New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

I mean, everyone knows that

That’s why BElves have golden eyes now and not the older eyes from the HElf days. Because BElves are mutating into a separate thing from HElves entirely. After all, just like Ion said, they’ve evolved past it. That’s why the blue of the new eyes is different from the Void Elf blue


Let’s be honest. ‘High’ and ‘Blood’ elf are political factions by this point. From a genetic/racial standpoint High/Blood/Void elves are the same darn thing.

The high elves who remained in Quel’thalas before, during and after the Scourge invasion are still racially high elves no matter what energy is fueling the sunwell or what they chose to rename themselves.

High elves living in Dalaran/Stormwind/Outland/etc before, during and after the Scourge invasion but chose to not return to Quel’thalas or join the Horde are still racially the same as blood elves. The difference is political at this point, especially once the sunwell was purified and blood elves stopped drawing power from fel sources.

Original void elves (as in the tiny band Umbric was leading when Alleria and the Alliance PC found them) are still the same race as other high/blood elves. An individual being cursed or infused with one of the cosmic forces of the warcraft universe doesn’t make them a different species. Worgen are simply cursed Gilnean humans. Blizzard confirmed that it’s not passed on if they have children. So ‘worgen’ are not an actual race. Likewise, unless Blizzard says an original void elf (or LF Draenei for that matter) passes that void infusion on to any potential children they have…then they’re not a race, but a faction of Thalassian elves who’ve chosen to learn void powers and are politically loyal to the Alliance.

Giving void elves the option of natural, non void infused skin to reflect new Thalassian elves joining their ranks further drives the ‘faction, not race’ point home.


Are you laboring under the delusion that I’m going to come for Silvermoon and the royal vaults if I got High Elves?

I couldn’t give two wits about who “owns” the Blood Elven properties. I don’t want the stuff they have, and I don’t believe that the High Elves of Dalaran and Stormwind necessarily have any interest in trying to take Quel’thalas from the Blood Elves.

If you mean something else, I genuinely must have misread it. It is 2AM my time. It just read to my brain like you think that I think that High Elves have some claim to something.

I’m just saying; they’re still a distinct political group. Albeit they’re likely more numerous than the Defias, mind you, just given that there must at least have been ~1400 of them and the Defias seem to make up a rather smaller group.

Either way if the Defias had been campaigning for freedom from Stormwind and the right to make their own human nation separate from the Alliance… I wouldn’t have stopped them. I’m not sure most people would have, either.

I was actually pointing out that, in fact, we can not play as the High Elves we’d been asking for precisely because it’s going to be a Void Elf. It might look like a High Elf on the surface but it will have all the trappings of a Void Elf.

Much like how a Blood Elf looks like a High Elf on the surface but has all the trappings of a Blood Elf.

They’re all High Elves, but Blood Elves no longer behave the way their High Elves ancestors did. They’re hardened by the world around them, changed by their experiences, and they’re colder in response to their losses.

It really comes down to the statement that Blizzard should probably handle this situation very carefully.


Seriously? Aside from the fact that sounded more like a comment on evolving story. This announcement kind of completely and utterly invalidates that statement.

You mean the same blood elves that changed their names to honor their past? It’s not them breaking away from what they were. It’s continuing that legacy but using their name to honor the lost. They’re not denying their past in any way, they are honoring it. This is a really bad argument to try and make.

Means that there are more reasons than just that one.

If you compare story just by personality, you will notice blood elves became colder and more emo then they’re past high elf selves (silver covenent can be looked at as an example of high elf personality vs blood elf personality) so in that reference they evolved through that. It can also be looked at skin tone, but I dunno what that will look like once all the appearance changes take place, as currently they have red hues in blood elf skin tones vs high elves.

Please, give an example of this.

The best way is too look at the purge of dalaran for one, isle of thunder, qual’dalar quest line, and the fact that blood elves really craves more power, either by artifacts or elsewhere.

Funny, that seems more like an example of the monstrous behavior of the high elves than as an example of this supposed coldness of the Blood elves.

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How so? They’re still void elfs. Are you saying that because some of them would rather be just a High elf instead?

To me, there is very little difference between an allied race named High Elfs, and a void elf with a High elf skin.

I don’t see any down sides to this solution.

players not wanting void elf racials, or the game in quest text calling them void elves. The lack of association of the silver covenent to name a few.

They acted like that because a leader of the blood elves straight up murdered the husband of vereesa in cold blood to get a powerful magical artifact as a weapon. can you trust them when they would do that?

Blizzard has been very vocal about you never getting real high elf’s. The fact they decided to relent this much should Something to be happy about.

Besides, with this change, it’s safe to say you will never EVER get a separate race for them on alliance.

And then the threads will continue to pop up. I guess you don’t get the cookie after all!

Who shot who in the what now?

The group founded on trying to kick out another group due to political leanings, used an attack on a valid military target as an excuse to cleanse Dalaran of the people they had a grudge against because one member of that group, acting outside that group, used the resources of Dalaran to steal a powerful weapon that Dalaran broke its neutrality to secure in the capital of one side of the conflict. Is what I remember happening.

it’s cool, not needed anymore, seems to be part of the lore cause Valleria is actively recruiting existing high elves in the Alliance to get trained in the void elf powers.

AH! a weakness! just in SW you say! yup we can still talk about getting HE’s

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Blood elves are kind of getting cheated here. Can you make it so that blood elves can be red (like blood)? That way they have a shared look but both blood elves and void elves get something cool.

you can tell we’ve been traumatized by this point cause we expect something bad to happen, but no i think it will be okay this time.

ACTUALLY… they are high elves, if you play void elves and go to the void area, you can see BOTH blood elves and High Elves present as new recruits for the Void Elves AND animations of High Elves porting in from Stormwind into the zone to join the recruits to learn void elf powers. Meaning it’s not just the research team from long ago anymore, it’s also High Elves from the Alliance AND Blood elves to boot(that probably don’t like Sylvannas at all or realized they shouldn’t hate all of the alliance…or horde is getting void elves…idk).

Valleria is just like the incoming new high elf recruits into the Void Elves, she is THE Void Elf, and she looks like a normal high elf, cause she is in control, so will the new recruits that are the alliance high elves, justifying normal hair colors too.

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Ehh elves are magic sponges with alot of political diversity thats how I look at it. Sin’dorei-holy*arcane/fel sponge, Ren’dorei-void sponge, Quel’dorei-“eww fel and void gross”. Its more political than an actual 3 separate races honestly. I just think of them as Thessalian elves plain and simple.