New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Personally i like having DH’s restricted a bit. I think some races would look goofy as a DH. But with that said i’d be fine expanding it to races that make sense. Void/High Elves and Nightborne definitely make sense if they want to keep it elven exclusive. But if we’re talking Non-Elven races i think Orcs (Greenskins) and Draenei would be fitting additions especially since they’re both races with a history in Outland and Demons/Illidan.


So much yes to this post. Expanding the Void Elf race into an Alliance Thalassian subrace with Void Elfs as a part of that opens up so much potential for actual depth and growth etc.

I also always thought it was strange how Velfs have Umbric as a racial leader but also Alleria as the overall leader…


i just hope we get more hairstyles and colors. As it stands, we’re really limited as you say. Some people want fair skin tones for their VEs but for me, I want white/grey hair and dark skin.

LFD have it even worse. They have what, 3 skin tone options? Can’t be a dark skinned LFD? That’s lame.


well who inhabited black temple - former draenei, called the broken/ashtongue deathsworn, blood elves, humans, orcs, undead, naga, and elementals. the odd thing is, many illidari were just normal blood elves. they didnt have super fel eyes or big bat wings.


While it’s probably far fetched, my ideal scenario would be one where somehow the High Elves come into total power in Dalaran. I’m not sure what could lead to it but some event would happen in which the Council of Six is replaced by a High Elven council made up of the various High Elf Factions. The leaders being:

  • Alleria as the Main Leader obviously

  • Umbric as the Void Elf/Ren’Dorei Rep

  • Vereesa as the Silver Covenant Rep

  • Auric Sunchaser as the Outland High Elven Rep

  • Unknown (Possibly Druid or Shaman?) As the Highvale Rep

  • As for the Sixth? I’m not sure who that could be. Either it could be left to be the Dalaran Human rep or another High Elven faction.

But that would be my ideal scenario.

I’m not on board with this. To me, Dalaran is a Human city, with elves being a sub-set. Also, Alleria as a member of the Council of Six? Nah, they’re supposed to be Magi.


this is an illidari archon

No. Absolutely not.

Dalaran is a human city.


Hard no…

Uh… what?


I can understand that. I went with Dalaran mostly because of the High Elf representation there. That plus with the Council it opened the idea for each of the different scattered Helf factions to have a seat. But i can understand why that wouldnt be everyone’s cup of tea.

Or they could get a booth at an inn in Stormwind

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I hate to be the one to say this but Void Elves are getting Blood Elf skin tones. They’re not being renamed to High Elves, or getting a capital city, or all this crazy stuff you’re on about.


I’ll take it at this point

I really like how you’re thinking lately, Hyper…

That’s interesting. They can go from full Light to Void and they not only not die, they just… turn into something new.

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Why are we talking about renaming VE into HE again? While I agree they could had avoided this whole scenario by not making VE, renaming them now would just shaft the players that do enjoy the current VE as they are, not to mention the need to remake the racials to suit the renamed race and the confusion of future players on why there is tenticle aesthetics on there high elves but not on BE’s. At this point it is better to simply request a new race then to redesign a currently available one.

how generous!

Let’s just say if he were a high elf instead of a dwarf he’d be a really really really high elf.


Renaming them in this Scenario wouldn’t remove the Void aesthetics and i don’t think anyone is asking for any Void options to be removed. Them REMOVING options is even LESS likely than them changing the name of the race.

Many people have already brought this up. The Racials can essentially be the same thing. Entropic Embrace would be the same exact spell but you would have the option to change it to “Arcane Embrace.” Void Rift could be “Arcane Rift” and their 1% Shadowfrost reduction can be swapped to arcane.

I don’t think there would be that much confusion. Especially if there’s some minor mention of High and Void Elves uniting together. While a racial name change might be a long shot, i think it’s more likely than us getting an all around NEW High Elven race at this point. I don’t see them doing that when they can just add them through Void Elves. They’ve already got one foot in the door now with the Skin tones and eyes. For all we know there could be more.

Are you an astronaut?

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