New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Where’s the retcon? Isn’t it "Sargeras saw the void stuff and went “oh ____” and turned to the other demons and told them that they’re his army now and they were going to burn the whole universe rather than let those void things take it over?


Chronicle 1, page 21-24.

That is exactly right, take a star sticker.

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wooo sticker!

but they are void things. haha. they are using void energies. according the thing i quoted above from wowpedia. fel was apparently a form of void energy at some point in the story and then became its own thing or something.

the operative word in what you quoted was “Some” you know “some demons” not all demons. He took the not-void using demons to wipe out the void

No they’re demons.

No they are using fel.

In the beginning there was only light and shadow, their conflict created reality, the mixture of the two slowly creating the other four enegies, which are equal in power to the original two.

If any of the six energies manages to completely take over reality falls in upon itself.

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what about this then-

As the Pantheon’s greatest warrior, Sargeras , hunted the vile creatures wherever he could find them, he soon learned that some demons had learned to wield Void energies

if its not a retcon, then which demons are the ones wielding void energies?

I don’t have Chronicles handy but if I recall correctly one of the ways Fel energy comes about is a by-product of the Light and Void annihilating each other, no?

I dunno that it’s accurate to say that the forces are inherently opposed to each other on a cosmic level, moreso that Sargeras as an individual was super not cool with the Void and the point of the BL was to oppose it.

Some of the demons within it definitely do use and have an affinity to Void energy (the Nathrezim, iirc), but that’s not to say that the big boss was any less opposed to it. He probably was just willing to overlook the usage of it in the case that it was still being used towards the larger purpose.

He found a coven of void-wielding Dreadlords on a fallen world with a World Soul who he interrogated for information about the Void Lords which is how he learnt about them.

Basically in the beginning there was only light and void. All the magics were created from this conflict. However light and shadow aren’t superior or more powerful or anything like that, they’re just older.

All six forces seek dominance over the others.

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recalling now my train of thought when creating the who’s the real big bad list. i backwards engineered it based on who negatively effected who, and got it stuck in my head that void gods corrupted sargeras because it was their negative effect on existence that prompted him to go wacky burning legion mode.

and a void god is a dark naaru. not a void lord, but a void god. apparently two different things. and a dark naaru use to be a being of pure light.

Here was the bit I was thinking of, from the wowpedia article on Fel, sourced from Chronicle:

The destruction of souls is the other way to create it, although that’s less relevant to the discussion at hand I guess.

Edit: it was the Nathrezim I was thinking of, also, once again from wowpedia and sourced from Chronicle:

That particular conclave is destroyed by Sargeras, but the larger point I guess is that the Dreadlords actually seem to like the Void quite a bit, and the larger article on them also points out that they make frequent use of Shadow magic (the article the “shadow magic” link leads to is for the Void in general).

I guess my larger point was that yeah, there are demons actually using Void stuff out there and it’s not quite as cut and dried as the forces being totally incompatible. There’s some bleedover.

oh btw, do you think all nathrezim use void energies or just that group on the world sargeras cut in half?

Love it - would like to have roses options in hair too


I dunno that I’d say that all of them use it, but culturally they seem pretty cool with the idea overall:

Again, shadow magic in this context is referencing the Void, at least according to Wowpedia.

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They seem to be just really into magic in general, we’ve seen really powerful warlocks, necromancers and void casters who were all dreadlords.

It was originally stated in the Warcraft III manual that Sargeras fell into despair due to the endless evil of the demonic eredar and nathrezim, and that he abandoned the Pantheon due to coming to believe that the titan’s vision of an ordered universe was impossible and pointless — that chaos and depravity were the only absolutes.

The origin of the eredar was heavily retconned with the introduction of the draenei in The Burning Crusade, and the WoW Magazine instead showed Sargeras fighting nathrezim, mo’arg, sayaad and infernals prior to his corruption, but his reason for betraying his fellow titans remained relatively the same.

World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1 changed Sargeras’ backstory once more by providing a more specific reason for his betrayal: namely, the void lords and the risk of the Old Gods infecting a nascent world-soul.

Sargeras’ background wasn’t retconned once, but twice since his inception as WoW’s main antagonist.

almost sounds like 3 times.

first, he just decides being orderly is an exercise in futility and goes dark side.

second, he goes darkside after fighting the demons and thinking being orderly against them is an exercise in futility.

finally, he goes darkside cause old gods infecting world souls will destroy everything so he is gonna destroy everything instead with burning legion, but this time when life restarts, no old gods…

he cant guarantee that, of course, which is why the idea is whack. in the first, he sounds malicious and evil. in the second, he sounds malicious and evil with a reason given. and third, he sounds crazy, malicious and evil with a reason given. i say crazy cause he cant guarantee that will solve the problem but still gonna do it anyway, which is crazy.

this just messes with my thought process. a dark naaru is a void god, created when a naaru starts to die. how is it that things that naturally annihilate each other can exist in even the smallest part, in the same being? before a light naaru could start to die from void/shadow, it should just naturally poof out of existence, leaving a puddle/lake/whatever, of fel in its place lol this is why void elves are a head scratcher.

I don’t think we have the full story, plus they’re not actually opposites to one another they’re one and the same. Light cannot exist without the Dark and Dark cannot exist without Light.