New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

No worries, I get where you’re coming from on this. At the same time I chalk that up much more to Blizzard having created the race without really any idea of what they wanted to do with it. I don’t think there’s anything really “stopping” them from suddenly giving Void Elves more development, they do things all the time that cause massive drama bombs and it’s never really been a hurdle to them. I think they just genuinely don’t know what to do with them now that they’re here, and so just keep falling back on the easy choice of “oh wait, uh, they’re basically Blood Elves so just have them do the same thing Blood Elves would be doing in this situation. Oh, but color it purple, cause… void and stuff”.

If they had more ideas than that they’d be using them, player reaction or no. It sucks, but I stopped holding my breath for otherwise once the expansion literally turned all void-y and the only thing they could think to do with us was make us faceless baddies in the visions.

If they want to turn us into High Elves and just go back to having the Silver Covenant everywhere when they want to use elves on Blue side, then fine. That was basically what they were already doing except with a purple filter over us anyways.


that inspired a return of

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Omg, I would literally die, deceased. Taylor Swift is a void elf confirmed.


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dang he is so young in that video!!

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Me otw to Azeroth to end the elf conflict while campaigning for void elf blonde hair fading into pink and blue.

All I ever wanted was LOVEEEEEE. :sparkles: :umbrella: :sparkling_heart: :blue_heart:

now that ya mentioned it. this lil girl here - a hyperspace alt - needs faery wings and little antenna. she would be so cute.

This is amazing!

Fingers crossed for void elf pally in the future!

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That’d be cool.

Dks gotta pick one, they’re either dark Pallies or plate wearing necromancers. They gotta give someplace. Lol

Seriously though I think this could get by. Dks don’t use void to do their work.

Also Night Elf and Worgen Paladins could benefit from an Elune style change like this too.

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So do we get to be High Elf Paladins? Or am I asking for too much?


Because no one plays pandas, so it was never a big deal for them to be on both sides. Elves on the other hand…

I’m speechless, this is amazing news!!!

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There is no reason to think the Silver Covenant are “not a thing” anymore. They didn’t appear in WoD either but then showed up in Legion. Trying to imply they somehow magically poofed out of existence is just rampant headcannon. It’s far more plausible that the Silver Covenant are still in the Broken Isles assisting Dalaran with the Legion clean up rather than them simply ceasing to exist.

Also note, there is historical in-game evidence that any High Elves serving under the banner of the 7th Legion come from the Silver Covenant. I can’t say that for certainty in BfA but I also don’t see any reason why that would have changed.

The above 7th Legion Battle Mages are flagged as belonging to the Silver Covenant faction. The current 7th Legion Shield Mages (which are High Elves and wear the same uniform as the above Battle Mages) have no faction flag at all so it’s difficult to say for sure. I can only go by historical precedent.

Yvera Dawnwing’s game entry also doesn’t have a faction tag but not all NPC’s do. It’s not unreasonable to assume she’s on loan from the Silver Covenant as well though, but that’s purely speculation on my part.

But until Blizzard outright says/shows that the Silver Covenant has been disbanded or destroyed, they still exist no matter how much certain people might wish otherwise. Not appearing in an expansion is not some sudden indication of eradication and implying such is dishonest.


No, but you are!

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Look at it this way Fyre… You might end up getting far more than just blue eyes. We still don’t know what exactly is being shared between the two and Blood Elves may end up getting non-tentacle versions of all the Void Elf hairstyles. You might even get San’layn/Dark Ranger customization on top of that.

And on a lesser note… think of all the alt-hoping you won’t have to do on the forums anymore. I’m sure that must have been exhausting!


So, you were wrong, and that is the best reply you can come up with?

I feel so offended that you couldn’t even make an argument out of it.

hehehe. that was a classic response. i liked all her alts. was fun trying to discover if it was her or not, without checking battlepets or achieves, just by use of language and attitude.

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I agree that blood and void elves should retain or be given customization options that are unique to each. I think what should be shared between the two are the ‘generic Thalassian elf’ coloring features (blue eyes, normal skin tones, and some of the normal hair colors). Letting blood elves keep, as you suggest, the red hair shades (because blood) would be a way to do that…the closest voids have is a reddish-purple-magenta hue.

Say for blood elves:

  • Dark ranger skins and red eyes
  • San’layn customization if they’re not going to add them as a separate allied race (even though I AM in the San’layn camp). One of the eye colors was a creepy solid black that reminds me of some vampire creatures

I think both voids and bloods should get tattoo options (then again most if not all races should get tattoos, because tattoos are awesome)

Void elves:

  • More voidy options for those who want to double down on the void theme, like the glowing purple eyes. Honestly my dream color combination for my void elf hunter is black (actual, real black hair, not the blue-black she currently has) hair and purple eyes with a pale white skin.

At the very least I think void elves should get some shade of blonde, white and black.


I really hope red hair is included. I don’t know why it wouldn’t be.


This all seems very reasonable to be honest, I like it!

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