New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

You realize you guys got what you wanted too right? No need to rain on the parade.


Don’t even try to twist my words…AGAIN.
A blue-eyed belf is still a BELF! Just ask any DK.
So no, it its not what ~I~ wanted; nor many others.
No skal for you!


(Commentary): I recall her bragging in one thread weeks ago about Void Elves never getting normal skin tones, and that I shouldn’t even think about it. Was kind of funny because I actually wasn’t at the time.


The selling point of Blood Elves is the ability to play a Thalassian elf on the Horde. Adding in Alliance High Elves - albiet on a slightly twisted path - as playable does not magically negate that fact.

Adding in Void Elves originally didn’t either.

The Nightborne are really quite similar to Night Elves. I’ll preempt you and say you not caring isn’t an argument-- they are in the game and side with Horde. Also they are doing quite well in population numbers, unlike Kul Tirans and Mechagnomes.

There’s a good reason why Nightborne are different in ways; and there’s a good reason why High Elves are almost exactly like Blood Elves.

It’s perfectly fair because you aren’t losing your character. Just because you get mad because you see a very similar looking character on the Alliance, it isn’t a good reason for Blizzard to cater to you.


They didn’t get what they wanted.

If they were like, “We want blue eyes.” then they’d have gotten what they wanted.

Instead they were like, “We want blue eyes so you can never have them.”

So… wan wan.


Blood elves didn’t “evolve” from high elves. They ARE high elves, with a different political affiliation.

That’s like saying a Californian is a different species from a New Yorker, just because they moved west.


To be fair, I think some people genuinely wanted blue eyes for Belves. But I can certainly confirm there were people who wanted blue eyes in and effort to make the pro helf position weaker.


Oh they’ll do their little rain dances, don’t worry. Fyre and all the other little Blizzard trolls will be shoving this in everyone’s faces for quite a while.
Skäl, to all the faithful!

What cookie?

I don’t know about you but I’m excited with the prospect of being able to play High elf’s on the alliance.

I don’t need the game to straight up call me one. I know what I am.


they know. theyve always known. not sure what the point of keeping up the charade is now though

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(Query): So, when you were among the folks telling people that Void Elves were High Elves, the Alliance’s High Elves, one could say you knew too?


It’s incredibly childish and it’s as if they want to double down on their choice of playable character rather than acknowledging that it might not actually be exactly what they had wanted, so now they have to talk themselves out of rolling an Alliance character, or just generally trying to make someone else feel lesser than.

You’d literally think there was a test with written and oral components to roll a blood elf the way some people are getting on.


Void elves are getting the full range of skintones from belves. We are also hoping the racial could be altered so that it’s optional, or at least a different appearance.

We are also waiting on news about hair colors.


Whatever helps you sleep at night.


Mic drop. :sunglasses:

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…and you should see the amount of Horde threads whinging about how ‘the Alliance got something thats ours waaah’.
‘Horde tough’, huh.

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it seems you can’t be happy though you spiteful busche


…says the BELF.

Oh my god, you just made me spit out of coffee from laughing. I love it! :rofl:


I’m goin’ to enjoy some new RP ideas with all this. Goin’ to make a blue-eyed Blood Elf Mage, main Fire spec, transmog Felo’melorn, and go full on Imperial Inquisition.

The Sunwell protects! Death to the Heretics!