New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Why does this suck? More customizations are always good in my book, and the model sharing makes it easy to double up on some of these additions. It does not bug me in the slightest if Blood Elves get added options every time we do and vice-versa, it might actually bug me more if that wasn’t the case.

I do get where you’re coming from with the “budget Blood Elves” thing, but to be honest from where I’m standing I feel like that’s something that can be way more effectively dealt with in the world outside of the character creation screen than it does just in the player options. There are still zero named Void Elf characters with any real personalities that you could say anything about beyond a few words aside from Umbric and Alleria (the latter of which only just now feels like she can finally count). Getting just a minor set of NPCs to do quests for and have conversations with in Shadowlands would do way more for us in terms of “race identity” than having x, y, or z customization that Blood Elves don’t would.

Heck, that was the case throughout BFA, and we had no real race identity aside from “purple Blood Elves” throughout the whole thing. If “unique” customizations were going to carry that weight it would have already done that. At least as far as I’m concerned it definitely didn’t. There’s definitely a chance that this makes it even less likely that they’ll ever decide to take a deep dive into who the Void Elves are even supposed to be in any capacity other than “well they’re all those other elves just on Blue side”, but let’s be honest here, they had an entire expansion to do that with plenty of void-related content and never bothered. It wasn’t coming anytime soon anyways.

So, if the choice is Blizzard ignoring Velfs entirely outside of “the Alliance’s Blood Elves” and having “unique” but lacking customizations, and the same situation but the expanded customizations with a lot more room for self-expression and aesthetic choice, then I will absolutely take the latter.


oh i agree that olive skin color is very nice. looks amazing with coppery hair


talendrion came up with a cool idea. give them belf hair colors but 2 at a time, with one color melding into another - using complimentary colors where possible. so blonde melding into pink. brown melding into purple. etc. itd look amazing, lend more to the idea that the void process mixes things up a bit and make them look different from belfs in a pretty dramatic but otherwise satisfying way

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consecration could be a circular, star studded patch of void on the ground. its a bit wobbly to go with the concept of shadow/dark paladin cause it kinda steps on dk concepts. maybe we could lightforge our velfs to receive paladin abilities, invovling some lightforging quest chain. as long as we dont have to kill a naaru for it lol

Considering we haven’t seen the Silver Covenant since Legion, they may not be a thing anymore. Blood Elves getting blue eyes suggests a reunification of the elves, excluding Void Elves because they are a danger to the Sunwell.


If we don’t get the undead skin tones for BEs I think I will be very sad to be honest. I’m rooting for those to happen next before anymore work is done on Void Elves. As BEs only got blue eyes and so did VEs so what did BEs get exactly? :confused:

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this is hyperspace alt. was just examining my old school draenei. anyway, wowhead’s got it in their head again, that belfs are gonna get red eyes. now since blizz knows you want to do the dark ranger theme with those red eyes, presumably you would get an undead skin option. if not, i’ll help ya request it. :sparkling_heart:


Just put on a Silver Covenant tabard and RP as one.

Thank you Hyper, there is a customization request thread for it actually someone made I hope the devs see it

fingers crossed these customizations make it in for BE players


I am hoping we get to see more of the options soon. I’ve had mixed feelings, and still think high elves as their own ar should be considered since a lot of void elf fans are upset, but ultimately this could be made to work for everyone I think.

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It does seem odd that the playerbase can’t just band together and appreciate the Thalassian Elf.

I think most would agree that there should be some options available only to Blood Elves, and some only for Void. We already know of course the latter has the blueberry option.

For Blood Elves it could either be that Sunwell Sunburnt look, or the Dark Ranger, or maybe even San’layn. It wouldn’t be fair for Void Elves to inheret ALL of the new skin options AND the current Void Elf skins (without Blood Elves getting something in addition that is).

I also think that because Void Elves have a range of blue hair choices, Blood Elves should retain the red shades to keep the red-blood theme unique to them. After all, one minor difference in old High Elf NPCs was in fact the more common blue hair.

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I really wouldn’t be too surprised if this wound up being a thing. The skin tones are there, it’s just a question of making them available, and customization expansion seems to be a major thing in SL.

Also undead skins in the death themed expansion just seems like a no brainer tbh.

alrighty. got on my belf hunter and added my voice to the others in the thread.


NPCs are in Boralus.


It just feels like Void Elves development is hindered by the fact that they’re not allowed to do anything without being afraid of hurting the Blood Elf theme and upsetting their fans, which is why they’ve been getting stuff at the same time. But, like, Blood Elves don’t have to worry about that because they’re the original race. They can go any direction they want and not have to worry about people complaining(To an extent). But if both Void Elves and Blood Elves are getting lore, character customization and story development at the same time, I wouldn’t have a complaint.

And just the fact that these guys were Void Elves in the first place is kind of proof that Blizzard were hesitant about this whole idea to begin with… sort of. I feel like High Elves would have never had this problem. Because they’re already a thing and fleshed out, it’s not exactly taking away from anything that isn’t there. Void Elves are brand new and giving them new stuff is probably kind of risky in Blizzard’s eyes?

I feel like I’m not wording this right. But that’s basically what I can come up with, lmao. :neutral_face:

All of this makes perfect sense. If Void Elves were a well developed race from the start and had their moment to shine throughout literally any part of BfA, I probably would have been perfectly happy with the way they are.


oddly enough, they gave the helf blue hair shade to belfs. hehe … i was like…waaait, isnt blue hair a velf thing? apparently not.


yeah this was one of my big issues with velf customization. cant have light blue hair as a dk because belfs already have it, yet we’re supposed to be confined to blue and cool shades of other colors. same issue cropped up with classes. druids didnt want us to get druid class, shaman didnt want us to get shaman, nobody wanted us to get demon hunters, and paladins dont want us to get pallies. lol


I would love to see blonde and silver hair options with blue or pink highlights on void elves, I think that would look EPIC!!!

Or even blonde fading into pink or blue on the ends.

Like Taylor Swift from the Lover era. Ooo and some braids mixed in. #LoveIT :heart_eyes:


/stamp of approval :sparkling_heart:



I just think that would be sooooo cool. It’s a way to play into the uniqueness of the race and it’s new and exciting! It also lends to the high elven aesthetic people want, while still clearly more void elf in nature.

We could have so much fun with this. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :blue_heart: :sparkling_heart: :dizzy: