New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves


in fact… :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

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I think that’s the really neat thing about this. It really seems to be something that’s not only healthy for player expression, but also for the faction conflict.

People really do identify with the side they are on. It’s incredible. There’s going to be so many fun instances of void elf players occupying Silvermoon. I can see it now. :joy:

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I can’t stop laughing!

This is exactly as I predicted.


  1. Deny the High Elf supporters and get salt free.
  2. Give High Elves and get free salt from Anti High Elf people.
  3. Make High Elves or Elves neutral and give Night Elves, Nightborne, Blood Elves, Void Elves as “Character Customizations”.

Blizzard is the king of trolling!

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The racial’s not gonna effect you really though. It doesn’t proc randomly. So if you’re roleplaying then you’re fine…

and I’m never trying to keep up appearances when I’m running a mythic+

I wouldn’t pay it any mind you’re entitled to your opinion. And you already congratulated HE fans who are happy about things from what I’ve seen so I don’t know why anyone is trying to make you look bad for it. If anything it comes from a positive place from loving Blood Elves. And look at all these call for Silvermoon neutrality threads and posts in various threads reminding us of a forgotten Quel’thalas warfront. That looks more spiteful to me, to wish on BE fans to go through months on end of not knowing who wins in canon while on the forums Alliance extremists push their take Quel’thalas agenda. It seems mean spirited to keep bringing that up to me and no ones pointing that out. But they are attacking you for being nice to HE fans that seems beyond silly.


And as someone who had pretty much chalked up blood elves getting blue eyes, even after the Sunwell had been healed, as a ‘never going to happen’–I am very happy. Both for the belf players who have wanted it forever, and for the Alliance players who wanted high elves (I know, it’s still not ‘perfect’ on that side, but it’s a hundred times closer to what was asked for than when Ion said ‘never’).

People are still going to complain for various reasons, but personally? I’m happy and grateful. :slight_smile:


I think most people are seeing the positive of this on the HE side anyways as I support HEs so I’m just speaking from being someone on that side of things. I think it’s nice both sides were thought of with such care to try not to offend the other personally. So I’m happy moving forward too. Congrats on your blue eyes and hopefully we get dark ranger customization imo!


no they’re not, and blood is in the name as part of an oath/vendetta against the scourge. It’s not cause they have some blood bending powers lol. High Elves in the Alliance and Blood Elves in the Horde are genetically the same, what is different is politics and culture. And Void Elves are getting both high elf and blood elf recruits(actually in-game in BFA, you can see the npc recruits in the void space)




It didn’t take long for the toxicity to be strewn about from people. How about you guys stop being insulting and harassing us for a change?

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I think the vast majority of people on both ends of this are taking this compromise for what it is and are grateful for it.

Is it exactly what everyone was asking for? To be frank, no, it’s not. But it’s a country mile better than anything I was expecting to ever realistically happen.

No, it’s not going to fit perfectly into the rigid “lore box” of three racial description on the character creation screen, but they were already making clear motions away from that anyways (Wildhammer Dwarves are not Bronzebeard and and various Troll types are not Darkspear, etc).

I understand people not being super thrilled that their “High Elf” has to start in Telogras or have the Velf racials, but honestly, the starting area and intro spiel are over within the first two minutes of rolling a character. What I’m much more concerned with “racial lore”-wise is how the race is utilized outside of the player character out in the world after you’ve left that starting area.

Void Elves are still very much left wanting in regards to representation out in the world, but if this is a sign that they’re less interested in the specifics of Void Elves as their own thing and more of “Alliance Thallasian Elves” as an umbrella group… Well. It’s not necessarily what I meant when I asked for more named characters out there to look to and feel like the race I was playing had characters with actual personalities out in the world, but rolling the High Elves into the playable umbrella does actually expand that quite a bit. I’ll take it with a smile.

A good compromise by nature doesn’t give you everything you want, and this is a good compromise. I’m okay with that.


that’s the thing what Blizz says in interviews can never be taken as canon, because they constantly change their minds…like how they just did lol. Canon WoW is what you find in the novels/comics and in the games. Not what a Blizz employee or even director says cause his word ain’t gospel until it is actually reflected in game or in novels, and high elves not being recruited, has clearly not been reflected but in fact the opposite.

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Thank you, Lann. :hugs:
I am happy Blood Elves got one of the things I’ve asked for.
I am happy for the people who wanted light color skins for void elves, although I’m disappointed because I believed it would continue to erode the divisions between the factions. But what’s done is done.
I’m concerned they’re going to add to it with hair colors, so that’s why I’m still in this discussion at all.
Also…can’t imagine how many of the helfers would actually be happy because this wasn’t what they really wanted.
Lots of happiness and unhappiness…but that’s expected with any changes they make especially to well loved ones like Blood Elves.


I agree with this but honestly they can keep that body jewelry…it’s garbage. I would much rather have scar options, my girl has been through a lot!


Still, I would prefer to have the option to turn it off or something.


Yes we probably disagree over the hairstyles issue buts that okay it is what it is. I don’t think VEs should get every BE hair option anyways.

Most people are in an extremely happy mood both on and off the forums from what I’ve seen from the HE community. We just want explicit statement and or story to have 100 percent confirmation that Alliance affiliated HEs are joining VE ranks. And from what I’ve seen it’s the same from the San’layn community and other AR groups who would want story to go along with customization added, and that’s one of the main things for me I’m looking for.

On the topic of what is fair to me or not I think Blood Elves should see the undead BE customization. Void Elves get the Void options and the full range of diversity in the HE/BE options. So I’m happy for the people who got their blue eyes but it wasn’t something I was looking for either so I’m hoping for a bit more in all honesty. Because Blood Elves got blue eyes… but so did VEs so I’m failing to see what exactly Blood Elves got because a lot of it is just an emphasis on how controversial Blue Eyed Blood Elves are without giving the HE community options, which I agree with they took great strides to be very diplomatic to both sides. But I still think now that the dust is settled BE customization is lacking in the department of what we’re getting.


Why not both? I hope we all get scar options, and tattoos.


I can’t think of a legitimate reason that this couldn’t/shouldn’t happen. I really do hope those dark ranger/darkfallen tones and eye colors do wind up being playable options for you. Fingers crossed, anything feels possible at this point!


Good to know the helfers are happy now.
I agree that the Sanlayn option would be a great way to deal with some of the inequity that seems to have happened. Still might happen. :vampire:
I know you were against Blood Elves getting blue eyes…so ty. :kissing_cat:


I mean they haven’t even released all the option we are getting, I dare say we have only seen what maybe 30%(guessing). I still expect people to get surprised by more to come…and my hope is nightborne especially.