New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Hmmm…though on the topic of eye color. I wonder if they’d give red (and an undeadish skin tone) to blood elves so they can make a dark ranger character, and for those who want more voidy features for their void elves, maybe a glowing purple? Purple is void, red is dark ranger/undead elf.


Taken from this old post:

I thought this song belongs here:


I wish I had another heart to give :c


I have a suggestion:

  • Delete Pandas.
  • Put the High Elfs to replace Pandas as the “Neutral race”
  • Make a story-line where u can choose follow the Horde as a blood elf or u prefer a Sunelf or Sunbourne OR follow the Alliance as a former high elf who get trapped in the Void until Alleria comes to them and lets them join the Alliance.
  • Both races maintain theirs original High Elfs looks; Sunbournes with options like cool light touched hairs, sun tatoos, golden eyes; and Void Elfs with deep purple eyes, voidy hair, etc

And that will “fix” many things, you can play your original highelf or rol play like one. That will be the “playable” high elfs, became the non-playable were always Alliance.


Sunborne is really cringe.

I liked blood elves more in BC they had great backstory and edgy characters…it feels like since the sunwell was restored and they have all those holy paladins now; I get more of a knock on my door “would you like to read our pamphlet” feeling

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Yes, I agree that was uncalled for. I’ve noticed that one or two antis, Starla in particular, have been quite polite with us, and after all what we’ve been through both antis and pros, that’s something I really appreciate, sincerely.

I hope we can keep it up, reciprocally.

I completely agree with you here. I mean, Shadowlands is the customization expansion, we’re most probably going to see a huge amount of new options for all races, including those that some people consider “match” or interfere other races’ themes. The best solution to me is to ask for more distinct customization options for Blood Elves in this case. Red/green tattoes, more hair color variety, makeup, etc.


Honestly? I hope Blizzard gives Blood Elves those red eyes and any available San’layn/Dark Ranger NPC skins. That’s been a fairly consistent request for some time now.

Going even further than that, if Blizzard is also planning to share Blood Elf hair styles and colors with Void Elves (we don’t know yet if this is happening), then I think Void Elves should share their non-glowy-tentacle hair options with Blood Elves in turn.

I think if Blood Elves get those San’Layn/Dark Ranger options and some of the Void Elf hair styles, they might feel a bit better about the exchange than if they just get blue eyes and some Void Elf beards.


Yes, this would be the best option. Literally nobody loses anything if Blizzard takes this approach.

But what kind of sucks is that whenever Void Elves get something given to them, Blood Elves are also given new stuff. When they were first introduced, Blizzard gave both the males and females two brand new faces and golden eyes. And now we’re getting blue eyes and normal skin tones, they’re giving Blood Elves blue eyes, too.

Blue eyes hurts their Sin’dorei identity, fusing them with the High Elves that have stayed in Alliance territories and the Sin’dorei that stayed in Quel’thalas and joined the Horde.

To me, it just seems like Blizzard won’t ever allow Void Elves to be anything other than just a budget version of a Blood Elf with slightly (really) different lore.

I don’t know if I’d agree with that assessment. I don’t see the extra faces with golden eyes as any sort of slight towards Void Elves. And if Blood Elves do get something whenever Void Elves get something? So what? That just means more players will get new stuff and be happy IMO.

I don’t see Void Elves as a “budget” Blood Elf even now without the proliferated options, so I certainly won’t see them as such once we get them. With these customization options I will have a broad array of aesthetics that I can put together to create a pleasing appearance and fulfill any specific RP ideas I have.

Blood Elves getting some non-tentacle Void Elf hair and San’layn/Dark Ranger customization also broadens their options as well and gives them tools to create pleasing appearances and fulfill specific RP ideas they might have. It’s a win/win for both in my eyes.

I just can’t get be upset about these forthcoming options on any level. I can only hope that Blood Elf players get options they want too. I know that at least one of the Void Elf female hairstyles is very popular and many Blood Elf players would enjoy having it, and having some of the others may please other players as well. More options for everyone is better!


It just feels like we’re not allowed anything without Blood Elves getting compensated for it just because they’re the “father” race, or something like that? No other Horde or Alliance race got new faces or eyes at the launch of BfA, so it’s just… weird? And when Blizzard keeps compensating Blood Elves with new customization whenever Void Elves are given stuff(This High Elf stuff and the Void Elf AR launch are two examples), it definitely makes it feel like that’s the case- that Void Elves really are just budget Blood Elves because Blizzard doesn’t want Alliance taking Horde’s identity.

Blood Elf fans are allowed to ask for whatever they want–which is obviously totally fair and cool–but Void Elf fans have to ask for very specific stuff so we don’t take from their theme or identity.

If Blizzard does actually end up sharing hair options between both races, I’d probably think differently, but from what we’re seeing right now, it’s just Blood Elves that are getting Void Elf stuff(I’m pretty sure that beard in the male panel is just this one I have on my warrior).

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I think you’re reading too much into it. You also might be missing something… if this whole sharing of aesthetics things continues… the reverse of what you think may also be true. When Blood Elves get something, Void Elves will get something as well :smiley:


I guess that’s a good way to look at it. :thinking: And from what we know right now, Void Elves could be the only Allied Race to even be getting stuff.

If we are the only AR getting new options, then I’ll happily take everything I just said back. (Also, definitely not complaining about what we’re getting. Stoked to get this stuff regardless of the reason.)

I feel like I need to make a gofund me page for poor nightborne males at some point in the future.


I highly doubt that Void Elves are the only allied race getting new stuff at SL launch. My theory is that the first four allied races, which did not have the breadth of options and great detail devoted to them as the ones we unlocked in BfA did, will all be seeing some significant additional options.

Likely those options will be just like Void Elves, inherited from their parent race. So options that Draenei get, Lightforged will likely also get. Options that Tauren get, High Mountain will also get. Options that Night Elves get, Nightborne will also get. I do honestly think Blizzard will also give Nightborne additional options that allow them to look more like their NPC’s in place of any clearly druidic/nature themed options that Night Elves get that wouldn’t really make much sense for Nightborne.

Another theory of mine is that with the cancellation of Blizzcon, Blizzard devs now have more time to devote to Shadowlands and making it’s launch the best it can be. The art team won’t be as rushed since they won’t have to worry about making things specifically for a Blizzcon deadline and Shadowlands may actually come out later than originally expected.

I originally assumed Shadowlands would launch before Blizzcon, but with the cancellation, it could conceivably get an extra month or so of development, which may be why extra things like these customizations are happening. Of course that’s purely speculation on my part.


I am okay with it taking long in exchange for more customizations primarily Dark Ranger aesthetic customization for BEs opening up the undead skin pallet. And idk stuff across the board for other races too Gilgoblin, Taunka etc!


The more options the merrier IMO! :smiley:

  1. Tattoos are fine. I’d love to see void themed ones. Void Elves already have an armor set, no need for a 2nd one.
  2. They are clearly the High Elves that travel to Telogrus Rift from Stormwind.
  3. Nope, they are still Void Elves regardless of what their skin color is.
  4. Nope, the Light and Void are not compatible so Paladins don’t work.

Generally I agree with you, but folk should be allowed to RP as they wish.

Also I think void Pallies would be cool.

If only blizz was willing to change spell looks by race.


You tried really hard. But your lying is kinda annoying. /ignored

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