New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

I assume you have cleansed all your corrupted gear? :roll_eyes:

It’s not the only exception though…

You’re right. We had High Elves that have been apart of the Alliance since WC2.

Proof? Because last time I checked, Lordaeron was destroyed.

They are? The only thing I have been seeing going against the High Elves are the Blood Elves. I haven’t seen any racism towards the Alliance High Elves or to the Horde Blood Elves except for, as off, each other.

Darkspear Trolls, Gnomes, Void Elves, are all supposed to be very small in numbers. Numbers mean nothing.

You’re doing a very good job at ignoring lore.


You know what, after thinking about it I’m glad they’re doing this. The more lore they toss to the wind the more we get. So I say keep going, don’t stop with this.

You DO realize the Alliance that ‘turned their backs’ on Quel’thalas was the old Alliance of Lordaeron, which had just been wiped out and mostly turned undead by Arthas before he turned the Scourge north to head for the sunwell to resurrect Kel’thuzad, and that the majority of those Lordaeronians are now Forsaken and part of your own faction?


Yeh, pretty much all of this is inaccurate or misconstrued.

-The High Elves DID join the alliance. Sure they left later as a government, but never joining and leaving are obviously different things.

-It’s markedly clear that the Alliance HE NPC’s we see are High Elves that never left the alliance.

-The alliance “turned their backs” on the High Elves when they got invaded is wrong in all accounts. They weren’t official allies at that point AND all of Lordaeron was in flames.

-Alliance NPC’s aren’t racist towards High Elves, like, when and there lord.


Yeah I’m REALLY hoping nightborne get some love. They need it the most imo, well as far as allied races go.


If you change your void elf to a blood elf light skin tone why do you now get blood elf underwear and bra ?

They said that would be fixed later.

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We still don’t know exactly what options we’re getting yet so I wouldn’t count out blonde hair just yet!


Why do people keep trying to use population numbers? It’s moot. Playable trolls were survivors of an already small population, demon hunters? yeah, small crack squad. Void elves, yup also a measly group.
High elves however have had prominent roles and actual military forces involved. In several expansions.


Spoken like someone who has never gone to the Stormwind Mage District…


Man. I’d love to get a beta invite. I can’t wait for that rugged elf beard look for Val. This gonna be so awesome!


Hope Hair styles & colors will be added to the Ren’dorei to.


Allerian Stronghold, Terokkar Forest, Outland. 2006.


I’m hoping so so. I love the more customisations coming to the Void Elves as well.

And for those who are requesting for VE Paladins too, I hope they get there wish as well.


Hell. Yeah. Brother.

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Like Callistus said, it doesn’t make sense for the hair colors to be unique only to blood elves if the blue eyes and skin colors aren’t (otherwise why not just give void elves the 1-2 normal skin tones most of us were expecting if we got those?)

Blood elves will still have golden and green eyes unique to them (and potentially red if they were fibbing about those being NPC only as they originally said with the blue). They’ll have unique hairstyles and that Silvermoon/Sin’dorei -themed jewelry are unique to them as well.

Hair colors and maybe a few of the base blood elf hairstyles isn’t a world-ending thing if they’re already giving the skin tones in common, and I don’t see a problem giving a few of the void elf hairstyles to blood elves in return de-voided.


I am so happy and excited for this. Already did my race change! I’ve also read all of this thread and was extremely happy to see a lot of familiar faces return that I haven’t seen over the past year or so. Welcome back and congratulations!


They need to look like Nightborne and not lanky Night Elves.