New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Canonicly the opposite is true.

In a Blizzard interview they said they are not recruiting and currently don’t know how to make more.

That needs to change for this to be even partially successful.

Maybe the lore has changed :woman_shrugging:

But uncertain if these new customisations actually could have anything to do with why we have High Elf Wayfarers and Blood Elf Scholars in Telogrus Rift

If Void Elves get a few hairstyles and natural colours, coupled with a post about how all the High Elves have joined Alleria and started on the path to learning the ways of the void, it would wrap things up in a way that satisfies most people.

Canonically they would be the High Elves been asked for, and they’d pretty much look the part as well.

It’d certainly be enough to retire my case for requesting them.

I do agree though there should be some things only available to Void and only to Blood. I still think red hair and those new golden skin hues should stay with Blood Elves-- perhaps also a potential Dark Ranger look. It’d be fair because Void Elves have various shades of purple and blue hair, and the purple skin.

There’s the standard elf look, shared between the two, and there’s the unique flavours only available to one or the other.


I suspect that my priest on MG will be comforting, feeding, and counseling a lot of out-of-work Night Elf ladies of the evening, soon.

/scurries off to marshal a committee for planning an organized campaign for the care and rehabilitation of soon-to-be unemployed Night Elf “workers” from Goldshire.

And that’s broken because it should be the other way around. The way Blizzard does it in WoW is just some power tripping DM flexing on his tabletop group for shiggles.


Is a Blood Elf Shadow Priest not a Blood Elf by that stance?

Sin’dorei stem from Quel’dorei much in the same way that Ren’dorei stem from Sin’dorei who stem from Quel’dorei. It’s not this overblown “perversion” of the lore as you are trying to paint it as, especially considering the following.

First, the Ren’dorei are not thousands of years detached from their roots so of course they would be very similar in terms of anatomy.

Second, Alleria Windrunner looks like a plain ol’ Quel’dorei even though she harnesses the void in much the same way. Why do I feel if I were to dig though your post history you wouldn’t have a single complaint about her looks vs the Void Elves :thinking:

Third, not every member of the Void Elves may be as progressed into the arts as the next so the effects of said Void “corruption” isn’t going to be as strong.

Fourth, the fact is that Elves are a very vain race to begin with in a lot of scenarios, appearances matter so it goes to say there would also be those who would want to cover up their appearances any way they can through whatever means possible. Warcraft is a universe of fantasy and magic, changing one’s appearance is something seen often in Warcraft.

Again, the Ren’dorei are not GENERATIONS separated and learned to control their powers, of course they are going to look similar!

I am sorry that people are getting something they have wanted and you are now scrambling to find any reason you can to continue the anti-helf fighting, resorting to using vague statements like the above?

The only thing hysterical is watching the meltdown of people in this thread because other’s are getting something they desired. Just as hysterical as watching threads still pop up crying about Vulpera for example.

Never have I seen such a generation of pettiness on these forums as what the Allied Races have seemingly brought out. So many people who seem to come to these forums with their only mission being to try and make sure people don’t get the things they want to see or like in the game, people who will make up absurd accusations and logical fallacies, constantly move their argument goal posts, and then devolve into kicking and screaming when inevitably they didn’t get their way and couldn’t stop those people from getting the things they have passionately asked for.


Just hope for more hair options and hair colours too.


Don’t waste your time on that one.

Just something to sprinkle on the salt would do the trick.


This is important!


I LOVE YOU!!! :heart:


People roleplaying could have already done that, they didn’t need to make the differences between Void And Blood elves even less, imo.

I believe this should have been the attitude of the helfer fans as soon as you were given a Blood Elf look alike in Void Elves.

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I’m not sure… seems to be more about letting players customize their characters the way they want…

Since Wildhammer Dwarves aren’t Bronzebeard Dwarves and Forest Trolls aren’t Darkspear Trolls.


Our hair will stay unique, wont it? I hope we can all retain some uniqueness intrinsic to each race.


I’m going to continue giving feedback on that topic. They need to know that some of us aren’t happy with what they’re doing and considering the helfers are already screaming for more Blood Elf appearances in hair color I’d say it’s a possibility.


It doesn’t make much sense for the hair colors to stay unique.

It makes sense for the hairstyles to remain unique. The old RPG books actually talked about how Blood Elves went out of their way to have some aggressive hairstyles. etc.

Also the expansion seems focused around making you have more customization options for characters so…


Personally this actually address the elephant in the room. Giving VE blood elf looks is breaking down the wall that seperates horde and alliance beyond the mistake of panderan. HE should have been given they’re own race/mode/stances or have had say Half-elves take over the alliance flavor of the lore.

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Yeah man… Because what made the Horde the Horde and the Alliance the Alliance was Elves…

That’s why Warcraft 1’s subtitlte was, “Warcraft! High Elves and the other faction that doesn’t have High elves.”

Or was it Orcs and Humans?

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blood elves loves their orcs whom hates humans = horde
High elves loves their humans whom hates orcs = alliance

I can do that too. :slight_smile:

Good Edit.

and you’re not doing that too?

The original Warcrafts subtitle was Warcraft: Orcs and Humans.

You’d have to do a play on that for you to be participating in the same shenanigans I am.