New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

if anything is infused with the light, its naaru but somehow they manage to hold void and light in their bodies, to varying degrees, till they become pure void.


Google it up.

They aren’t canon because if you are infused with the void, and interact with light, explosions result. This is shown in lore, where Alleria cannot even touch her husband any longer. I don’t care what you see in game. What occurs in game isn’t always canon.

Again, the book Arthas, and the dev statements. I’ve answered you thrice now, quit sealioning.

Its not supported by lore, its non-canon.

Cool, we’re talking about prioests and paladins, plenty of lore, go read/.

maybe a naaru could teach us how to be both simultaneously. they know how, apparently. would make a good redemption arc for velfs who wanna go light side

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I personally don’t like the idea of “Void” Elf Paladins.

I think Paladins SHOULD be introduced to the Alliance Thalassian race though under one of 2 conditions.

1.) You can choose Paladin but your racial tag is changed to “High Elf” and the EE racial is changed to Arcane Embrace to fit that aesthetic. Again, it would be the same ability except it has an Arcane Visual and Damage rather than Shadowfrost. Also if you chose “High Elf Paladin” You wouldnt be able to have Void Elf style aesthetics.

2.) If Void Elves as a race were given a new overall name. I’ve suggested “Allerian Elves” but it could be anything really. A new name that can encompass both High Elves AND Void Elves uniting under the same banner. This would allow for the addition of Paladins and perhaps Druids/Shamans while still keeping Void Elves as another group of the overall Alliance Thalassian faction.


You’re a void elf.
Changing the name to try and get “high elves” is ridiculous in notion just to justify a class. You got skin tones, that’s enough.


hmm. not sure i like that approach.


Giving void elves the paladin class would make them even more of a copy of blood elves. Its bad enough they got the skin tones blood elves have which completely erased the aesthetic differences between them while also giving void elves access to a second theme.
Giving them the paladin class would be giving them the one class blood elves have to themselves compared to void elves, and completely removes any reason to play a blood elf over a void elf.

What about the Alliance people that want to play The Queldorei without compromises or alternatives; thats already in the alliance that are not Sin’dorei or Rendorei? $%^& them and just move on? Think this is a good chance for the Devs to finally listen to the Quel’Dorei Alliance Fans and do it right. Not everyone is into D*&^ looking tentacles hanging from the head and grimy goth look. Out grew that in the 80s. Just my 2 cents.

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Play a different game.


I don’t see them limiting player agency like this with how Shadowlands is shaping up.

I don’t think this will happen.

personally, if velfs didnt have paladin and paladins were fotm, i’d likely go draenei or human for my pally. i prefer mages and hunters for belf thalassians because both fit them better than any other race. my mind doesnt think pally when it thinks blood elf.

from the horde’s perspective, belf pally is probably the ultimate belf because of what a game changer they were in tbc. however, as primarily alliance, i think belf mages and hunters, are the ultimate belfs. this is likely the result of looking at alliance high elves specifically, for so many years.

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maybe like “free elves”

In the very unlikely event they were to change the name, I actually really like the sound of “Allerian Elves” tbh. They’d need a 'dorei to go with it though. That could be awkward.


The priest class and order hall is a lieeeeee!

You haven’t answered anything. I want links, quotes, etc. Googling only ends up with more headcanon from people like you trying to state things as fact.

There is no lore on Void Elves, you don’t know if it’s not supported or not.

No, my original post was talking about void elf holy priests specifically. You start bringing up the light/void and explosions while completely ignoring the priest class (which blizzard does a lot anyway) and then start spouting your headcanon nonsense as to why priests themselves aren’t exploding left and right.

You’re doing the exact same thing as everyone who assumed that Forsaken holy priests/paladins were non-canon as well. You don’t know because it hasn’t been written. So, once again, stop stating your headcanon as a fact. There is no clear answer because it hasn’t been written.

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Priest class and order hall don’t contradict the dev statements, and even if they did, the dev statements take precedence.

Funny, I googled it and had no problem. So, now you’ve demonstrated yourself as being dishonest. I’ve provided the source of information. I’ve no obligation to do anything afterwards because what I’ve stated is established lore. You are the one claiming otherwise.
Please learn what head canon means as well bud.

Oh I see, you need it to be word for word explicit because preceding lore isn’t good enough to go with the whole, void elves are infused with the void.
So, unless someone says a void elf will explode, any lore regarding void and light does not matter to you. Got it. You’re not here to have a discussion, you’re hoping I’ll randomly change my mind and spit your headcanon.

They weren’t ignored.
You bringing up gameplay means nothing in the face of lore. I’ve said this. four times to you now. So you’re either not reading what I am saying, or there is a language barrier.

Nope, because they were explained in game, and nothing says an undead cannot use light.
Lore states void and light explode upon interaction. Big difference.
Take your false equivalence elsewhere

No. They cannot or should not, paladins is light themed, void elves is void themed. We should not be mixing the 2.

I think broflake did a good job with the why’s and how’s. Also anyone that says void elves aren’t infused with void needs to A. Look at the race name. And B. Redo the unlock quest chain/alleria legion storyline.


Look, I get you guys are attracted to Paladins. They have a really cool theme, and well, they’re friggin crusaders. It just doesn’t work with void elves. We also should not make a unique class just for void elves so they can be even more of a copy of blood elves. Preserving racial identity is important because it makes your choices matter more. It makes your RP matter more.

Yup, I agree with broflake, to other posters; I suggest another route to get your alliance elf paladins. Night elves is good candidates. Also I made a suggestion for lf subrace customization with high elves, humans, gnomes, and dwarves to represent the “survivors” of the dark portal army (if there is any we do not know) or even request half elves as a playable race. Or even request the furtherance of the silver covenent story-line by making them different like some ppl’s ideas of “storm elves”.


Give me Night Elf Paladins Blizz!


Exactly, I’m glad you understand where I’m coming from now. Something as controversial as a Lightforged shadow priest and Void elf holy priest should have an explanation, and eventually it might. Don’t just say “non-canon” when you aren’t a lorewriter and you don’t know.

I also am not here to change your mind on anything, I don’t care what you think, it’s Blizzard’s game and they make the rules. They haven’t stated that it’s non-canon so stop saying that it is.

It’s probably because there’s really nothing to read at this point. You’re making claims about the priest class that aren’t written down my friend. You, as a player, have no right to state something is non-canon when you aren’t writing the story.

Either way this goes way back to why I hate Void Elves and Lightforged. All of this discussion wouldn’t exist if Blizzard would not tie class themes to an entire race. If Void Elves weren’t friggin Void Elves and were literally anything else it wouldn’t be so controversial. What’s next? Flame Humans with the non-canon frost mage spec? :rofl:

Yeah because Void Elves should have less options than every other race just because. Heaven forbid you accidentally cast Power Word: Shield while rping on your Void Elf priest, according to you you’d have to delete your character by that point :grinning:.

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