New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

well alliance was initially, the paladin faction. hehe. we were all holy warrior mode. all the top paladins in lore, were alliance. even the ones that went bad, were alliance -, arthas. the most iconic paladins are alliance and always have been. its not a surprise that alliance players want access to iconic alliance classes. but i agree, that it isnt just automatically sensible to give them to every alliance race… particularly a race thats just a glorified shadowpriest. lol

so we need an optional light path for velfs, so we arent isolated to only having access to the darker classes.


I think there’s a more likely chance of us getting Paladins, Druids and Shaman for “Void Elves” (if they change the racial name or have a subrace option) than there is for yet another High Elf or Half Elf race at this point.

With them already adding the skin tones and eyes (and possibly more we havent seen yet) i dont see them making another race.

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too bad, really. half elves would’ve solved alot of problems.


"Void Elves using the holy light are a rare sight, requiring an intense amount of mental/physical strength, willpower, and expertise to endure the pain caused by mixing both light and void. These elves were some the most experienced in light before their transformation, and now while balancing the void, they’re even stronger. "

Done, EZ. They’re now canon and everyone’s happy. Or obviously…

This… Void elves are just restricted from so much for no good reason. Being locked out of options because they aren’t “void friendly” is just sad.


belfs so far, cant be druids or shamans. i dunno why, since druids at the very least make sense. but velfs not only cant be druids or shaman, but they also cant be paladins or demon hunters. we’re stuck in the corner with the dunce hat on. lol at least we’re in good company, cause seems the undead were already in the corner. same problem. special circumstances and now you’re frozen out of half the game functions lol

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Velf Demon hunters and Nightborne demon hunters seems fair.


yeah it does, but if you think about it, its such a great class, that really, everybody should have access like dks. illidan maybe comes back because


tyrande dies

and he freaks out. and we all get the training.

Her fate remains to be seen.

It’s sad. Void Elves will never be anything great because of it and it’s blizzard’s fault for allowing them to be under Blood Elves’s shadow. A voidy Blood Elf is just not enough comparable to the other races in the game that just have so much more to them.

Where does that leave LFD and HMT?


all the allied races have similar problems, though some more than others. arguably, velfs have the flimiest lore, nb have the worst implementation, highborne have the problem of only having so many ways to be different from tauren who are already such a strong motif, mechagnomes are wonky, vulpera are perfect, haha, dark iron are near perfect, and zandalari males are stunning. oh and kts look like mideval executioners.

oops i forgot lfdraenei. they have nice tats. lol


Yeah the fight forged Draenei are a bit landlocked with their holy trope. Although they did gain death knights.


True that. Shadowlands is showing us that a lot of them really should have been customization options. Nightborne really just need a visual overhaul though, they were so lazily done visually compared to the newer allied races it’s totally unfair.


yikes. so they’re frozen out due to being holy and velfs are frozen out due to being void. yep we need the naaru to teach us how to balance it, cause clearly, they do

LFD need Monks badly.


why the sam hill cant they be monks? weird.


This is why locking a race into a magical imbument is weird.


Agreed. Draenei monk animations are underrated.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


Yeah. I ended up coming to really like Void Elves, but I still see the oddness of it.

Half Elves or a pure Helf AR from the start would have solved A LOT of problems. If we get the proper aesthetics from this, i’m happy. But the way it’s being has been more of a headache and complicated than it needed to be.

It is funny how a number of people will bring up “Boring Bland High Elves! Void Elves have WAAAAAY more potential!!!” Arguably High Elves have MORE potential than Void Elves. Void Elves are extremely limited to one niche theme and are apparently not allowed to advance beyond that.

With High Elves you have the basic subgroups of Magi and Rangers but also the potential for Paladins, Druids and the first and only Elven Shamans. That plus they can have so many storylines and potential with many existing Alliance races and not feel forced or awkward. They have a good relationship with the

  • Dwarves: Friends to the Wildhammers which could open the door to Shamanism (and possibly druidism.)

  • Night Elves: They’re cousins to the Night Elves and that could also open the door to Druidism. Night Elves could be helping the Highvale Elves find their connection to the Emerald Dream. This could also be the Alliance version of the Nightborne/Blood Elf bromance. I’d love to see interaction between the Night and High Elves. Could even potentially lead to there being a High Elf district in the (hopefully) New Night Elf city.

  • Humans: High Elves like Dwarves are a natural ally to humans. They can fit in a human storyline easily without much explanation. They already live in human lands anyway.

High Elves have way more potential imo than Void Elves alone do. Even if you rename them though that doesnt mean you have to get rid of the Void faction. The Ren’dorei can still be another faction among the Alliance Thalassians. They already have a leader in Umbric.