths to void elves and light forged draenei resides

I’d like to see the lore of the transformation before I judge it. It depends on how they describe it. atm, I feel paladins should be left out of options for void elves. But Instead since pre-titan origination lore has elements/void working together in azeroth, as well as wildhammers being allies of the high elves joining the void elves I wouldn’t mind seeing shamans as playable for VE’s as opposed to pallies.

I beleive the community discussed this before. Your basically asking high elves to take over the VE race, and the soft delete the race. The story for VE does not support your idea, unless they recon the entire quest/story to suit it. The racials other then the portal one would also not suit the arcane feel. The anotomy of VE is different then BE/HE even.

It’s better to ask for a new race for your needs.

Once a Naaru loses the Light, there is no going back. They’re a Void Naaru now.

aye but you’d think they’d resist that for as long as possible, and that’s the sweet spot, added to alleria and umbric’s training. maybe we need to befriend some naaru and teach them how to resist the void, while they teach us how to access the light without melting down. alleria figured it out by accident, it seems. you’d think as ancient as naaru are, they would’ve figured it out first.

But we’re already Void Elves. It’s kinda too late to hold onto the Light as it were.

It would be counter-productive of the void-elves to forgo the very power they sought to embrace and use as a weapon anyways. it makes no sense at this point.

So I agree with somand.

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its not holding on, its an optional path so we can access more classes. for example, for the same reason they didnt give us paladins, they didnt us shaman or druids. only reason i can think of is because the void doesnt play well with holy, the elements or nature.

Can you present a citation of why the void won’t play nice with nature/elements? Cause ragnorous used to work with the old gods as a lieutenant of them.

no sorry. my headcannon. just looked at it and said… why not those classes? and only reason that came up was void.

I’d love Void Elf Shamans tbh. Would be the closest way to be like the Twilight’s Hammer goons.

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Now there’s an idea for some RP. Any sets you’d think would go well with that?

I’m not asking for any Void options to be removed. If the High Elf aesthetics become more popular than the Void ones (Which there’s a high possibility of that) then that probably proves it should have been High Elves from the start. In my opinion: this is why Blizz isn’t going to make a new stand alone HELF race. In their mind they might just see this as the easiest way to implement them. Possibly that and they don’t want yet another dead allied race option on the Alliance side.

The same arguably could be said with Farraki Trolls and Dark Trolls being rolled into Darkspear customization.

Gonna have to agree to disagree on this one.

Agian, they already have one giant step in the door by adding the skin and eye colors to Void Elves. I don’t see them making a new race when they can add it to Void Elves. It’s not the scenario many Pro HELF people wanted but it’s the card that’s been dealt sadly.